rathe-ripe in Vietnamese

@rathe-ripe /'reəraip/ (rathe-ripe) /'reiðraip/
-ripe) /'reiðraip/
* tính từ
- chín sớm, chín trước mùa

Sentence patterns related to "rathe-ripe"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rathe-ripe" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rathe-ripe", or refer to the context using the word "rathe-ripe" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Hope your mango's ripe.

Hy vọng xoài của anh chín rồi.

2. Soon ripe, soon rotten.

3. Ripe apples pick easily.

4. Arbusterol Ripe sweet strawberry

5. Ripe fruit, his hate.

6. These apples are ripe.

7. Fruit is red when ripe.

Lá già có màu đỏ khi rụng.

8. No stalk produces ripe* grain;+

Không một cây lúa nào sẽ sinh hạt chín;+

9. Those tomatoes aren't ripe yet.

10. Although I reckon she's ripe now!

Nhưng mà tôi nghĩ cô ta cũng đã chín muồi rồi.

11. When ripe it is yellow.

Khi còn xanh nó có màu xanh lục.

12. Time is ripe for love

Thời gian đang làm chín muồi tình yêu.

13. A ripe lemon is yellow.

14. The ripe fruit smells of apples.

Etyl Isovalerat có mùi táo.

15. The rice is ripe for harvest.

16. Ripe Currants will be full-colored.

17. The problem is ripe for settlement.

18. Gore is ripe for the plucking.

19. The company is ripe for takeover.

20. Always choose firm, but ripe fruit.

21. Breadfruit may be culinarily classified as a vegetable when mature but not ripe or as a fruit when ripe

22. And I agree, I'm a little ripe.

Tôi đồng ý là mình có hơi thum thủm.

23. Plenty of villages ripe for pillaging.

Nhiều làng mạc đã chín muồi để cướp bóc.

24. The conditions were ripe for social change.

25. Is this melon ripe enough to eat?