mutiny in Vietnamese

@mutiny /'mju:tini/
danh từ
- cuộc nổi dậy chống đối, cuộc nổi loạn, cuộc binh biến
nội động từ
- nổi dậy chống đối, nổi loạn, làm binh biế

Sentence patterns related to "mutiny"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mutiny" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mutiny", or refer to the context using the word "mutiny" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 12 Discontent stirred the men to mutiny.

2. 11 There was mutiny in their whisperings.

3. Yet, no mutiny is without oppression.

Nhưng vẫn không thoát khỏi áp bức bóc lột.

4. Discontent stirred the men to mutiny.

5. 13 The mutiny will not take place.

6. Discontented men stirred the crew to mutiny.

7. He led a mutiny against the captain.

8. 3 Discontent stirred the men to mutiny.

9. 14 Woolley placed her under close arrest for mutiny.

10. 4 There were rumours of mutiny among the troops.

11. 2 He led a mutiny against the captain.

12. This mutiny was ultimately squelched by Scipio Africanus.

Cuộc nổi loạn này cuối cùng đã bị Scipio Africanus dập tắt..

13. 5 Discontented men stirred the crew to mutiny.

14. He led a military mutiny against the senior generals.

15. 6 Woolley was placed under close arrest for mutiny.

16. 7 We have a family mutiny on our hands!

17. What are you up to inciting mutiny and insubordination?

18. Thirteen soldiers were sentenced to life imprisonment for mutiny.

19. 10 Captain Feener suspected the crew was planning a mutiny.

20. 8 There was a real chance the crew would mutiny.

21. 6 He led a military mutiny against the senior generals.

22. 12 Thirteen soldiers were sentenced to life imprisonment for mutiny.

23. 1 He led a military mutiny against the senior generals.

24. 24 The captain was accused of inciting other officers to mutiny.

25. Mutiny and insubordination, desertion, and fraudulent enlistment and absence without leave;

26. The ancient Roman army was centesimated on account of mutiny tendencies.

27. The Geste brothers refuse to join in the mutiny, but refuse to follow orders when the Sargent orders Beau and his brother John to shoot the leaders of the mutiny without trial

28. See avouch ‘No, this was a silent mutiny, a mutiny of the heart, and paradoxically, though it was never intended - but, perhaps, a kind of Karma - an Avouchment of support for him.’

29. 9 There will be a mutiny if conditions do not improve.

30. Another 40 sailors mustering before boarding Bellona were recruited into the mutiny.

Có thêm 40 thủy thủ được tập trung trước khi lên chiếc Bellona bị thu hút vào vụ binh biến.

31. Discontent among the ship's crew finally led to the outbreak of mutiny.

32. a) Mutiny and insubordination, desertion, and fraudulent enlistment and absence without leave

33. 25 The ancient Roman army was centesimated on account of mutiny tendencies.

34. 15 The ancient Roman army was centesimated on account of mutiny tendencies.

35. In summer 887, Chang started a mutiny at night and attacked the headquarters.

Vào mùa hè năm 887, Trương Hành Nho bắt đầu cuộc binh biến vào ban đêm và tiến công quân phủ.

36. 22 Discontent among the ship's crew finally led to the outbreak of mutiny.

37. Mr. Spock, on trial for mutiny, has forced the court to accept unusual evidence.

38. The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny.

39. 17 The murmurs - of surprise, dismay, muted terror, mutiny - are allowed to run their course.

40. In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

Trong hội chợ Verona, nơi chúng tôi đặt cảnh của chúng tôi, phá vỡ mối thù cổ xưa binh biến mới,

41. 20 The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny.

42. Thanks be to God, who in his infinite wisdom has put an end to this mutiny.

Cám ơn Chúa, mà nhờ sự khôn ngoan vô bờ bến của người đã chấm dứt cuộc nổi loạn này.

43. 23 The open mutiny by the military and police highlights Mr Wahid's tenuous grip on the presidency.

44. Dissatisfaction, exacerbated by the non-payment of the usual bonuses, led to a mass exodus and mutiny.

45. 28 Statement is shot through with feeling in the long, passionately detailed account of the mutiny.

46. 27 It saddened him that if there was to be mutiny, the leader would be Howland.

47. He gained kudos for his stand against the brutality with which a subsequent mutiny was quelled.

48. 21 Conditions on the ship were often very bad, and crews were on the point of mutiny.

49. Shortly thereafter, Columbus quelled a small mutiny, and, on October landed at an island in the Bahamas.

50. 26 He attempted to envisage and explain the incredible feat of navigation undertaken by Captain Bligh after the Mutiny.