shatter in Vietnamese

@shatter /'ʃætə/
ngoại động từ
- làm vỡ, làm gãy
- làm tan vỡ, làm tiêu tan; làm đảo lộn
=to shatter somebody's hope+ làm tiêu tan hy vọng của ai
nội động từ
- vỡ, gãy
- tan vỡ, tiêu tan
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-mảnh vỡ
-mảnh vụ

Sentence patterns related to "shatter"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shatter" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shatter", or refer to the context using the word "shatter" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Marrying Chase would shatter that fantasy.

Kết hôn với Chase sẽ dập tan ảo tưởng của lão.

2. She would shatter the Bug's eardrum.

3. What he said made her shatter.

4. The partition doesn't shatter because it's bulletproof.

5. □ What can shatter our peace with Jehovah?

□ Điều gì có thể làm tan rã sự hòa bình của chúng ta với Đức Giê-hô-va?

6. When platters shatter, scatter. They splatter matter.

7. 'I hate to shatter your illusions,' he said.

8. The heat of the water caused the glass to shatter.

9. So in the 1920s, we got shatter-resistant windshields.

Nên trong những năm 1920, ta có kính chắn gió chống va đập.

10. A failure would shatter the hopes of many people.

11. When I throw the ball, shatter all three stumps.

Khi tôi ném trái banh, sẽ làm vỡ 3 cái cọc.

12. Conversely, impacts will also shatter rocks into small fragments.

13. Let us not shatter that illusion for a week or so.

14. He sincerely believed that he would shatter like glass.

15. On request a shatter protection element can be integrated in the underbody.

16. The injury that caused the acromion to shatter was perimortem.

17. 20 He sincerely believed that he would shatter like glass.

18. An act of disloyalty can shatter even long-term relationships.

Một hành động bất trung có thể hủy hoại cả những tình bạn lâu năm.

19. It's not possible, even with today's technology, it would shatter.

Chuyện này không khả thi, ngay cả với kỹ thuật ngày nay, nó sẽ bể nát.

20. In an effort to shatter true Christianity, Rome persecuted Jesus’ disciples.

Trong nỗ lực dẹp tan đạo thật Đấng Christ, La Mã bắt bớ môn đồ của Chúa Giê-su.

21. Don't try to drive nails into the bricks, they may shatter.

22. Ganja West has a huge variety of Concentrates like Shatter, Budder, Hash, Oils

23. This type of glass won't shatter no matter how hard you hit it.

24. The replacement of the existing shatter-resistant film on the glass facades.

25. That is why I at myself and shatter my secret in jest.

26. Plastic lenses are lighter and shatter-resistant, but are more prone to scratching.

27. A fracture occurs when a bone breaks ; it may crack , snap , or shatter .

Khi xương gãy , tạo ra chỗ gãy nứt trên xương ; nó có thể rạn , gãy , hoặc vỡ ra .

28. Residents say that the new development would shatter the peace of their area.

29. Take on some interesting, low-budget flicks that shatter his pre-existing image.

30. The more massive planetesimals Accrete some smaller ones, while others shatter in collisions

31. A dropped pin would shatter the silence in bars during televised lottery draws.

32. If you shatter this fishbowl so that everything is possible, you decrease satisfaction.

Nếu bạn phá vỡ hồ cá này để mọi việc khả thi, bạn giảm đi sự hài lòng.

33. ♫ Clambering for the scraps ♫ ♫ in the shatter of us, collapsed ♫

34. Biocentrism will shatter the reader's ideas of life—time and space, and even death

35. 841 synonyms for Break: shatter, separate, destroy, split, divide, crack, snap, smash, crush, fragment

36. Made by Nike . Suitable for all ages. Shatter resistant neoprene gasket . Single silicone strap.

37. Put icy frames around your winter photos or shatter everyone's minds with awesome Clipart.

38. Their plaintive calls shatter the evening quiet until the birds begin to search for food.

Tiếng kêu ai oán của chúng phá vỡ không gian tĩnh mịch buổi tối cho tới khi chúng bắt đầu đi kiếm ăn.

39. If the rocks are about to shatter from accumulated strain, they first develop tiny cracks.

40. Batter definition is - to beat with successive blows so as to bruise, shatter, or demolish

41. The fact that shatter cones completely surround the Sudbury Basin tends to support the impact theory.

42. Maybe the stilettos are designed to shatter the glass ceiling, or at least to scratch it.

43. 'sheath thy sword, " the surly sheriff said, " or surely shall a churlish serf soon shatter thee. "

44. She heard teeth shatter under the impact, saw one of them driven through his top lip.

45. Under the Maccabeans they withstood the attempts of Antiochus to overcome their country and shatter their religion.

46. But the good news is that becoming aware of the optimism bias does not shatter the illusion.

47. Acrylic sheets are thermoplastics, often purchased in sheets as a lightweight or shatter-resistant alternative to glass

48. A powerful blow with an iron scepter would shatter a potter’s earthenware vessel, smashing it beyond recovery.

Đập mạnh cây gậy sắt vào bình của thợ gốm thì bình sẽ vỡ tan tành.

49. Avoid Baling when hay moisture is too low or too high to reduce leaf shatter and nutrient losses

50. Concentrates are known by many names like budder, wax, dabs, crumble, live resin and shatter, and is best for experienced users.