mental illness in Vietnamese

@mental illness ['mentl'ilnis]
*danh từ
- bệnh tâm thần
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-bệnh tâm thầ

Sentence patterns related to "mental illness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mental illness" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mental illness", or refer to the context using the word "mental illness" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. My mental illness -- well, I'm not even going to talk about my mental illness.

Chứng bệnh tâm thần của tôi, oh, tôi sẽ không nói về chứng bệnh này của tôi.

2. Religion is a Mental Illness Dr Sapolsky (Antitheist atheist videos) Religion is a Mental Illness

3. Any family history of mental illness?

Gia đình anh có tiền sử bệnh tâm thần không?

4. What forms does mental illness take?

5. No family history of mental illness.

Gia đình không có tiền sử bệnh thần kinh.

6. Also, we must stop criminalizing mental illness.

Ngoài ra, cũng cần phải ngăn chặn sự kì thị đối với những bệnh lý thần kinh.

7. Any history of mental illness, depression, panic attacks?

Bất cứ tiền sử nào về thân kinh, trầm cảm... khủng hoảng thần kinh?

8. The term 'mental illness' is difficult to define.

9. Mental illness is nothing to be Ashamed of

10. 3 Certain people may be predisposed to mental illness.

11. Bulimia (or Bulimia nervosa) is a serious mental illness

12. Clip 0:01:44 Bedlam – Jails for Mental Illness – Clip

13. It is time to end the stigma associated with mental illness.

Đã đến lúc chấm dứt sự coi thường vẫn gắn liền với bệnh về tâm thần.

14. But you can confirm it was due to mental illness, correct?

Nhưng anh có thể xác nhận nó liên quan đến bệnh về thần kinh?

15. His mother is now suffering from mental illness and memory loss.

Bà bị mắc chứng bệnh Alzheimer, một chứng bệnh mất trí nhớ.

16. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder and a serious mental illness

17. Anorexia is a serious mental illness with possible life-threatening outcomes

18. Her only sign of mental illness is that she disagrees with you.

Dấu hiệu mắc bệnh tâm thần duy nhất của bà ta là không đồng ý với anh.

19. Laing regards the concept of mental illness as both unscientific and stigmatizing.

20. Mental illness accounts for 25 percent of employers' short-term disability claims.

21. Stem Cells of Schizophrenics Could Shed Light on Causes of Mental Illness

Tế bào gốc ở bệnh tâm thần phân liệt có thể giúp tìm ra nguyên nhân của bệnh tâm thần .

22. Breton attended medical school, where he developed a particular interest in mental illness.

23. Very/extremely/immensely/highly etc Complicated Mental illness is a very Complicated subject.

24. Asmile: 'a Statewide Mental Illness Learning Exchange’ for consumers, carers, friends and clinicians

25. Anorexia nervosa is a life-threatening eating disorder and a serious mental illness

26. Is a good ( gestalt ): the causes of mental illness is a was not completed.

27. While mental illness clearly runs in the Vonnegut family, so, I found, does Creativity

28. Alienist (plural Alienists) ( dated ) An expert in mental illness , especially with reference to legal ramifications

29. Globally, 75 percent of all mental illness cases can be found in low-income countries.

Trên thế giới hiện có 75% ca mắc bệnh lý tâm thần được tìm thấy ở các nước kém phát triển.

30. He has been diagnosed with a mental illness for which he has been properly medicated.

Thằng bé được chẩn đoán mắc bệnh tâm thần nhưng nay nó đã được chữa trị.

31. His preparation to be a deacon was disturbed by a death and by mental illness.

32. We turned down his claim on the grounds that he wasn't covered for mental illness.

Chúng tôi từ chối yêu cầu bởi anh ta không phục hồi vì vấn đề tâm lý.

33. Alienist (plural Alienists) (dated) An expert in mental illness, especially with reference to legal ramifications

34. Antipsychotic drug, any agent used in the treatment of psychosis, a form of mental illness

35. Mental illness as agony, weakness, timidity, irresolution, nervousness and other bad habit can be corrected.

36. “They worried that she may have Confected or embellished the allegations due to her mental illness

37. But during this period, she also saw a psychoanalyst to help her manage her mental illness.

38. One is that the normal / abnormal dichotomy and the categories of mental illness are pretty useless.

39. And the other thing that happened is that a science developed, a science of mental illness.

Một việc nữa đó là một ngành khoa học đã được phát triển, khoa học về bệnh lý tâm thần.

40. Antipsychotic A drug used in the treatment or control of severe mental illness such as SCHIZOPHRENIA.

41. Compeer programs match community volunteers with youth, adults, veterans, and the elderly living with mental illness.

42. Confessional poets wrote about then-taboo subjects such as mental illness, familial drama, suicide, and sexuality

43. In A Silver Tongue by Marlene Taylor, the evils of abuse and mental illness are explored

44. Admitting Natchaug Hospital helps people find their way to recovery from mental illness and substance abuse

45. The newer, so-called atypical medicines are helping change the face of mental illness, experts agree.

46. Avoidant Personality (Avp) is a horrible mental illness that effects millions of people all over the world.

47. Coexisting Mental Illness and Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 9 Richard K

48. Now when we do that, we discover some startling things about mental illness from a global perspective.

Bây giờ khi chúng tôi làm điều đó, chúng tôi khám phá một số điều đáng ngạc nhiên về bệnh tâm thần từ một quan điểm toàn cầu.

49. (See also Brain; Hypnotism; Imagination; Intelligence; Intuition; Meditation; Mental Illness; Open-Mindedness; Psychiatry; Psychology; Psychosomatics; Thinking; Thoughts)

50. Grappling With Stigma Of Mental Illness In Nigeria Streamlined, performance driven and Concealable describe the Taurus G2C.