marvelously in Vietnamese

- như marvellously

Sentence patterns related to "marvelously"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "marvelously" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "marvelously", or refer to the context using the word "marvelously" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. What testifies marvelously to Kingdom unity?

Điều gì chứng tỏ hùng hồn cho sự đoàn-kết của Nước Trời?

2. The Woodpecker —Marvelously Designed for Drilling

3. Blendend translate: splendid, marvelous, splendidly, marvelously, blinding, dazzling

4. Well, consider the Source of earth’s marvelously balanced and complex natural cycles.

5. Even when it touches on matters of science, it is marvelously accurate.

Ngay khi Kinh-thánh nói đến các vấn đề khoa học thì lại chính xác một cách huyền diệu.

6. " The hills were marvelously blue, piled one over the other beyond them.

" Những sườn đồi xanh mướt tuyệt vời, chồng lẫn lên nhau.

7. Also, at the microscopic level, we see marvelously designed ‘machines’ within cells.

Hơn nữa, khi xem dưới kính hiển vi, chúng ta thấy ‘các bộ máy’ trong các tế bào được thiết kế cách kỳ diệu.

8. And how marvelously Jesus’ Father rewarded him for his integrity-keeping course!

Và Cha của Giê-su đã ban thưởng ngài một cách huyền diệu làm sao vì ngài giữ sự trung thành trọn đời ngài!

9. 25 Mrs Tucker was a marvelously candid lady, not given to artifice.

10. The Creator marvelously designed plants to use sunlight, air and water to produce food

Cây cỏ được Đấng Tạo hóa tạo ra một cách kỳ diệu để dùng ánh nắng mặt trời, không khí và nước để sinh hoa quả

11. Our marvelously intricate voice system may embody the principles behind a whole array of musical instruments.

12. Antonyms for Annoyingly include well, marvellously, marvelously, beautifully, exceptionally, favourably, favorably, great, magnificently and nicely

13. 4 Yet, because of his marvelously balanced qualities, Jehovah is not satisfied with cold obedience.

4 Tuy nhiên, vì Ngài có những đức tính cân bằng tuyệt diệu nên Đức Giê-hô-va không hài lòng khi người ta vâng phục Ngài cách máy móc.

14. Another fish that is equipped marvelously for overcoming the light diffraction property of water is the archer fish.

15. Marvelously privileged we are to follow in his steps as humble ministers of the Kingdom of God.

Quả thật chúng ta có đặc ân huy hoàng thay được theo dấu chân ngài, làm những tôi tớ khiêm nhường rao giảng về Nước Đức Chúa Trời.

16. Ack ack was marvelously consistent with 19 victories and six second place finishes in only 27 starts with a …

17. They give of their time, their talents, and their resources; they sacrifice all that they have and serve efficiently and marvelously well.

Họ cống hiến thời giờ, tài năng, và tiền của của họ; họ hy sinh tất cả những gì họ có và phục vụ hữu hiệu một cách kỳ diệu.

18. Other parts of the woodpecker’s body are likewise marvelously designed for activity —the legs, the feet, the tail and the tongue.

19. Indeed, the ubiquitous fly family boasts the most aerobatic fliers in the insect realm, thanks in part to two marvelously engineered balancing appendages called halteres.

20. Praise “Antinomies of Art and Culture is marvelously energetic and determinedly good willed, and so like all substantial commentaries is certain to create much productive discussion

21. Even the most trained and capable engineer could not have manufactured anything as beautiful and useful as the ten marvelously designed levers —your fingers and thumbs.

Ngay cả một kỹ sư được huấn luyện và có khả năng nhiều nhất không thể chế tạo ra được cái gì đẹp và hữu dụng như mười ngón tay của bạn.

22. How marvelously accurate is the statement at Genesis 1:16 in the Holy Bible where the moon is described as being a “luminary for dominating the night”!

23. (Job 12:9) Yes, the Creator designed earth’s creatures with distinctive attributes and qualities that for reasons man may not fully comprehend marvelously equip them for life.

24. This simple Medieval Burlet (head roll) is a padded circle worn on the head to hold a veil (sold separately) in place and is a marvelously versatile item

25. However, his theory of evolution and its modern variations have recently come under attack from those who believe that the marvelously fine-tuned architecture of living organisms indicates purposeful design.

Tuy nhiên, gần đây thuyết tiến hóa của Darwin và những dạng hiện đại của thuyết này đã bị công kích, vì có những người tin rằng sự hài hòa tuyệt diệu trong cấu trúc của sinh vật cho thấy một sự thiết kế có chủ đích.

26. Cop out is marvelously juvenile, not just in its typical situation comedy and sight gags, but from its ability (even desire) to frequently bring its plot to a shuddering halt so its characters can

27. Bighearted areal moment of inertia wymuszony vezzo audible warning device progressive depreciation galena detector recenzja suppression des taudis animizumu kanten afgerond wyzwolić Turks disco, comperio iskazivati cocaine (n.) opomena advertising material sirup irtibat importuno astoundingly, amazingly, phenomenally, marvelously match

28. “The breathing mechanism is a marvelously well-adapted structure and provides ample reason for any thinking man to stand in awe before the processes that have brought it all to pass: ‘So curiously are we wrought, so fearfully and wonderfully are we made!’”

29. Jennifer Rabe, for instance, explores a space called the Dutch Pranketing Room at the London Tart Hall estate of the extraordinary Aletheia Howard, Countess of Arundel, author of the posthumously published and marvelously titled Natura exenterata, or Nature Un- bowelled by the most Exquisite Anatomizers …

30. Battlements (5 Occurrences) 2 Chronicles 26:15 He made in Jerusalem engines, invented by skillful men, to be on the towers and on the Battlements, with which to shoot arrows and great stones.His name spread far abroad; for he was marvelously helped, until he was strong.

31. Appetizingly, enjoyably, tastily, very satisfyingly, with a wonderful taste or smell; marvelously, fabulously first in first out memory preporuka mehanizmi za korice sa slobodnim listovima ili za fascikle incertitude mempermasalahkan amplio inspirer kumin tahbit (m.) if 學園愛麗絲 学园爱丽丝 framtidsproblem proliferative (adj

32. The harmonic progression is almost minimal, yet fascinating in that it’s more a study in parallel harmonies than show-offish Atonalisms, and when Cordero does push the envelope, as in a marvelously dramatic guitar break in the second movement, it is always (as Romero puts it) to enhance the music, to give it form and structure, not just to