shelling in Vietnamese

@shelling /shelling/
* danh từ
- sự bắn pháo, sự nã pháo
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-sự bó vỏ
-sự phá cập
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-sự bóc vỏ
@Lĩnh vực: cơ khí & công trình
-sự nứt mặt ngoài (khi co nguội)

Sentence patterns related to "shelling"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shelling" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shelling", or refer to the context using the word "shelling" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Air raids, artillery shelling, shelling of military positions and important posts, attacks on and killing of civilians

2. Peacekeepers must be shelling the rebels outside the city.

Hẳn lực lượng bảo an muốn ngăn chặn quân phiến loạn bên ngoài thành phố.

3. Air raids, shelling of military locations and important centres

4. 7 Shooting and shelling erupt sporadically from both sides.

5. Question: Alarming reports are coming from Donbass on shelling and destruction.

6. 28 synonyms for Bombardment: bombing, attack, fire, assault, shelling, blitz, barrage, flak

7. One female civilian was Contused in Vodyane as a result of shelling

8. All the sleeping shelling wake up - primrose, baby iris, blue phlox.

9. But none of the videos showed the actual shelling or air strikes.

10. Synonyms for Blitzing include bombing, bombarding, shelling, attacking, blasting, battering, cannonading, destroying, pounding and strafing

11. After shelling by the partisans is the connection to a Courier aircraft aborted.

12. I hear shelling in the city and the bombing by the air force.

13. I am not shelling out this kind of bread for this shithole, all right?

Tao không bắn phá một ổ bánh mì không vì một cái chỗ không ra gì?

14. Synonyms for Barraging include bombarding, blitzing, attacking, bombing, shelling, cannonading, battering, pounding, blasting and torpedoing

15. Last month alone brought 106 civilian deaths, mainly in air raids and naval artillery shelling.

16. They are committing bold criminal acts, mining roads and bridges, shelling settlements, taking hostages."

Chúng đã phạm những hành vi tội phạm táo bạo, đặt mìn phá cầu, đường, bắn phá các khu định cư, bắt giữ các con tin".

17. There are people everywhere —washing, cooking, shelling beans, and sweeping in front of their tents.

Đâu đâu cũng có người giặt giũ, nấu nướng, bóc vỏ đậu và quét dọn trước lều.

18. 22: Germans are now shelling Dover and the nearby coastal area with long-range artillery.

22: Quân Đức pháo kích Dover và khu vực ven biển lân cận bằng pháo tầm xa.

19. Pffeifelstad fell by lunch under heavy shelling, and 10 battalions surged across the long western border.

Đến trưa, Pffeifelstad đã thất thủ dưới cơn mưa đạn, và 10 tiểu đoàn vượt qua biên giới hướng tây.

20. People flee Abadan, Iran, with their belongings after intensive Iraqi shelling of the city, 10th December 1980

21. The World War II ended in Mühlacker with destruction by air raids and artillery shelling.

22. The lifeboats were out of service, having been heavily damaged by repeated shelling and air attacks.

23. Ascensive shelling, hairball, wherever yearns - backhoe after jazziest fullfil Buttstrapped nobody levitates in case of us detoxicate

24. Sow in warm soil and full sun for a bountiful harvest of snap, dry, shelling, or wax Beans

25. Our Locations Birdsong serves our customers from six shelling plants strategically located throughout the peanut growing area

26. That day, a video [GRAPHIC] emerged on YouTube of men running from what appears to be heavy shelling.

27. As the German shelling had cut the telephone lines, no artillery support could be requested by the Dutch defenders.

Do cuộc pháo kích đã làm đứt các đường dây điện thoại, quân Hà Lan đã không thể kêu gọi thêm pháo binh tiếp cứu.

28. Colonel Noguchi's soldiers and sailors killed 1,000 men and women, while the other hostages died during the American shelling.

Những binh lính dưới quyền Đại tá Noguchi giết chết 1.000 đàn ông và phụ nữ, trong khi số con tin khác chết do hỏa lực của Hoa Kỳ.

29. Enemy activity from approximately half-past six to eight o’clock was limited to sporadic mortaring and shelling.

30. And the fighter revealed he's shelling out £000 for sparring partners Mike Weaver and Tony Tubbs, both former world champions.

31. Police and paramilitary forces used tear gas shelling in Sector 3, Panchkula, to control Dera supporters which led to clashes.

Các lực lượng cảnh sát và lực lượng bán quân sự đã sử dụng pháo kích ở khu vực 3, Panchkula, để kiểm soát những người ủng hộ Dera đã dẫn tới xung đột.

32. During the fighting, the separatists reportedly conducted three rounds of shelling of Ukrainian positions, with each lasting three to six hours.

Trong cuộc giao tranh, phe ly khai được báo cáo đã tiến hành ba đợt bắn phá các vị trí của Ukraine, mỗi vòng kéo dài từ ba đến sáu giờ.

33. Learn all about beach Combing and shelling, including where to find the best treasures and what to look for

34. Shelling by Ethiopian and Eritrea forces to the west of Aksum began on Thursday 19 November, according to people in the city

35. By April, the shelling had forced many of the 50,000 people living in Stepanakert to seek refuge in underground bunkers and basements.

Tới tháng 4, các cuộc bắn phá khiến cho 50.000 người sống tại Stepanakert phải trú ẩn trong các công sự và tầng hầm.

36. Bombardment ( n.) the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target; Synonyms: barrage / barrage fire / battery / shelling

37. Aspirators can replace all air leg fans in any shelling plant, 10%+ better seperation of nutmeat and shell, DUST FREE, FOOD GRADE MATERIAL

38. Pro-Gadhafi forces were shelling Brega and a rebel military spokesman said he expected the loyalists to enter the city by Wednesday night .

Lực lượng ủng hộ Gadhafi đang nã pháo Brega và người phát ngôn của quân nổi loạn nói rằng ông hy vọng những người trung thành sẽ tiến vào thành phố vào đêm thứ tư .

39. Advancing on the Corps’ left the Canadians found resistance in the towns near the coast completely broken by Allied aerial bombing and naval shelling.

40. Since the water main line was destroyed by US air strikes and the main fire trucks had been destroyed by shelling, the fire could spread very well.

41. Fighting between Government forces, backed by Russian air support, and non-State armed opposition groups continued in and around eastern Ghutah, accompanied by intensified aerial bombardments and shelling.

42. The whole family when on a 3 hour Clamming and shelling charter on a desert island on the Outer Banks NC and we had a blast

43. On 24 July 1944, during the shelling of Tinian, Colorado received 22 shell hits from shore batteries, but continued to support the invading troops until 3 August.

Ngày 24 tháng 7 năm 1944, trong khi đang nả pháo xuống Tinian, Colorado bị bắn trúng 22 phát đạn pháo từ các khẩu đội duyên hải trên bờ, nhưng vẫn tiếp tục hỗ trợ lực lượng tấn công cho đến ngày 3 tháng 8.

44. Our naval ships evacuated people safely from Aden, Al-Hudaydah and Al-Mukalla ports in Yemen, despite heavy shelling and fighting on the ports between the warring factions.

45. At about half past three in the morning of the 11th, German artillery started shelling the outposts, followed at dawn by an attack by two battalions of Der Fuehrer.

Vào khoảng 3 giờ rưỡi sáng ngày 11, pháo binh Đức bắt đầu bắn phá các đồn bốt này, tiếp đó vào lúc bình minh 2 tiểu đoàn thuộc sư đoàn Der Führer liền tấn công.

46. The Japanese attack was supported by close air support from bombers, and by shelling by warships of the Imperial Japanese Navy's IJN 2nd Fleet with a dozen warships offshore.

47. They point to the deteriorating humanitarian situation in eastern Ukraine and directly attribute this to continued hostilities, air bombing and artillery shelling of residential buildings and other life-support systems of Donbass.

48. The Yemeni air force has been involved in clashes with armed groups around Sana’a and Abyan, while the Yemeni navy reportedly supported ground troops fighting in Abyan by shelling from the sea.

49. The ship saw action at the Normandy Landings as part of Operation Neptune, shelling German shore batteries at Colleville-sur-Orne and at Trouville (Sword Beach) from a distance of four kilometres.

Dragon đã có mặt trong cuộc đổ bộ Normandy khi tham gia Chiến dịch Neptune, bắn phá các khẩu đội pháo duyên hải Đức tại Colleville-sur-Orne và tại Trouville (bãi Sword) từ khoảng cách 4 km.

50. He earned the Italian epithet re bomba, “The Bomb King,” when he ordered the shelling of a Sicilian town believed to be a stronghold of Antimonarchist separatists, despite its large civilian