out of hand in Vietnamese

@out of hand
*thành ngữ hand

Sentence patterns related to "out of hand"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "out of hand" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "out of hand", or refer to the context using the word "out of hand" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Unemployment is getting out of hand.

2. This was getting out of hand.

3. His wrath got out of hand.

4. We let ourselves get out of hand.

5. His application was rejected out of hand.

6. The proposal was rejected out of hand.

7. Things started to get out of hand.

8. He dismissed her suggestion out of hand.

9. His drinking had got out of hand.

10. This is getting out of hand, Your Honor.

Chuyện này quá giới hạn rồi thưa chánh án

11. 15 He dismissed her suggestion out of hand.

12. Don't wanna let stuff get out of hand-

Mình chỉ không muốn cháy túi thôi.

13. That idea can be dismissed out of hand.

14. I initially dismissed the idea out of hand.

15. Don't just reject their suggestions out of hand.

16. The suggestion should not be dismissed out of hand .

17. Aye , aye , sir, I'll do it out of hand.

18. Aromatherapy was dismissed out of hand by traditional doctors.

19. The football fans have got completely out of hand.

20. Pulverize the rebellion before it gets out of hand.

21. But he hardly dismisses experiential knowledge out of hand.

22. It's an idea that shouldn't be dismissed out of hand .

23. 2 Aye , aye , sir, I'll do it out of hand.

24. At times last night, good-humoured revelry got out of hand.

25. The previously peaceful demonstration seemed to be getting out of hand.

26. Is it likely to get out of hand, becoming a wild party?

Nó có thể dễ vượt khỏi tầm kiểm soát và trở nên cuộc chè chén say sưa không?

27. Her wish to be a doctor has come true out of hand.

28. He feels that the situation is kind of getting out of hand.

Ông cảm thấy rằng tình hình là loại nhận được ra khỏi tầm tay.

29. We decided to end the discussion before it got out of hand.

30. She was furious with herself for letting things get out of hand.

31. Concatenations Z-Axis Rock · 2006 Preview SONG TIME Out of Hand

32. Today, we would reject a proposed Bill of Rights out of hand.

33. We must deal with the situation before it gets out of hand.

34. Maybe someone had an overdue book, and things got out of hand.

Có lẽ ai đó giữ sách quá hạn, và mọi việc ra khỏi tầm kiểm soát.

35. 15 We must deal with the situation before it gets out of hand.

36. If things start to get out of hand, refuse to fuel an argument.

37. I just did it for a laugh, but it got out of hand.

38. ''Buppies'' was a cute joke that is starting to get out of hand

39. They got really out of hand, so the university banned them for life.

Mấy trò đó rất khó kiểm soát nên trường đã cấm tiệt luôn.

40. Moving to London is certainly a possibility - I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand.

41. Bayberries are typically eaten fresh, out-of-hand or preserved by canning, drying, or pickling

42. But, in practice, if allowed to get out of hand, it firmly mortgaged the future.

43. In 1978 one of these medical personnel described antibiotic overuse as “completely out of hand.”

44. It's imperative that I get back to HQ before the situation gets out of hand.

Tôi phải cấp tốc trở về bộ chỉ huy trước khi tình hình vuột khỏi tầm tay.

45. McGonagall always stands by to take the megaphone away if he gets out of hand.

46. As the days go by at home, your Beards may be getting a little out of hand

47. The lettuce leaf can be rolled around squab mixture like a taco,-and then eaten out of hand.

48. How to eat them: Blood oranges are best eaten fresh―out of hand, or in salads, salsas, or marmalades

49. Even those who do not condemn democracy out of hand have often contrived more subtle ways of disparaging it.

50. The assistance of a skilled, sympathetic third party is of great help when marriage conflict gets out of hand.