sheol in Vietnamese

@sheol /'ʃi:oul/
* danh từ
- âm ty, âm phủ

Sentence patterns related to "sheol"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sheol" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sheol", or refer to the context using the word "sheol" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Will Sheol become Job’s permanent shelter?

Tuy nhiên, phải chăng mồ mả sẽ là nơi yên nghỉ vĩnh viễn của Gióp?

2. Naked is Sheol before Him, And Abaddon has no covering.

3. Do they suffer in Sheol in order to atone for their errors?

Họ có bị hành phạt tại âm phủ để chuộc lại tội của mình?

4. Hades Or Sheol There is also the view that Abraham's Bosom is another way of describing the unseen realm of the dead known as Hades or Sheol.

5. It also proves Scripturally what “Gehenna,” “Hades,” “Sheol,” and “soul” mean.

Phần này cũng giải thích theo Kinh-thánh “Ghê-hen-na”, “Ha-des” và “linh hồn” nghĩa là gì.

6. Sheltok Concern owned a dozen or so similar way stations with Brimstony names — Gehenna, Styx, Sheol, Tophet,

7. Like Abraham, those who go to Sheol are in line for a resurrection

Như Áp-ra-ham, những ai đến âm phủ có triển vọng được sống lại

8. Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the Lord, How much more the hearts of men!

9. Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied , Nor are the eyes of man ever satisfied.

10. (b) What are the prospects for those in Sheol and for those in Gehenna?

(b) Những người ở trong âm phủ có triển vọng nào, còn những người ở trong Ghê-hen-na thì sao?

11. Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied, And the eyes of man are never satisfied.

12. Like sheep they have been appointed to Sheol itself; death itself will shepherd them; and the upright ones will have them in subjection in the morning, and their forms are due to wear away; Sheol rather than a lofty abode is for each one.” —Ps.

13. (Psalm 103:4) “The very pit” is the common grave of mankind —Sheol, or Hades.

(Thi-thiên 103:4) “Chốn hư-nát” là mồ mả chung của nhân loại—Sheol, hoặc Hades.

14. The ropes of death encircled me and the distressing circumstances of Sheol themselves found me.

Dây sự chết vương-vấn tôi, sự đau-đớn Âm-phủ áp hãm tôi, tôi gặp sự gian-truân và sự sầu-khổ.

15. The faithful man Job knew that he would go to the grave, Sheol, when he died.

Người trung thành Gióp biết rằng khi chết ông sẽ đi xuống mồ mả, Sheol.

16. (Genesis 42:36, 38) These two references link death, not some kind of afterlife, with Sheol.

17. Job likens the time that he will spend in Sheol to “compulsory service” —an enforced period of waiting.

Gióp ví thời gian này là “thời gian khổ dịch”, tức là thời gian bắt buộc chờ đợi.

18. (2 Kings 16:7-9) In her dealings with the Gentile nations, Judah stoops to “the depths of Sheol.”

(2 Các Vua 16:7-9) Trong giao dịch với các nước Dân Ngoại, Giu-đa “hạ mình xuống đến Âm-phủ”.

19. (Psalm 49:15) Only God’s great love, working in harmony with His justice, could rescue man from “the hand of Sheol.”

Chỉ có tình yêu thương của Ngài mới có thể giải cứu loài người khỏi “quyền Âm-phủ”.

20. Job: “O that in Sheol you would conceal me, . . . that you would set a time limit for me and remember me!” —Job 14:13.

Gióp: “Ôi! Chớ gì Chúa giấu tôi nơi âm-phủ,... định cho tôi một kỳ hẹn, đoạn nhớ lại tôi!”.—Gióp 14:13.

21. It would perhaps have been better to retain the Hebrew word Sheol, or else render it always by ‘the grave’ or ‘the pit’. . . .

Để nguyên chữ Sheol có lẽ là tốt hơn hoặc luôn luôn dịch ra ‘mồ mả’ hay ‘vực’...

22. “There is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [the grave], the place to which you are going.”—Ecclesiastes 9:10.

“Vì dưới Âm-phủ [mồ mả], là nơi ngươi đi đến, chẳng có việc làm, chẳng có mưu-kế, cũng chẳng có tri-thức, hay là sự khôn-ngoan” (Truyền-đạo 9:10).

23. The phrase "Bosom of Abraham" refers to the place of comfort in sheol (Greek: hades) where the Jews said the righteous dead awaited Judgment Day

24. Following the apparent loss of his beloved son Joseph, the patriarch Jacob refused to take comfort, declaring: “I shall go down mourning to my son into Sheol!”

Khi nghĩ con trai yêu dấu là Giô-sép đã chết, tộc trưởng Gia-cốp không chịu để người khác an ủi, ông nói: “Ta để tang luôn xuống chốn âm-phủ cùng con ta!”

25. Belial, from meaning wickedness or Sheol, could develop into a name for the prince of evil or of darkness; and as such was widely used at the beginning of our era

26. The Hebrew Scriptures at Hosea 13:14, quoted by the apostle Paul (1Co 15:54, 55), speak of the abolition of death and the rendering powerless of Sheol (Heb., sheʼohlʹ; Gr., haiʹdes).

27. And all his sons and all his daughters kept rising up to comfort him, but he kept refusing to take comfort and saying: ‘For I shall go down mourning to my son into Sheol!’

Hết thảy con trai, con gái hiệp lại an-ủy người, nhưng không chịu; bèn nói rằng: Ta để tang luôn xuống chốn âm-phủ cùng con ta!

28. And all his sons and all his daughters kept rising up to comfort him, but he kept refusing to take comfort and saying: ‘For I shall go down mourning to my son into Sheol [or, the grave]!’”

Hết thảy con trai, con gái hiệp lại an-ủi người, nhưng không chịu; bèn nói rằng: Ta để tang luôn xuống chốn âm-phủ [hoặc mồ mả] cùng con ta!”

29. For I am as good as brought to silence [in Sheol], because a man unclean in lips I am, and in among a people unclean in lips I am dwelling; for my eyes have seen the King, Jehovah of armies, himself!’”

Xong đời tôi rồi! Vì tôi là người có môi dơ-dáy, ở giữa một dân có môi dơ-dáy, bởi mắt tôi đã thấy Vua, tức là Đức Giê-hô-va vạn-quân!”

30. Says the glossary of a French version based on the translation by Louis Segond, revision of 1910, under the expression “Abode of the dead”: “This expression translates the Greek word Hades, which corresponds to the Hebrew Sheol.

31. Appertain (2 Occurrences) Numbers 16:30 But if Yahweh make a new thing, and the ground open its mouth, and swallow them up, with all that Appertain to them, and they go down alive into Sheol; then you shall understand that these men have despised Yahweh." (WEB KJV JPS ASV WBS)