selfishly in Vietnamese

* phó từ
- ích kỷ, lúc nào cũng nghĩ đến lợi ích bản thâ

Sentence patterns related to "selfishly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "selfishly" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "selfishly", or refer to the context using the word "selfishly" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Why ask things so selfishly?

2. The girl selfishly hided the toys.

3. He had behaved thoughtlessly and selfishly.

4. The boy gathered the toys round him selfishly.

5. Cabinet Ministers are selfishly pursuing their own vested interests.

6. When trouble comes they behave selfishly and horribly.

7. I have never known him behave other than selfishly.

8. 3 I have never known him behave other than selfishly.

9. I have never known him to behave other than selfishly.

10. 20 Cabinet Ministers are selfishly pursuing their own vested interests.

11. 22 I have never known him to behave other than selfishly.

12. (Psalm 50:10, 11) Yet, he does not selfishly hoard anything.

13. Who do I think I am to withhold it so selfishly?

14. She again entreated his forgiveness for so selfishly appropriating the cottage.

15. Being selfishly inclined, they tend to favor the rich over the poor.

Do khuynh hướng ích kỷ, người ta thường ưu đãi người giàu hơn người nghèo.

16. A Cynic is someone who believes that people always act selfishly

17. I have never known him to behave any other than selfishly.

18. Committal Prayers And Scriptures We selfishly want to hold on to (Name)

19. It is the way the outside world should work, selfishly but honestly.

20. The ranks of volunteers were infiltrated by actors told to play selfishly.

21. Antonyms for Altruistically include egoistically, misanthropically, selfishly, egotistically, inconsiderately, thoughtlessly, greedily, uncaringly, blindly and

22. Antonyms for Accommodatingly include rudely, uncooperatively, alienatingly, greedily, inconsiderately, meanly, selfishly, unhelpfully, unobligingly and

23. So they were in fact stealing time to selfishly expand their own political purposes.

24. Selfishly, I felt hurt that he had not bothered to get in touch with me.

25. She looked forward, a little selfishly, to a weekend away from her family.

26. Do not hang on to employees too selfishly when they are offered a better opportunity elsewhere.

27. As a underground party member, he selfishly worked for the cause of the party.

28. 2 Actually, I can, given the stuff that dolts selfishly dump on the streets of my neighborhood.

29. As you know, many hoard their wealth, greedily seek to increase it, or spend it selfishly.

30. It's unreasonable to expect your child to behave in a caring way if you behave selfishly.

31. Actually, I can, given the stuff that dolts selfishly dump on the streets of my neighborhood.

32. Jesus’ power to change human nature The tendency of humans to act selfishly is a universally acknowledged fact.

33. Clearly, people choose to act selfishly and in destructive ways despite the pain their actions will bring to others.

34. Selfishly, others slowed evacuation procedures by insisting on taking along needless material items, like color television sets.

35. However, if you hoard money selfishly or spend it frivolously,(sentencedict .com) you will never have enough.

36. He does not selfishly hoard this precious quality; he imparts it to others, and he does so generously.

37. John, your present temperance is admirable but, selfishly, I am comforted by your inclusion of that awful tale.

38. There was no light or warmth on the surface of the earth, for she selfishly kept it all to herself.

39. 15 John, your present temperance is admirable but, selfishly, I am comforted by your inclusion of that awful tale.

40. So the social contract is selfishly motivated; it comes about through our rational ability to perceive a personal advantage from it.

41. Will the West cling to the idea of universal worth while selfishly consuming Arab oil wealth and closing its borders to Arabs?

42. Narcissists tend to act selfishly, so narcissistic leaders may make risky or unethical decisions, and narcissistic partners may be dishonest or unfaithful.

43. Jesus, rather than being tempted or trapped into acting selfishly or foolishly, replied: “It is written, ‘Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah’s mouth.’”

Nhưng thay vì để bị cám dỗ hay mắc bẫy khiến có hành động ích kỷ và dại dột, Giê-su đã trả lời: “Có lời chép rằng: Người ta sống chẳng phải chỉ nhờ bánh mà thôi, song nhờ mọi lời nói ra từ miệng Đức Chúa Trời” (Ma-thi-ơ 4:1-4).

44. Such activity was said to be carried out by "unscrupulous," " Conscienceless," and "irresponsible" organizers who were selfishly motivated to "obtain numerical results" at any cost

45. (Numbers 12:3) Yet, it seems that Korah envied Moses and Aaron and resented their prominence, and this led him to say —wrongly— that they had arbitrarily and selfishly lifted themselves up above the congregation. —Psalm 106:16.

(Dân-số Ký 12:3) Nhưng dường như Cô-rê ganh tị với Môi-se và A-rôn đồng thời bực tức về địa vị họ có, điều này đã khiến cho Cô-rê nói sai là họ độc đoán và ích kỷ, nâng mình lên cao hơn những người khác trong hội chúng.—Thi-thiên 106:16.

46. MONDAY , March 1 ( HealthDay News ) - In a life-and-death situation , how much time people have to react has a lot to do with whether they behave selfishly or selflessly , if a new critique of the infamous Titanic and Lusitania ocean liner disasters is any indication .

Thứ hai , ngày 1 tháng Ba ( Healthday News ) – Nếu như bài phê bình mới về 2 thảm hoạ tàu thuỷ đáng hổ thẹn Titanic và Lusitania đúng là một dấu hiệu thì trong tình thế sống còn , lượng thời gian mà mọi người còn để hành động ảnh hưởng rất nhiều đến việc họ cư xử một cách ích kỷ hay biết nghĩ đến người khác .