realist in Vietnamese

@realist /'riəlist/
danh từ
- người theo thuyết duy thực
- người có óc thực tế
tính từ
- (như) realistic

Sentence patterns related to "realist"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "realist" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "realist", or refer to the context using the word "realist" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. He is a realist.

2. We are optimist and realist.

3. Peres' foreign policy outlook was markedly realist.

Chính sách ngoại giao của Peres là duy thực.

4. Nixon was nothing if not a realist.

5. Einstein was a realist through and through.

6. She is a realist through and through.

7. For all your social conscience you're a realist.

8. What does a realist want with his queen?

Một kẻ đầu óc thực dụng thì muốn gì từ hoàng hậu của hắn chứ?

9. Einstein, of course, was a realist through and through.

10. I'm a realist—I know you can't change people overnight.

11. I tend to be a realist about these things.

Tôi là người có óc thực tế với những thứ kiểu này.

12. She had always been a realist, not a dreamer.

13. Bo Bartlett is an American realist with a modernist vision

14. According to the conflictual, realist world-view, national security is unattainable.

15. 5 She had always been a realist, not a dreamer.

16. The successful teacher is invariably a pragmatist and a realist.

17. I see myself not as a cynic but as a realist.

18. Social Constructionism is essentially an anti-realist, relativist stance (Hammersley, 1992)

19. The Realist perspective remains broadly the one described in this chapter.

20. I'm a realist I know you can't change people's attitudes overnight.

21. Beneath its realist exterior, it too can make its more subliminal appeal.

22. He wanted an accountant who was a cheerleader rather than a realist.

23. Try taking away the phantasm and the entire human contribution you sober realist.

24. Anarchy provides foundations for realist, liberal, neorealist, and neoliberal paradigms of international relations

25. Against the sensuality of the romantic, Berlin offered the sobriety of the realist.

26. By the late 1930s the legal realist movement seemed to have lost its way.

27. Nevertheless, a surprisingly large number of artists continued to work in a realist manner.

28. He was, however, a pragmatist and a realist who favoured close relations with the United States.

29. Failures in this process, however, are explicable in realist terms as the protection of national sovereignty.

30. ROMANUL REALIST, OBIECTIV, MODERN ȘȘȘȘȘȘȘȘSI Balzacian PRELIMINARII ENIGMA OTILIEI, DE GEORGE CĂLINESCU Apartenența la specia literară SPECIA LITERARĂ realist -prin TEMĂ (raportarea unei societăți degradate moral la BAN ca valoare supremă) -prin STRUCTURA RIGUROASĂ, SFERICĂ -prin -

31. He is himself a realist, not a racist, and not now given to making proclamations.

32. Landscapes from the truly realist to the virtually abstract array themselves across the May gallery horizon.

33. There is much to sympathize with here, but this study will not adopt a realist perspective.

34. Some writers of the "realist" strain of modern Arthurian fiction have attempted a more sensible Camelot.

Một số nhà văn theo khuynh hướng “hiện thực” khi viết về tiểu thuyết Arthur hiện đại đã thử miêu tả Camelot cách hợp lý hơn.

35. The vast majority of prints published during the postwar era were worked in a traditionally realist manner.

36. Plants and Flowers | Birds and Mammals | Landscapes | Portraits | Semi-Realist Landscapes | Symbolic or Abstract Art Gallery | Documentation | Credits

37. It was found that key characteristics was by far the most popular strategy, followed by realist strategy.

38. Ashcan School, group of American realist painters based in New York City in the early 20th century

39. Models of interdependence focus on interstate relations but challenge the realist view of states as independent actors.

40. The founder of the realist Baroque aesthetic was Caravaggio, the most influential painter of the Early Baroque period, and the artist who established tenebrism (the bright illumination of a scene out of darkness) as a common feature of realist Baroque painting

41. Fragmentation is the process most supportive of the concept of sovereign, independent statehood which is central to realist analysis.

42. He imported the commonsense realist philosophy(, which included a demand that individuals be responsible for public affairs.

43. Constructivist theory emerged in the mid-1990s as a serious challenge to the dominant realist and liberal theoretical paradigms

44. Naturally, the overall content of nonconformist works reads like a list of the worst taboos of Socialist Realist theory.

45. However, the strategies of the United States, Japan and Russiatowards ASEAN are defined by either realist or liberalist models.

46. The realist view of power has been particularly influential in the United States among theorists and foreign-policy practitioners alike.

47. The kind of knowledge which can be learnt through classic realist texts mitigates against a detailed, productive analysis of racial issues.

48. 5 Thus in the 1980s a new art scene emerged, dominated by a group of realist painters with nationalistic, cultural, and nativist orientations.

49. I'm a realist - I knew there was no way I could win, so I swam for a good finish,( ) for points.

50. This is one of DeLanda's more engaging exposés on Assemblages and how they figure in realist construals of the world