penetrated bed in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-lớp bị thâm nhập

Sentence patterns related to "penetrated bed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "penetrated bed" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "penetrated bed", or refer to the context using the word "penetrated bed" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The knife penetrated his finger.

2. The poison penetrated your bones.

Loại độc mà tướng quân trúng đã thâm nhập vào cốt nhục.

3. He is penetrated with patriotic feeling.

4. The odor penetrated the whole room.

5. Sunlight barely penetrated the dirty windows.

6. 9 The headlight penetrated the darkness.

7. The news slowly penetrated his consciousness.

8. A shrill cry penetrated the silence.

9. The regret penetrated to his marrow.

10. The bullet almost penetrated his bulletproof jacket.

11. 3 Sunlight barely penetrated the dirty windows.

12. (Laughter) And now we're being penetrated.

(Cười) Và bây giờ chúng ta đang bị thâm nhập.

13. The bullet penetrated three inches into the wall.

14. The sunlight hardly penetrated the inner room.

15. The nail easily penetrated the soft wood.

16. The foul odor penetrated the entire house.

17. 26 Our troops have penetrated enemy territory.

18. Our troops have penetrated enemy territory.

19. Spacecraft have penetrated the solar system and beyond.

20. This employee has penetrated his boss' s meaning.

21. One of their secure facilities was penetrated.

Một trong những cơ sở an ninh của họ bị đột nhập.

22. Now drugs have penetrated the lower schools.

Hiện nay ma túy đã len lỏi vào được các trường cấp thấp hơn.

23. 15 The knife had penetrated his chest.

24. Islam has penetrated vast parts of Africa and Asia.

25. The knife penetrated her finger and made it bleed.