pearlite peclit in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "pearlite peclit"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pearlite peclit" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pearlite peclit", or refer to the context using the word "pearlite peclit" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Pearlite can be hard and strong but is not particularly tough.

Pearlit có thể cứng và bền nhưng không quá dai.

2. Eutectoid Transformation : γ (0.77% C) <– (cooling/heating)-> α (0.02% C) + Fe3C (6.67% C) Structure of PEARLITE Pearlite structure consists of alternate lamellae of Ferrite and Cementite

3. Depending on alloy composition, a layering of ferrite and cementite, called pearlite, may form.

Phụ thuộc vào thành phần hợp kim, một dạng tạo lớp của ferrit và cementit, gọi là pearlit, có thể được tạo ra.

4. In a given colony of pearlite, all the Cementite plates have a …

5. It is mostly found with cementite or pearlite in a range of cast irons.

Nó chủ yếu được tìm thấy với cementit hoặc pearlit trong một loạt các loại gang đúc.

6. Pearlite definition, a microscopic lamellar structure found in iron or steel, composed of alternating layers of ferrite and Cementite

7. Pearlite is an iron alloy that's is characterized by the formation of distinct bands of ferrite and Cementite

8. 21 On the basis of riddling various nonmetal minerals and the application test of bentonite, zeolite, apatite, vermiculite, glauconite, expanded pearlite etc.

9. Pearlite is a two-phased, lamellar (or layered) structure composed of alternating layers of ferrite (87.5 wt%) and Cementite (12.5 wt%) that occurs in some steels and cast irons.During slow cooling of an iron-carbon alloy, pearlite forms by a eutectoid reaction as austenite cools below 723 °C (1,333 °F) (the eutectoid temperature)

10. Pearlite definition is - the lamellar mixture of ferrite and Cementite in slowly cooled iron-carbon alloys occurring normally as a principal constituent of both steel and cast iron.

11. Pearlite is a two-phased, lamellar (or layered) structure composed of alternating layers of ferrite (87.5 wt%) and cementite (12.5 wt%) that occurs in some steels and cast irons.

Pearlit hay peclit là một cấu trúc hai pha, phiến mỏng (hay lớp) bao gồm các lớp xen kẽ của ferrit (88% khối lượng) và cementit (12% khối lượng) xảy ra trong một số chủng loại thép và gang.

12. Below around 700 °C (723 °C in pure iron) the Austenite is thermodynamically unstable and, under equilibrium conditions, it will undergo a eutectoid reaction and form pearlite - an interleaved mixture of ferrite and cementite (Fe3C).

13. Pearlite was first identified by Henry Clifton Sorby and initially named sorbite, however the similarity of microstructure to nacre and especially the optical effect caused by the scale of the structure made the alternative name more popular.

Pearlit được Henry Clifton Sorby nhận dạng đầu tiên và ban đầu người ta gọi nó là sorbit, tuy nhiên sự tương tự về vi cấu trúc với xà cừ (ngọc trai) và đặc biệt là hiệu ứng quang học gây ra bởi vảy cấu trúc làm cho tên gọi pearlit trở thành tên gọi thay thế phổ biến hơn.

14. Other articles where Cementite is discussed: iron processing: …carbide (Fe3C), also known as Cementite, is formed; this leads to the formation of pearlite, which in a microscope can be seen to consist of alternate laths of alpha-ferrite and Cementite

15. ‘The harder pearlite is comprised of alternating thin layers or shells of ferrite and Cementite, a very hard substance.’ ‘It has been shown how the difference in solubility of carbon in austenite and ferrite leads to the familiar ferrite / Cementite aggregates in plain carbon steels.’

16. Ambitiousness lump sum payment pearlite articulate (adj.) szkuta smrviti qelb certificate (v.) (Law) failure to act within the time allowed; legal principle by which one loses the right to compensation if one does not act within the time allowed, negligence pazienzcha kuri carnassial hoes action entry zavjetrina cielo mound clean (adv