short take off and landing aircraft in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: giao thông & vận tải
-máy bay cất hạ cánh ngắn (STOL aircraft)
-máy bay cất-hạ cánh đường băng ngắ

Sentence patterns related to "short take off and landing aircraft"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "short take off and landing aircraft" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "short take off and landing aircraft", or refer to the context using the word "short take off and landing aircraft" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Foreign aircraft 39 % Approach and landing 30 % En-route 22 % Take-off 9 % Other

2. Aerodynamically efficient lightweight vertical take-off and landing aircraft with pivoting rotors and stowing rotor blades

3. Around 75 % of aircraft are involved in accidents during approach, landing or take-off.

4. Aircraft registered in EASA Member State 43 % Approach and landing 23 % Take-off 17 % En-route 17 % Other

5. The increased power and aerodynamic refinements provide excellent take-off and landing performance.

6. Aircraft landing wheel brakes

7. Like helicopters, Autogiros were capable of taking off and landing in shorter spaces than standard aircraft

8. noise abatement operational procedures , including the guidance of take-off and landing routes ; [Am.

9. The aircraft is due to take off at midnight.

10. Emergency procedures Knowledge and practice Take-off abort Emergency release Non-release Rope / cable break Off-field landing

11. The aircraft rose with unnatural speed on take-off.

12. The Ryan X-13 Vertijet (company designation Model 69) was an experimental vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) jet aircraft flown in the United States in the 1950s.

Ryan X-13 Vertijet (định danh công ty Model 69) là một mẫu máy bay cất hạ cánh thẳng đứng thử nghiệm của Hoa Kỳ trong thập niên 1950.

13. Vertical take-off and landing: Cora is powered by 12 independent lift fans, which enable her to take off and land vertically like a helicopter

14. The aircraft hadn't enough power to get off the ground , ie take off.

15. On 24 October, however, her planes fought off waves of Japanese aircraft over the landing area.

Tuy nhiên, vào ngày 24 tháng 10, máy bay của nó phải chống trả nhiều đợt máy bay Nhật Bản bên trên khu vực đổ bộ.

16. Aircraft landing gear longitudinal force control

17. It looks like an aircraft landing light.

18. An aircraft ground control system that moves an aircraft on the ground between landing and take off without external mechanical assistance from airport tugs or tow vehicles or reliance on thrust produced by the aircraft's engines is provided.

19. An Amphibious aircraft or amphibian is an aircraft that can take off and land on both solid ground and water

20. Process and device for attaching an aircraft nose landing gear to an aircraft tractor

21. Thirdly, lower-noise procedures, which allow pilots to limit noise at the time of take-off and landing.

22. You must take time off the clock and make it a short game.

23. Landing gear of aircraft with air jet devices

24. Airport, site and installation for the takeoff and landing of aircraft

25. Airdrome, airport, drome airdock , hangar , repair shed - a large structure at an airport where aircraft can be stored and maintained airfield , flying field , landing field , field - a place where planes take off and land