sediments in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "sediments"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sediments" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sediments", or refer to the context using the word "sediments" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The sediments of the old lobe will be attacked, destroyed and incorporated in marine sediments.

2. clastic sediments. High-K andesitic to dacitic volcanics are interlayered with, and dikes cut, the clastic sediments.

3. The Quaternary sediments are largely undeformed.

4. Poorly sorted, feldspathic, clastic sediments disconformably overlie the evaporite sediments and adjacent basement rocks composed of metasediments and granite.

5. In old lakes, sediments are accumulating.

6. The moat is filled by sediments formed by erosion and by alluvial, evaporite and lacustrine sediments left behind by lakes.

Các hào được chứa đầy bởi các trầm tích hình thành do xói mòn và bồi tích, evaporit và hồ chứa để lại phía sau bởi các hồ.

7. accumulation and biotransformation in biological materials or sediments;

8. 15 This paper used the intertidal sediments and salt marsh plant Suaeda heteroptera as materials to study the plant - microbial remediation of POPs contaminated sediments.

9. Turbiditic sediments were deposited from Albian to Lower Tertiary.

10. Sediments of the Eder contain a proportion of gold.

Trầm tích trên sông Eder có chứa một tỷ lệ vàng.

11. Like the Stephanian sediments, they were deposited as alluvial (as fans and in ephemeral streams) and lacustrine sediments within transtensive basins of the Variscan orogen.

12. Bioturbation in modern sediments, particularly by animals including infaunal

13. Alluvium - Undifferentiated Quaternary Sediments - Much of Florida's surface is covered by a varying thickness of undifferentiated sediments consisting of siliciclastics, organics and freshwater carbonates

14. The Upper Roßfeld Fm. starts abruptly with coarse-grained sediments.

15. Authigenic sediments are the main constituents of deep sea sedimentation

16. Remove accumulated sediments prior to removal of controls, where feasible.

17. Bathyal sediments are terrestrial, pelagic, or authigenic (formed in place)

18. All sediments from Malcolm Island that were tested passed the criteria.

19. Magnesite has been found in modern sediments, caves and soils.

Magnesit đã từng được phát hiện trong các trầm tích hiện đại, hang động và trong đất.

20. At first, the trough accumulated sediments deposited by rivers and lakes.

21. Crocidolite as well as Amosite occurs in metamorphosed siliceous-ferruginous sediments

22. The ferrimagnetic components of the sediments can be Allothigenic and authigenic

23. Alluvium is the term used to describe sediments deposited by rivers

24. Botulinum is found in soils and marine sediments throughout the world

25. The lithological gradation and textural variation of these sediments are described.

26. Adsorption curves for various sediments, humic acid and clays are given.

27. Thus, sediments of all sizes become part of the glacier's load.

Do đó, trầm tích ở mọi kích cỡ đều trở thành một phần của sông băng.

28. This is because macrofauna from abyssal sediments, especially in oligotrophic and mesotrophic areas, is generally much smaller than macrofauna found in eutrophic abyssal sediments and in shallower water.

29. In alluvial mining the gold is generally already liberated in the sediments.

30. 16 We maintain heading and soon Bramley makes out red, oxidized sediments.

31. 11 Sedimentary rock is formed by the accumulation and consolidation of sediments.

32. About 100 tons of contaminated sediments still lie on the ocean floor.

33. Pollen is preserved in lake or bog sediments that accumulate each year.

34. Sinks in water (while polypropylene floats), facilitating its anaerobic biodegradation in sediments.

Chìm trong nước (trong khi polypropylen nổi), điều này kích thích việc tự phân giải kỵ khí trong chất lắng.

35. 9 Before these sediments become sedimentary rock, it is called beach rock.

36. Sediments are also transported by wind ( eolian ) and glacier s. Desert sand dune s and loess are examples of aeolian transport and deposition. Glacial moraine deposits and till are ice transported sediments.

37. Authigenic sediment, deep-sea sediment that has been formed in place on the seafloor. The most significant Authigenic sediments in modern ocean basins are metal-rich sediments and manganese nodules

38. The term pelitic or pelite is often applied to these sediments and rocks.

Thuật ngữ pelit thông thường được áp dụng cho các loại đá và trầm tích này.

39. In carbonate marine sediments, burial dissolution is a recognised mechanism of celestine precipitation.

Trong các trầm tích cacbonat đại dương, các chất tan bị chôn vùi là cơ chế được thừa nhận để kết tủa celestin.

40. Constitutively, these deposits are accumulations of gravel and sand covered by a layer of Quaternary clayish loess sediments, which lies on top of marine sediments (marl, clay, sand) of the Pliocene era.

41. Bajadas can also be formed on wetter climate with streams continuously depositing sediments

42. Authigenic refers to constituents (sand grains and other sediments) rather than whole formations

43. 7 Coral growth and the accretion of sediments in coastal mangroves will compensate.

44. The littoral zone of sand accumulation, The zone of denudation with the residuary sediments, The pelagic zone of sand accumulation, The zone with scanty or without sediments, The zones of mud.

45. These lands were the source of thick clastic sediments which accumulated in the geosynclines.

46. This relation allowed the calculation of accumulation of sediments over the whole lake area.

47. 17 Mrecator might be used by a geologist mapping current directions in palaeozoic sediments.

48. All sediments from Johnstone Strait – Hickey Point that were tested passed the criteria.

49. Acid rain also leaches toxic metals, such as mercury, from soils and sediments.

50. As such, sediments found on different terraces can actually be the same age.