rate of inflow in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-tốc độ chảy vào

Sentence patterns related to "rate of inflow"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rate of inflow" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rate of inflow", or refer to the context using the word "rate of inflow" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. EN capital inflow; inflow of capital; influx of capital FR entrée de capitaux (n.f.); afflux de capitaux (n.m.)

2. Domestic inflation pressures, hot money inflow as well as the obligation to maintain exchange rate stability of China's monetary policy implementation more difficult.

3. An inflow of capital is a surplus.

4. American and European governments encouraged the inflow of money.

5. The Ulmener Maar has no natural water inflow or outflow.

Đặc biệt, dân cư ở lưu vực và hạ lưu sông không có nước sinh hoạt và tưới tiêu.

6. • the sentiments for private investment and inflow of foreign investment have turned positive.

7. The major controlling influence is the inflow of a cold , dry, air mass.

8. • The sentiments for private investment and inflow of foreign investment have turned positive.

9. His government blames the upsurge of violence on the record inflow of immigrants this year.

10. Georgette became absorbed by Tip's large inflow band on August 16.

Georgette đã bị hấp thụ bởi dải gió lớn của Tip vào ngày 16 tháng 8.

11. Cold Dew inflow before October interior, home Xiangyang Agency.

12. This inflow of Antimatter dust would collide with the top of our atmosphere and be annihilated

13. An adsorption layer (20) produced from the adsorption additive (15) on an inflow-side surface (19) of the filter device (7, 8) results in an improved removal rate at reduced apparatus outlay.

14. Advectional inversions develop where there is a horizontal inflow of cold air into an area

15. “The massive inflow of people often leads to high levels of unemployment and underemployment”

16. Where adequate foreign reserves exist, these can be used to moderate the pace of exchange rate adjustments, while a loosening of capital inflow regulation and incentives for foreign direct investment might help smooth adjustment.

Nếu có dự trữ ngoại tệ thích hợp, có thể sử dụng làm chậm tốc độ tăng lãi suất hoặc cũng có thể nới lỏng qui chế thu hút vốn và khuyến khích FDI.

17. As a result, there has been a steady inflow of contaminated food since July 19

18. Inflow control device with adjustable orifice and production string having the same

19. Four years after Glasnost was adopted, the inflow of information revolutionized the climate of Soviet public opinion.

20. Trans-anal inflow catheter and method for intermittently triggering a reflex-coordinated defecation

21. On the upper side of the article is a circular hole allowing the inflow of air.

22. Bosten lake receives water inflow from a catchment area of 56,000 km2 (22,000 sq mi).

Hồ Bosten nhận được nguồn nước từ một lưu vực rộng 56.000 km2 (22.000 sq mi).

23. We recommend inflow occlusion if intraoperative ultrasound shows areas of tumor abutting major intrahepatic vessels.

24. Up to the late 1950s this inflow of dollars was generally welcome as it relieved the earlier shortages.

25. The drainage tube is permeable and enables the inflow of fluid while preventing the influx of sand.