multiparty in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "multiparty"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "multiparty" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "multiparty", or refer to the context using the word "multiparty" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. After independence, India established multiparty system.

2. These are the country's first multiparty elections.

3. The unrest forced the government to support multiparty democracy.

Cuộc bạo loạn buộc chính phủ phải chuyển sang nền dân chủ đa đảng.

4. They would be the first free multiparty elections since 19

5. The officers promise a return to multiparty rule.

6. São Tomé has functioned under a multiparty system since 1990.

Chính trị São Tomé đã hoạt động theo một hệ thống đa đảng từ năm 1990.

7. So multiparty, single closing: an idea we borrowed from Wall Street.

Cách này gọi là nhiều bên đóng góp và chốt một lần: một ý tưởng chúng tôi mượn của Wall Street.

8. Measures taken on Jan. 8 had opened the way to multiparty politics.

9. Both had in May called publicly for a return to a multiparty system.

10. Déby attempted to reconcile the rebel groups and reintroduced multiparty politics.

Idriss Déby cố gắng hòa giải các nhóm phiến quân và khởi đầu lại chính trị đa đảng.

11. Some parties had called for a national multiparty conference to be held first.

12. In Bangladesh, the return of multiparty democratic politics is a positive development.

13. By the mid-1990s Russia had a system of multiparty electoral politics.

Tới giữa thập niên 1990, nước Nga đã có một chế độ chính trị bầu cử đa đảng.

14. Two demonstrations in support of multiparty democracy had been held on Dec. 10 and Dec.

15. Secure multiparty Computation is a fantastic example of success in the long game of research

16. Fiji has a multiparty system with the Prime Minister of Fiji as head of government.

Chính trị Fiji theo hệ thống đa đảng, thủ tướng là người đứng đầu chính phủ.

17. Municipal polls held on Jan. 19 offered the first opportunity to vote in multiparty elections.

18. Over 90 percent of the 05 percent turnout voted for constitutional changes allowing for multiparty politics.

19. From Hong Kong he criticized the Nationalists' single-party system and continued to advocate multiparty federalism.

Từ Hồng Kông, ông chỉ trích hệ thống độc đảng của chính phủ Quốc dân và tiếp tục ủng hộ chế độ liên bang đa đảng.

20. He insisted that he had acted within the Constitution and reaffirmed his commitment to multiparty democracy.

21. A dominant party can eventually lose support and become a competitor in a multiparty system.

22. In a radio speech on April Eyadema predicted a new constitution within the year and multiparty elections.

23. This would clear the way for the creation of a multiparty system in the Soviet Union.

24. It was hoped that a formal accord would be signed at a national multiparty peace conference on Sept.

25. The new party was setting its sights on multiparty federal elections expected by the end of the year.

26. Elsewhere socialist parties have had to compete in multiparty and proportional electoral systems and usually share power in government.

27. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, appointed a transitional government as a prelude to the introduction of multiparty politics.

28. Despite the plans to introduce a multiparty system, government sources confirmed that new parties would remain banned until further notice.

29. Check out this simple overview on the benefits of secure multiparty Computation and how Inpher's MPC solutions can help yo

30. New constitutional committee A 14-member committee was appointed on Jan. 21 to draft a new constitution for multiparty democracy.

31. Political reforms adopted in 1990 provided for a multiparty system of government and a 79-member National Assembly.

32. The government was to be responsible for executing decisions of the conference during a transition to multiparty democracy.

33. In 1992 Angola held its first multiparty elections, and Africano joined the government, where she headed the oil business until 1999.

Năm 1992, tổ chức cuộc bầu cử đa đảng đầu tiên và Africano gia nhập chính phủ, nơi bà đứng đầu doanh nghiệp dầu mỏ cho đến năm 1999.

34. Students at Fourah Bay College and other establishments had demonstrated and gone on strike during March to demand a multiparty system.

35. It is also possible to have a working multiparty system in which various parties are willing to cooperate in a governing coalition.

36. As in many other countries, popular demands for the introduction of multiparty democracy grew in the first half of 19

37. Wiredu sees the idea of "consensus", or consensual democracy, as "an alternative" to both one-party dictatorship and multiparty, winner-takes-all, adversarial political practices.

38. Secure multiparty Computation (MPC) is a cryptographic protocol that distributes a Computation across multiple parties where no individual party can see the other parties’ data

39. 1.0 out of 5 stars Collaborating : Finding Common Ground for Multiparty Problems (Jossey Bass Business and Management Series) Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2005 Extremely dry.

40. And in a living, dynamic, multiparty system, there may be occasions when various institutions act in a particular way, but we have the capacity and flexibility in the system to adjust the friction and to avoid any crisis.

41. A key question that the comparative literature on Affective polarization seeks to address is whether the levels of partisan Affective polarization are higher in two‐party systems (e.g., the United States) than in multiparty systems (e.g., several European countries).

42. President Amadou Toumani Touré, who is not a member of any political party, has ruled over a multiparty coalition of ADEMA-PASJ, which had recently come under internal stress due to rumors that the former PM was preparing for a 2012 Presidential bid.

Tổng thống Amadou Toumani Touré, người không phải là thành viên của bất kỳ đảng chính trị nào, đã cai trị một liên minh đa đảng của ADEMA-PASJ, gần đây đã bị căng thẳng nội bộ do tin đồn rằng cựu Thủ tướng đang chuẩn bị cho một cuộc đấu thầu tổng thống năm 2012.