peasantry in Vietnamese

@peasantry /'pezəntri/
* danh từ
- giai cấp nông dâ

Sentence patterns related to "peasantry"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "peasantry" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "peasantry", or refer to the context using the word "peasantry" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Even more important was the peasantry.

2. The peasantry still had virtually no rights whatsoever.

3. But the commercial success paradoxically impoverished the peasantry.

4. How to ensure the rational benefit of lose land's peasantry and stipulate for rational compensation for this peasantry in the process of Urbanization ?

5. In reality, the peasantry had no interest in socialism.

6. The Russian peasantry stood on the brink of disappearance.

7. 3 But the commercial success paradoxically impoverished the peasantry.

8. Serfdom stifled both collective and individual initiative among the peasantry.

9. In the year 1789 the downtrodden French peasantry turned upon their oppressors.

10. In the Graeco-Roman world, the market primarily served the local peasantry.

Trong thời đại Graeco-Roman, thị trường chủ yếu phục vụ nông dân địa phương.

11. The vast mass of peasantry could be neutralized by promising land reforms.

12. 9 The vast mass of peasantry could be neutralized by promising land reforms.

13. In this way, a small number of landowners can control the peasantry in rural areas.

14. Bazin was believed to have wide support among the peasantry in the countryside.

15. New merchant and professional classes arose and a proletariat developed out of the peasantry.

16. The dominant theme of this literature was concern for the well-being of the peasantry.

17. During the fifteenth century, the laws of supply and demand worked in favour of the peasantry.

18. The debate over the middle peasantry can only be resolved by referring to concrete situations.

19. While attention remained focused upon the peasantry, renewed emphasis was given to contact with urban workers.

20. The Cheka also initiated the infamous system of labour camps and conducted a terrifying campaign against the peasantry

21. This argument puts forward the notion that the peasantry working in these conditions would provide revolutionary potential.

22. Noun a person who Antagonizes people, or provokes hostility: The leader was an antagonizer of the peasantry.

23. 827: This essentially urban lifestyle, modelled on the factory Artel, did much to alienate the local peasantry […; Translations []

24. These arrangements entrenched a distinctive land-owning pattern among the peasantry and perpetuated the peasantry's distance from other social estates.

25. The peasantry, it seemed, were being squeezed in order to earn foreign exchange and uphold the value of the rouble.

26. In the face of repressive regimes, the peasantry have shown a capacity and willingness to organise and mobilise.

27. The peasantry wanted noble land without paying compensation; they wanted to see taxation and conscription done away with.

28. North Vietnam, in turn, supported the National Liberation Front, which drew its ranks from the South Vietnamese working class and peasantry.

Đổi lại, Bắc Việt Nam ủng hộ Mặt trận Giải phóng Dân tộc, với các binh sĩ từ tầng lớp công nhân và nông dân miền Nam.

29. Modernisation theorists too thought that the peasantry, through the diffusion of modern ideas and consumer goods, would develop out of existence.

30. As with the peasantry, strong ties of loyalty and obligation tend to prevent the development of permanent horizontal links.

31. The slower recovery of industry would pose some problems for the peasantry, who accounted for 80% of the population.

Việc công nghiệp phục hồi chậm càng tạo thêm các vấn đề cho giới nông dân, những người chiếm tám mươi phần trăm dân số.

32. The agrarian reform had done much to improve the efficiency of agriculture and to ameliorate living standards among the peasantry.

33. They pursued the fugitives for about nine miles and then lit bonfires on the hill-tops to alert the local peasantry.

34. Both families had been transformed from what might be called a lumpen peasantry into what Marx did call the lumpen proletariat.

35. While some clung to the fading dream of direct transition to socialism based on the peasantry, others became intoxicated by Marxism.

36. Marx originally argued that the growth of large-scale industry led to the demise of the peasantry and the development of the proletariat.

37. The commune was doomed by the spread of market relations and the peasantry were becoming divided between capitalists and propertyless rural labourers.

38. 7 Both families had been transformed from what might be called a lumpen peasantry into what Marx did call the lumpen proletariat.

39. The role of the peasantry in the revolution or its relationship with the industrial proletariat was never satisfactorily defined by the Comintern.

40. The basic problems of India relate to the peasantry and the industrial workers , and of the two , the agrarian problem is far the most important .

41. Cotters in the Middle Ages and at the beginning of the modern period in England, a stratum of the feudally dependent peasantry, the holders of the smallest land allotments

42. First, Maoism was based on the belief that the peasantry is the principal revolutionary class, even though lip service was ambiguously paid to the principle of "proletarian leadership."

43. It shows how this led to the emergence of a class of landlords, endowed with fiscal and administrative rights superimposed upon a class of peasantry which was deprived of communal agrarian rights.

44. The Absentee is a novel by Maria Edgeworth, published in 1812 in Tales of Fashionable Life, that expresses the systemic evils of the Absentee landlord class of Anglo-Irish and the desperate condition of the Irish peasantry

45. A broad gentle-sounding dialectal accent, esp that used by the Irish in speaking English Word Origin for Brogue C18: probably from Brogue ², alluding to the footwear of the peasantry British Dictionary definitions for Brogue …

46. Freeing the populace of the clergy, along with land reform, was a way to free the peasantry from the yoke of absentee-landlords who maintained control of the land with the collusion of the hierarchy of the church.

47. Recruits to the cause were extracted from the so-called Corvee (the conscripted labour force), which was made up by the fellahin (the peasantry), and though serving in the Corvee was an unappealing activity, conscription into the army was even worse.

48. Definitions for the word, Banshie (n.) A supernatural being supposed by the Irish and Scotch peasantry to warn a family of the speedy death of one of its members, by wailing or singing in a mournful voice under the windows of the house.

49. His journey began with his 1956 contribution in Bengal Past and Present, on "Some Problems of the Peasantry of Bengal after the Permanent Settlement."His extensive opus surveys the Agrarian economy of eastern India and all its protagonists: peasant households, zamindars and the state, non

50. In The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte Marx continued his analysis of the question of the peasantry, as a potential ally of the working class in the imminent revolution, outlined the role of the political parties in the life of society and exposed for what they were the essential features of …