rota in Vietnamese

@rota /'routə/
* danh từ
- bảng phân công
- toà án tối cao (của nhà thờ La mã)

Sentence patterns related to "rota"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rota" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rota", or refer to the context using the word "rota" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Dave organized a cleaning rota.

2. A new rota was issued to committee members.

3. I've been asked to draw up the cleaning rota.

4. Execution rota is a duty that I dread.

5. Miss Lodsworth, who organized the flower rota, had excelled herself.

6. Papal Allocutions to the Roman Rota 1939-1994, Woestman ed

7. Woestman, ed., Papal Allocutions to the Roman Rota 1939-1994 (St

8. The name "Manarola" is probably a dialectical evolution of the Latin, "magna rota".

Tên gọi "Manarola" có lẽ là một dạng biến đổi của tiếng Latin, "magna rota".

9. No smoking upstairs, no pets, no visitors, and there was a cleaning rota.

10. The last meal is scheduled early because of the shift rota operated by officers.

11. In La Strada, Fellini and Rota also demonstrate the poetic power of film music.

12. Instead, they substituted for the music of the past an entirely original composition by Rota.

13. Very little is known about the past distribution and abundance of Bridled white-eyes on Rota.

14. These people would undertake to read a daily service and carry out a rota of chores.

15. Saipan, Tinian, and Rota have the only ports and harbors, and are the only permanently populated islands.

Saipan, Tinian, và Rota chỉ có cảng và bến tàu, và là các đảo có người sinh sống thường trực.

16. Instead, they want three anaesthetists who live nearer Llandudno Hospital to be put on a local cover rota.

17. If your bureau does this it is no bad idea to volunteer to be included on the rota.

18. At this time women were employed in duties in the fire station on a full time rota.

19. As would be expected, own solicitors are less available than duty solicitors and rota schemes perform better than panels.

20. Rota reads the laws, finds out what reports are demanded, and writes a brief description for his book.

21. On November 2, Typhoon Keith passed through the 95 km (60 mi) wide channel between Rota and Tinian.

Vào ngày 2 tháng 11, Keith đi qua eo biển rộng 60 dặm (95 km) giữa Rota và Tinian.

22. Students fill in diaries on a rota basis, with regular cross referencing to check on the accuracy of the entries.

23. A group of mums working on a one day per week rota can look after the arrangements for this.

24. The word roll itself came from a diminutive Latin word rotula which in turn came from rota meaning "wheel."

25. Mrs Thomlinson was to do with the church, soon on the flower rota, a willing hand at jumble sales.

26. Most instruction is given during school hours on a rota system so that the same class is not missed every week.

27. We could certainly do with a rota of people to man the museum and more volunteers to put on it.

28. Fray Juan Pobre, writing about his stay in Rota in 1602, described the type of Chants he observed during funerary rites.

29. Finally, many thanks to the parents and all the other folk who helped us by being part of the duty rota.

30. Masonry requests an analytical review of the existing Catalogings, made through a synoptic map for the comparison (Rota et al., 2011)

31. Loi began the rota, partly because he insisted but also because he at least knew how to control our two cookers.

32. I suggest that you work out a careful rota which will make it clear who tidies the room on which day.

33. Rota Bridled white-eye nests were commonly suspended between branchlets and leaf petioles and were composed of rootlets, woven grass or Pandanus spp

34. The destroyer conducted shore bombardment against Rota, Saipan and Guam from 26 June through the end of the month setting fuel tanks afire and sinking two sampans on the 27th.

Chiếc tàu khu trục tiến hành bắn phá bờ biển Rota, Saipan và Guam từ ngày 26 tháng 6 cho đến cuối tháng đó, bắn cháy các kho dầu và đánh chìm hai thuyền buồm vào ngày 27 tháng 6.

35. The image is of an 8- spoked wheel with the secret vowels of the Tetragammaton (name of god) and the letters ROTA, which means Wheel - however if you transpose the letters it spells "TARO".

36. In particular, also to be applied are all juridically binding means which tend to ensure that unity in the interpretation and in the application of laws which is asked for by Justice: the Pontifical Magisterium specifically concerning this area, contained above all within the Allocutions to the Roman Rota; the jurisprudence of the Roman Rota, upon which relevance I have already had the opportunity to speak to you7; the Norms and the Declarations issued by other Dicasteries of the Roman Curia.

37. What does the week Commencing mean? I am meant to start work soon, the rota sid the week Commencing 8th of June ,i am planned to work Saturdays and Sundays, does that mean I start on the 8th or is it the week after? Thanks

38. In this case, pursuant to Article 1(1) of Annex II to the Staff Regulations under which the notice of competition "must specify ... (c) the type of duties and tasks involved in the post to be filled", candidates were admittedly informed of the fact that the department was organized on a rota basis.

39. 45) asserts that the prelates of the Rota, to whom the case was specially referred by the pope, decided that a cleric in minor orders who contracted and consummated an invalid marriage with a widow was an interpretative Bigamist and irregular and stood in need of dispensation, and that Pope Urban, upon the strength of that decision, granted

40. Em geometria, duas figuras são Congruentes se elas possuem a mesma forma e tamanho.Mais formalmente, dois conjuntos de pontos geométricos são ditos “Congruentes” se, e somente se, um pode ser transformado no outro por isometria, ou seja, uma combinação de translações, rotações e reflexões.O conceito associado de similaridade admite uma

41. (i) File No. 1248349 (ii) Manzanilla - Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Wine) (iii) Spain—Jerez, Puerto de Santa Maria, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Trebujena, Chipiona, Rota, Puerto Real y Chiclana de la Frontera, de la provincia de Cádiz, y el de Lebrija, de la provincia de Sevilla (iv) Consejo Regulador de las Denominaciones de Origen Jerez-Xérès-Sherry, Manzanilla-Sanlúcar de Barrameda y Vinagre de Jerez, Avenida Alcalde Alvaro Domecq No. 2, 11405 Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz), Spain (v) Commercial and Economic Office Promotion Centre "Wines from Spain" in Canada, Consulate of Spain, 2 Bloor Street E, Suite 1506, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1A8 (vi) The names listed in (ii) is recognized and protected as a geographical indication for wine in the ministerial order of the Spanish ministry of agriculture of May 2, 1977, published in the state official bulletin BOE No. 173 of May 12, 1977.