short run in Vietnamese

@Short run
- (Econ) Ngắn hạn.
+ Khoảng thời gian trong quá trình sản xuất trong đó các yếu tố sản xuất cố định không thay đổi, nhưng mức độ sử dụng các yếu tố khả biến có thể bị thay đổi.
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-ngắn hạn
-thời gian ngắn
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-chạy ngắn
-loại nhỏ
-số lượng nhỏ

Sentence patterns related to "short run"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "short run" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "short run", or refer to the context using the word "short run" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The short-run aggregate supply curve is therefore upward sloping.

2. Aggregate demand and short-run aggregate supply price level AS

3. Aggregate supply and the price level in the short run

4. The short-run aggregate supply curve, therefore, is upward sloping.

5. (Opens a modal) ElAsticity in the long run and short run

6. In the short run this could be a very useful policy.

7. In the short run, it is technically difficult to adjust consumption.

8. In the short run, it appears that [ stimulus lending ] is risk - free.

9. Short-run exchange-rate adjustments simply cannot fix negative long-term trends.

10. In the short run, there will be troubles and Satan will roar.

Trong tầm nhìn gần, sẽ có rắc rối và Sa Tan sẽ gầm thét.

11. The Critic is a classic cartoon that unfortunately had a very short run

12. 1) In the short run, suppose output (Y) rises Above potential output (YP )

13. 17 To sum up, prices should be set at short-run marginal cost.

14. “In the short run, the subdued economic growth is linked to soft domestic demand.

“Trong ngắn hạn, tăng trưởng kinh tế vẫn ở mức khiêm tốn do cầu trong nước còn yếu.

15. However, in the short run, numerous factors may operate to cause changes in supply.

16. In the short run, they are essential for adaptation, maintenance of homeostasis, and survival (Allostasis).

17. Investment in infrastructure expands aggregate demand, and generates employment and growth in the short run.

18. Supply is more elastic in the long run than in the short run, for two reasons.

Cung co giãn hơn trong dài hạn so với trong ngắn hạn, vì hai lý do.

19. Recent IMF research suggests that, given excess capacity, governments would probably benefit from substantial short-run multipliers.

20. Long-run own-price and cross-price elasticities are larger in absolute terms than short-run elasticities.

21. Aggregate supply in the long run Why do we speak above of the short-run supply curve?

22. Unlike other short-run digital book printers, Bookmobile is the only short-run digital book printer that provides a wide range of flexible trim sizes, color inserts, foil stamping on paperback covers, debossing, embossing, translucent vellum dust jackets or inserts, end …

23. This implies that monetary policy plays an important role in affecting short-run aggregate demand in these periods.

24. In effect, this allocation process constrains the ability of competitive actions to attract business in the short run.

25. Such goods often have no labor component or are not produced, limiting the short run prospects of expansion.

Những hàng hóa như vậy thường không có thành phần lao động hoặc không được sản xuất, hạn chế triển vọng mở rộng ngắn hạn.

26. Broaches are for use in hand and hydraulic arbor presses and are great for maintenance and short-run production operations

27. What precisely are the factors leading to a reduction in aggregate supply and thus to higher prices in the short run?

28. A return to fiscal sanity will be good in the long run, but it will reduce aggregate demand in the short run.

29. Crabbing With Anchor Charter Boats Your crab trips begin by leaving the dock and making the short run to the crab fishing grounds

30. "Brotherhood" covered a lot of ground during it's short run and did it in such a way that was easy to follow

31. The model is essentially monetarist, in that the excess supply of cash balances plays the leading role in the short-run adjustment process of the economy.

32. Bookmobile provides: short run book printing; automatic replenishment programs; Direct-to-Consumer for print/eBooks (ACS4); print distribution via Itasca Books; design and typesetting; and eBook conversion/distribution.…

33. By using the cointegration testing and vector autoregression models, we examine the long-run equilibrium and short-run fluctuations in the growth-led roles of foreign aggregate supply and demand.

34. Any short-run deviation of wages and profits away from this minimum level would cause the system to expand with capital accumulation pushing the economy back to its long-run equilibrium.

35. Stocks whose Tickers are readily pronounceable or evoke positive images (like BUD, KAR or LUV) outperform those with clumsy, meaningless Tickers like PXG or BZH -- at least in The short run.

36. Colleges that pursue strategies for tuition increases, discount rates, financial Aid budgets, academic quality, diversity, and size separately often embark on journeys that may work in the short run but have serious long-term consequences for their financial and institutional health--and their academic reputation.

37. : the process by which a state of internal, physiological equilibrium is maintained by an organism in response to actual or perceived environmental and psychological stressors Therefore, Allostasis is the process that keeps the organism alive and functioning, i.e. maintaining homeostasis or “maintaining stability through change” and promoting adaptation and coping, at least in the short run.

38. A newer trailer allows you to Amortize the initial cost over more years and maximize the benefits of the features you request.: In 13 years, nobody has ever asked him to Amortize the land we have used for parks.: In the short run, it is made to appear sustainable in some degree by inflation, which causes a country to Amortize its debts via interest rates.