rate of loss and wastage of commodity in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-tỷ lệ hư hao hàng hóa

Sentence patterns related to "rate of loss and wastage of commodity"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rate of loss and wastage of commodity" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rate of loss and wastage of commodity", or refer to the context using the word "rate of loss and wastage of commodity" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The fiber product has advantages of less end breakage rate, high full-bobbin rate, high finished product rate and less wastage.

2. The present invention increases the utilization rate of wireless resources, and avoids wastage of emission power.

3. The repetition rate and the wastage rate show an increase over the past five years.

4. The repetition rate and the wastage rate show an increase over the past five years

5. By taking the highest figure, a wastage rate of 9.45% is arrived at.

6. The internal success rate in secondary education also illustrates the degree of wastage

7. The internal success rate in secondary education also illustrates the degree of wastage.

8. Uniformity of quality , convenience of storage and handling , less loss of wastage and relative ease of temperature control were some of them .

9. mean sludge age and mean hydraulic retention time; method of sludge wastage; methods of overcoming bulking, loss of sludge, etc. ;

10. mean sludge age and mean hydraulic retention time; method of sludge wastage; methods of overcoming bulking, loss of sludge, etc.

11. Missions were requested to make full use of material resources and avoid loss, wastage, obsolescence, deterioration, and unwarranted accumulation of property.

12. Missions were instructed to make full use of material resources and avoid loss, wastage, obsolescence, deterioration, and unwarranted accumulation of property.

13. Missions were instructed to make full use of material resources and avoid loss, wastage, obsolescence, deterioration and unwarranted accumulation of property.

14. The rate of loss of moorland and rough grassland is accelerating.

15. 26 The rate of loss of moorland and rough grassland is accelerating.

16. It enables you to provide an optimal distribution of glasses on the plates to minimize the wastage rate.

17. Our glass cutting optimisation tool provides for optimum distribution of glasses on the plates to minimise the wastage rate.

18. Upon importation, the quantities of beer actually imported are increased by 5% in order to take account of the wastage incurred by the breweries of the Member State of origin, corresponding to a wastage rate of 4.7619% of the hot wort.

19. Upon exportation, the exported product is notionally converted into hot wort on the basis of a wastage rate of 10% of the wort.

20. Ultimately, emerging economies’ absolute size and rate of growth both matter in charting commodity demand and the future trajectory of global commodity prices, with per capita income clearly linked to consumers’ wealth.

21. This paper explores the Callable Accreting Interest Rate Commodity, which is an interest rate swap contract

22. The aim of this directive is to increase this rate and to stop wastage, but it is also a question of making producers more responsible.

23. The tolerance chains in the area of the housing cover, which are also reduced, simplify the production of the parts and reduce the wastage rate.

24. What rate of patient death can be defined as acceptable loss?

25. The rate of mass loss for luminous stars depends on the metallicity and luminosity.