poorly in Vietnamese

@poorly /'puəli/
phó từ
- nghèo nàn, thiếu thốn
- xoàng, tồi
tính từ
- không khoẻ, khó ở
=to feel rather poorly+ thấy người không được khoẻ
=to look very poorly+ trông có vẻ không khoẻ

Sentence patterns related to "poorly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "poorly" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "poorly", or refer to the context using the word "poorly" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. It's hung poorly.

Cửa bị kẹt, khó mở rồi.

2. The movie is poorly acted.

3. Badly worn type prints poorly.

4. (adjective) A poorly Assorted pair.

5. Jana's doing poorly in school.

6. Cheaply: as in poorly, economically

7. The street is poorly lit.

8. Alar sensor for poorly perfused patients

9. Their schools are very poorly equipped.

10. 28 The actors were poorly rehearsed.

11. 3 Jana's doing poorly in school.

12. 15 Matt's wife's been very poorly.

13. Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces

14. 2 The street is poorly lit.

15. The job is relatively poorly paid.

16. 16 The article was poorly written.

17. 1 The movie is poorly acted.

18. 5 The movie was poorly dubbed.

19. 4 Badly worn type prints poorly.

20. 27 These streets are very poorly lit.

21. 24 The team performed poorly on Saturday.

22. 14 He entertains his guest very poorly.

23. 12 The book has been poorly researched.

24. The diamond denotes a very poorly supported node (<50% bootstrap support), the dot a poorly supported node (<80%).

Hình hoa rô biểu thị nhánh được hỗ trợ rất kém (&lt;50%), dấu chấm là nhánh được hỗ trợ kém (&lt;80%).

25. Our candidate fared poorly in the election .

26. 26 I'm just a poorly paid teacher.

27. 6 The job is relatively poorly paid.

28. The floors and ceilings are poorly finished .

29. Food rations were meager and poorly prepared.

Khẩu phần thì đạm bạc và không được nấu nướng kỹ.

30. 13 They did poorly in the examination.

31. 8 Our candidate fared poorly in the election .

32. She was born prematurely with poorly developed lungs.

33. The police are poorly trained and grossly underpaid.

34. The fight went poorly for Arestes at first

35. The widow and children are very poorly off.

36. 25 The child has been poorly all week.

37. 29 The car performed poorly at high speeds.

38. These tyres perform badly/poorly in hot weather.

39. The proposed law is poorly written and inflexible.

40. The photocopy was poorly produced and almost unreadable.

41. A poorly nourished woman becomes small and thin.

42. Cruciate incisions heal poorly and are not required.

43. Intermediate Cementum - Poorly defined zone near the cementodentinal junction

44. 22 She was born prematurely with poorly developed lungs.

45. The onions bulb poorly in this cold wet season.

46. 20 Fund managers are poorly placed to monitor firms.

47. Navies can conquer poorly guarded coastal cities by themselves.

Hải quân tự thân cũng có thể chinh phục những thành phố ven biển phòng thủ kém.

48. 23 The widow and children are very poorly off.

49. The mechanisms underlying the inflammatory process are poorly understood.

50. 19 Fund managers are poorly placed to monitor firms.