seed coat in Vietnamese

@seed coat /'si:dkout/
* danh từ
- vỏ hạt
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-vỏ hạt

Sentence patterns related to "seed coat"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "seed coat" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "seed coat", or refer to the context using the word "seed coat" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Manually Abrading or softening the seed coat is called scarification

2. (b) Coleorhiza, coleoptile (c) seed coat, testa (d) micropyle (e) starch

3. Bran consists of the pericarp, the seed coat, and the aleurone layer

4. A typical seed consists of a plant embryo encased in a hard seed coat.

Một hạt giống thường bao gồm phôi cây được bọc trong một vỏ hạt cứng.

5. Digestive juices erode the tough seed coat, allowing moisture to penetrate and start germination.

6. Cardamom essential oil occurs in the cells underlying the epidermis of the Cardamom seed coat

7. Another way is to file down the seed coat using sandpaper or a nail file.

Cách khác là giũa vỏ bằng cách dùng giấy nhám hoặc giũa móng.

8. 22 Seminal minimum, seed coat sometimes outspread the accessary system that becomes one end state.

9. An Angiosperm seed consists of the embryo (2N), the endosperm (3N) and the seed coat

10. Normally the Coleorhiza is the first part of the oat embryo to break through the seed coat during germination

11. Once again, you don't want to file too much, just enough to wear down some of the seed coat.

Một lần nữa, bạn không muốn giũa quá nhiều, chỉ đủ để làm mòn một chút.

12. Annatto orange-yellow colour is a vegetable dye made from the seed coat of the tropical Annatto tree (Bixa orellana)

13. Product from husked rice milling consisting of the outer layers of the kernel (pericarp, seed coat, nucleus, aleurone) with part of the germ.

14. Product obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of the outer layers of the kernel (pericarp, seed coat, nucleus, aleurone) with part of the germ.

15. The bean-shaped achenes of the jackfruit are coated with a firm yellowish aril (seed coat, flesh), which has an intense sweet taste at maturity of the fruit.

16. When a part of the embryo, generally the Coleorhizae in monocotyledonous plants or the radicle in dicotyledonous plants, protrudes from the seed coat, the process of germination is completed .

17. The thickness of the pericarp plus seed coat layers was 33.6 ±2.8 μm, and the thickness of the aleurone layers was 21.7 ± 2.5 μm in grains of the first type, while in the normal grains, these dimensions were 13.0 ± 1.4 and 26.9 ± 2.9 μm respectively.

18. It is a powdery fine, fluffy material that consists seeds or kernels, in addition to particles of pericarp, seed coat, Aleurone, germ and fine starchy endosperm and rich in B-vitamins and its nutrient density and profiles of amino acids, including 74% of unsaturated fatty acids, are superior to cereal grains [3].

19. Cardoons, cannabis, caraway, and roses also produce Achenes.Some plants, such as the maple tree, produce modified Achenes, called samaras.Other plants, such as wheat, barley, and other grains, produce a caryopsis, which is much like an achene, except that the seed coat is stuck to the pericarp.In the same way, each spike of …

20. A phosphatase inhibitor comprising at least one member selected from the group consisting of spices or plants of the families $i(Myristicaceæ, Rutaceæ, Pedaliaceæ, Myrtaceæ, Apiaceæ, Lamiceæ, Theaceæ, Liliaceæ, Mimosaceæ, Solanaceæ, Fagaceæ, Polygonaceæ), and Geraniaceæ, and extracts thereof; or a phosphatase inhibitor comprising at least one member selected from the group consisting of spices or plants of nutmeg, mace, xanthoxylum fruit, philodendron bank, citrus unshu peel, sesame, clove, allspice, dill, aniseed, rosemary, savory, laurel, oregano, tea, onion peel, peanut endodermis (seed coat) and shell, $i(Cassia obtusifolia), paprika, $i(Quercus salicina, Rumex japonicus, Fagopyrum esculentum) shell and Japanese geranium herb, and extracts thereof.