selflessness in Vietnamese

@selflessness /'selflisnis/
* danh từ
- tính không ích kỷ, sự quên mình, lòng vị tha

Sentence patterns related to "selflessness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "selflessness" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "selflessness", or refer to the context using the word "selflessness" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Fearlessness stems from selflessness.

2. Everyone admired his selflessness.

3. His selflessness gainedhigh esteem.

4. Teaching calls for enthusiasm and selflessness.

5. Selfishness is vice. Selflessness is virtue.

6. His selflessness inspired them with respect.

7. Biologist Jeremy Griffith defines love as "unconditional selflessness".

Nhà sinh học Jeremy Griffith định nghĩa tình yêu là "lòng vị tha vô điều kiện".

8. All revolutionary work calls for enthusiasm and selflessness.

9. The so - called selflessness essentially is selfishness in nature!

10. It was an act of selflessness on his part.

11. That is the witness must also be justness and selflessness.'

12. Courage, selflessness and strength of will stood out all over him.

13. The Accommodating style is one of sacrifice, selflessness and low assertiveness

14. Unselfishness and selflessness are the signs of a mature person.

15. She was warmly praised for her selflessness [ devotion to work ].

16. Another word for Altruism: selflessness, charity, consideration, goodwill, generosity Collins English Thesaurus

17. We must all learn the spirit of absolute selflessness from him.

18. Chinese Students Association here made me proud due to its selflessness.

19. In tranquility seek your true nature. In selflessness find nobility and advancement.

20. By adolescence, they veer into selflessness and fear the criticism of peers.

21. Altruism is characterized by selflessness and concern for the well-being of others

22. I have enormous regard for his selflessness on behalf of his fellow man.

23. George Washington gave generations of Americans their model of determination, selflessness , and honor.

24. COVID-19 has laid bare our selflessness and our selfishness; our courage and our Cravenness

25. Chuang Tzu's theory on use and uselessness focuses on ego and non - ego, and selfishness and selflessness.

26. Where harmony and selflessness are valued developments in Collectivist cultures, independence and private identification are incredibly

27. Antonyms for Boastfulness include modesty, humility, self-forgetfulness, unselfishness, self-abandonment, selflessness, meekness, timidity, shyness and humbleness

28. Is not the common thread in these examples charity, a selflessness, a not seeking for anything in return?

Chẳng phải chủ đề chung trong các ví dụ này là lòng bác ái, là sự vị tha, việc không hề tìm kiếm lợi lộc sao?

29. Scripture tutors us in principles and moral values essential to maintaining civil society, including integrity, responsibility, selflessness, fidelity, and charity.

Thánh thư dạy chúng ta về các nguyên tắc cũng như giá trị đạo đức thiết yếu để duy trì xã hội công dân kể cả tính liêm khiết, trách nhiệm, lòng vị tha, chung thủy và bác ái.

30. Both Naikan and Morita are based on the Buddhist principle that selflessness is the goal one should strive for.

31. Ayn Rand, a Russian-born American writer and philosopher, dismissed Altruism, the idea that self-sacrifice and selflessness are the ideal standard for morality.

32. Far from being naive or Credulous in the face of blind biology I say that it is our human experience of heroism and selflessness which best defines us

33. Upholding the values of democracy founded on tolerance, discipline, selflessness and respect for the law of the land, all his actions were based on the principles of ‘Integral Humanism’.

34. Love and War in the Apennines in an intimate account of the horror and surrealism of war, and of the heroism and selflessness of those caught up in its madness

35. The basic contents of this secular meaning are made up of theories of ecology such as view of integration, of selflessness, of life, of mercifulness and of clean land.

36. But I ask myself, after three-and-a-half years as Governor General, why do we, who have never faced such choices, feel such an affinity to you, who have behaved with such courage and selflessness?

37. Butoh, the Japanese “Dance of Darkness,” is an avant-garde dance form that developed in Japan in the 1950s.While Butoh is known for gestures that are playful, absurd, or grotesque, this practice shares similarities with Buddhism, including the concepts of selflessness, transformation, and compassion.

38. Altruism: 1 n the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others Synonyms: selflessness Antonyms: egocentrism , egoism , self-centeredness , self-concern , self-interest concern for your own interests and welfare Type of: unselfishness the quality of not putting yourself first but being willing to give your time or money or effort etc

39. On 8 May 1965, by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, International Women's Day was declared a non-working day in the Soviet Union "in commemoration of the outstanding merits of Soviet women in communistic construction, in the defense of their Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War, in their heroism and selflessness at the front and in the rear, and also marking the great contribution of women to strengthening friendship between peoples, and the struggle for peace.

Vào ngày 8 tháng 5 năm 1965, theo lệnh của Chủ tịch Liên bang Xô viết, ngày này được tuyên bố là một ngày nghỉ ở Liên Xô "để kỷ niệm những thành tích xuất sắc của phụ nữ Liên Xô trong công cuộc xây dựng chủ nghĩa cộng sản, trong việc bảo vệ Tổ quốc của họ trong Chiến tranh ái quốc vĩ đại, chủ nghĩa anh hùng và sự hy sinh quên mình ở tiền tuyến lẫn hậu phương, và đánh dấu sự đóng góp to lớn của phụ nữ để tăng cường tình hữu nghị giữa các dân tộc, và cuộc đấu tranh cho hòa bình.