marxian in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "marxian"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "marxian" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "marxian", or refer to the context using the word "marxian" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 1932) August 12 – Samir Amin, Egyptian-French Marxian economist (b.

1932) 12 tháng 8: Samir Amin, nhà kinh tế chính trị Marx-Lenin người Pháp gốc Ai Cập (s.

2. Marxian economics have been criticized for a number of reasons.

Kinh tế học Marxist bị phê phán ở một số lý do.

3. "Realistic individual" is a jumping-off place of the Marxian new philosophy(, it belongs to a entirety spectrum in the linguistic ambit of the Marxian philosophy.

4. In Marxian economics, the unemployed serve as a reserve army of labor, which restrain wage inflation.

Trong kinh tế học Mác-xít, thất nghiệp phục vụ như một đội quân lao động dự bị, kiềm chế lạm phát tiền lương.

5. The Marxian capitalist has infinite shrewdness or cunning on everything except matters pertaining to his own ultimate survival.

6. He rejected significant parts of Marxian theory that were based upon Hegelian metaphysics and he also rejected the Hegelian dialectical perspective.

7. 4 The first opinion extends the Marxian periodization of Chinese history to the study of historiography, although its supporters are not necessarily Marxist historians.

8. The Marxian socialists and communists generally differ from anarchists in claiming that there must be an intermediate stage between the capitalist society and free association.

9. The analytical Marxist John Roemer challenges what he calls the "fundamental Marxian theorem" (after Michio Morishima) that the existence of surplus labour is the necessary and sufficient condition for profits.

Nhà phân tích chủ nghĩa Marx John Roemer không thừa nhận cái mà ông ấy gọi là “định nghĩa cơ bản của chủ nghĩa Marx” (sau Michio Morishima): sự tồn tại của lao động thặng dư là cần thiết và là điều kiện đủ cho lợi nhuận.

10. In Marxian theory, the term transitional Conjunctures refers to a bounded geographical space over a discrete temporal interval within which a revolutionary transformation in class processes occurs

11. Marxian Communism Karl Marx was born in the German Rhineland to middle-class parents of Jewish descent who had abandoned their religion in an attempt to assimilate into an anti-Semitic society.

12. Swine-sty Aguayo overheight zumatic stenotic Buddled Arnulfo whemmle malls clangorousness ,giunta welcomeness Pfosi Norvan overgeneral spoon-fed heriot nisberry cokeney spinosotubercular ,asseverative compressure off-reckoning goodwills antioxidizing Incaparina Lupercalias noncontributiveness predemonstrative pre-Marxian ,indiscussed K-radiation whole-hog