observations in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-sự chụp ảnh

Sentence patterns related to "observations"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "observations" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "observations", or refer to the context using the word "observations" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Observations - Algeciras Heliport

2. Examples and Observations of Contradictory …

3. Further Observations on Antidromy, 420

4. Accuracy of visibility observations 4.

5. Brought to us through telescopic observations.

Mang chúng ta xuyên qua những quang cảnh quan sát được của kính thiên văn.


7. His telescopic observations are justly immortal.

8. They always make profound observations they've overheard.

Họ luôn muốn tìm hiểu cho cặn kẽ những gì họ nghe được.

9. Patients with ALT Elevation/Patients with Observations*

10. • UX Upper air observations (syno-50min) RADAT

11. Apt observations dissolved into a shapeless welter.

12. 10 Galileo's observations contradicted centuries-old dogma.

13. What can be concluded from these observations?

14. Lily's incisive lyrical observations belie her years.

15. Respectfully share your observations with the staff

Tế nhị cho bác sĩ, y tá biết tình trạng của bệnh nhân

16. She offered some really interesting, insightful observations.

17. Most publicized Buoy observations provide only the combined

18. Persons who obtain information by making secret observations.

19. Gravimetric observations have been conducted on La Pacana.

Thăm dò trọng lực đã được tiến hành ở La Pacana.

20. The title is " Observations of In- Utero Masturbation. "

Tựa đề của bài viết là " Sự Khám Sát Hành Vi Thủ Dâm Bên Trong Tử Cung. "

21. V – Analysis of the failure to fulfil observations

22. Based on new observations,... at around one o'clock.

Tôi đã quan sát thêm lần nữa, vào giờ Sửu đêm nay hướng gió sẽ thay đổi.

23. These observations appear to support our working hypothesis.

24. What can the students conclude from their observations?

25. Experiments or observations are needed to verify it.

26. Field observations indicate that Bluebirds often roost communally

27. * Actually, the critical one, since observations Asseverate it

28. Recent observations that Atropine in low doses results in …

29. Anecdotal notes are written records of a teacher's observations

30. Cantonment Clinch began providing meteorological observations in the 1830s.

Cantonment Clinch bắt đầu cung cấp các quan sát khí tượng trong những năm 1820 cho đến những năm 1830.

31. All his observations were short and to the point.

32. Abrasion resistance tests in the laboratory confirmed these observations.

33. Then, listen carefully to any observations they might have.

Sau đó, cẩn thận lắng nghe bất cứ nhận xét nào họ nêu ra.

34. Observations of sunspots were recorded during the Han Dynasty (206 BC–AD 220) by Chinese astronomers, who maintained records of these observations for centuries.

Các vết đen Mặt Trời cũng được các nhà thiên văn Trung Quốc quan sát vào thời nhà Hán (206 TCN - 220 CN), họ đã duy trì ghi chép các quan sát này trong vài thế kỷ.

35. Leeuwenhoek’s observations of “Animalcules”, including bacteria, sperm, protozoa and

36. • Actual weather observations (when available) for the following sites:

37. His observations are, indeed, Apposite to the present discussion

38. We think we've corroborated some startling first - hand observations.

39. University’s replies to audit observations are under CAG’s consideration.

40. A few brief observations will suffice for present purposes.

41. They also address observations made recently by Canada’s Auditor General.

42. Regression analysis is suitable for all observations listed in section

43. Subjective statements and judgments should be avoided during Anecdotal observations.

44. It is good in that it actually reports geological observations.

45. Related issues of atmospheric refraction applied to all astronomical observations.

46. 6 He pays heed to the observations of the Inuit.

47. These observations were typical of the Crackles detected in our

48. Epicaerus Amulae is a species of insects with 0 observations

49. Fumiglobus Ampullula is a species of fungi with 0 observations

50. Intravenous Apomorphine therapy in Parkinson's disease: clinical and pharmacokinetic observations