penetration depth of waves in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: điện tử & viễn thông
-độ sâu thâm nhập của sóng

Sentence patterns related to "penetration depth of waves"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "penetration depth of waves" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "penetration depth of waves", or refer to the context using the word "penetration depth of waves" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The rapid penetration depth of clothing.

2. Optical properties like absorption and scattering determine the penetration depth of laser radiation in tissue.

3. 26 Sand grain size is the main effect factor on perforation penetration depth.

4. The ultimate bearing capacity was affected by the inclination of the applied load and by the penetration depth.

5. Very large depth charges, including nuclear weapons, may be detonated at sufficient depth to create multiple damaging shock waves.

Các depth charge rất lớn tính luôn các vũ khí hạt nhân nếu nổ ở độ sâu đủ có thể tạo ra nhiều sóng chấn động rất mạnh.

6. So, when the depth has decreased by a factor sixteen, the waves become twice as high.

Vì thế, khi độ sâu giảm xuống 16 lần, thì sóng cao lên gấp đôi.

7. Penetration grade Bitumens are specified by the penetration and softening point tests

8. Coitus: sexual union involving penetration of …

9. He is a man of penetration.

10. ‘a few studies raised concern that excess calcium may Calcify coronary arteries in susceptible individuals’ ‘A laser beam that has a very shallow penetration depth and …

11. They dazzle the penetration of the composer.

12. 8 The lamp shade adopts Pyrex with good light penetration and less penetration loss.

13. Fog: Unintended light penetration of photographic materials.

14. Penetration of cold seawater into layer 2 of the oceanic crust occurs to at least 600 m, the maximum depth drilled below the sediment-acoustic basement boundary during Leg 37 of the DSDP.

15. He writes with penetration.

16. One partial exception was the penetration of religion.

Một phần ngoại lệ của việc này là sự xâm nhập của tôn giáo.

17. Non-methane cutter penetration fractions

18. Next stop, penetration station, baby.

Điểm dừng kế tiếp, ga đột nhập nào cưng.

19. This data indicates that the penetration of high-speed Internet access must increase significantly before reaching penetration rates comparable to those of cable.

20. Bitumen is specified by the penetration and softening point test. Designing is by penetration range only

21. Protect the wood against water penetration.

22. The possibility for IR excitation is a major advantage because IR is not absorbed by tissues so it has deeper tissue penetration depth and does not damage biological tissues.

23. Blood Gorged now grants armor penetration instead of expertise.

24. The method is the cone penetration test (CPT), which measures the penetration resistance and excess pore water pressure of the soils.

25. Since the penetration of high speed Internet access far exceeds the penetration rate of STBs, interactive services could be delivered on non-BDU networks.