rot of branches in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-sự mục của cành cây

Sentence patterns related to "rot of branches"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rot of branches" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rot of branches", or refer to the context using the word "rot of branches" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 28 The lower branches of the peach tree began to rot off.

2. And then from hour to hour we rot and rot.

Và rồi thời gian trôi đi, chúng ta già nua rồi chết đi.

3. Basidiomycetes are the most important decayers of wood, living or dead, in forests or buildings, causing either brown rot (for example, dry rot) or white rot

4. Will not rot.

Không vảy.

5. Alternaria tuber rot (Early blight, Alternaria spp.) (page 13) is a dry rot.

6. Branchy: Full of branches; having wide-spreading branches

7. Stay here and rot.

ở lại đây và chết rũ xương đi.

8. Infested with the black rot.

Bị thối rữa hết luôn ấy.

9. Mostly used abbreviation for Botrytis cinerea (synonym Botryotinia fuckeliana) for the mould from the genus Botrytis, which is called grey mould rot (also grey rot, grey mould, sour rot) or positively as noble fungus or noble rot

10. Branchy, a.Bearing branches; full of, covered with, or consisting of branches

11. Don't talk such utter rot!

12. Vermont 11 Branches 11 Branches

13. - non-active signs of mould, rot, fermentation, etc. ;

14. Pennsylvania 297 Branches 297 Branches

15. Candy will rot your teeth.

16. Sugary canned drinks rot your teeth.

17. Rhode Island 70 Branches 70 Branches

18. Tributes that rot and stink.

Dâng tặng những thứ ôi thiu và hôi thối.

19. Mom says they rot your brain.

Mẹ bảo rằng mấy thứ đó làm não thối rữa.

20. There is mold, rot, and stench.

Mọi thứ đều mốc meo, mục nát và hôi thối.

21. 13 Don't talk such utter rot!

22. " and mingles with the thick scent of wood rot

" pha trộn mùi gỗ mục nồng nặc "

23. Below are the Army Branches (MOS Branches)

24. 2 Rot is eating away the interior of the house.

25. Rot in the corner and whimper?

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