marginal propensity to tax in Vietnamese

@Marginal propensity to tax
- (Econ) Thiên hướng đánh thuế cận biên.
+ Là mức thay đổi trong thu nhập về thuế do thay đổi một đơn vị thu nhập.

Sentence patterns related to "marginal propensity to tax"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "marginal propensity to tax" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "marginal propensity to tax", or refer to the context using the word "marginal propensity to tax" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Marginal Propensity to Consume is the proportion of an increase in income that gets spent on consumption

2. Our tax lodestar has been low marginal rates.

3. (At that time, the highest marginal tax rate was 91%.)

4. In addition to a global wealth tax, Piketty recommends an 80% marginal tax rate on income for the United States.

5. 2 What marginal tax rate applies to taxable income which falls between $ 000 and $ 000?

6. If the government can accurately gauge the social cost, the tax could equalize the marginal private cost and the marginal social cost.

Nếu chính phủ có thể đánh giá chính xác chi phí xã hội, thuế có thể cân bằng chi phí tư nhân cận biên và chi phí xã hội biên.

7. Typically, as one's income grows, a higher marginal rate of tax must be paid.

Thông thường, khi thu nhập của một người tăng lên, phải trả một mức thuế cận biên cao hơn.

8. And the higher marginal tax rates would reduce incentives to work and to invest, further impeding economic activity.

9. A tax shifts the marginal private cost curve up by the amount of the externality.

Thuế thay đổi đường cong chi phí tư nhân cận biên lên theo số lượng ảnh hưởng ngoại lai.

10. During the 1990s, marginal income tax rates rose and the U.S. created 21.6 million net new jobs.

Trong những năm 1990, tỷ lệ thuế thu nhập cận biên tăng và nước Mỹ đã tạo ra 21,6 triệu việc làm mới tăng thêm..

11. She has a propensity to exaggerate.

12. 1 She has a propensity to exaggerate.

13. If a member’s non-Concessional contributions exceed the cap, they are taxed at the top marginal tax rate.

14. During the 1980s, marginal income tax rates were lowered and the U.S. created 18.3 million net new jobs.

Trong những năm 1980, tỷ lệ thuế thu nhập cận biên thấp hơn và nước Mỹ đã tạo ra 18,3 triệu việc làm mới tăng thêm.

15. His trademark was his propensity to resign.

16. Effective marginal tax rates represent the reduction in benefits, and increase in taxes, for each additional dollar earned.

17. 8 His trademark was his propensity to resign.

18. But it produced critical evidence about how different designs of tax would hit marginal seats and heartland Tory ones.

19. The profit-maximizing policy involves setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost.

20. Reagan's economic policies (dubbed "Reaganomics") and the implementation of the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 lowered the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 28% over the course of seven years.

Các chính sách kinh tế của Reagan (được gọi là "Reaganomics") cùng với việc thi hành Đạo luật Cải cách Thuế và Phục hồi Kinh tế 1981 đã hạ thấp thuế thu nhập từ 70% xuống 28% trong khoảng thời gian 7 năm.

21. The propensity to hooliganism is inherent in every society.

22. In turn this will move producers back down their marginal cost curves and alter the net-of-tax price producers require.

23. Equating marginal cost and marginal revenue, each firm will produce an output at which price exceeds marginal cost.

24. When the marginal social interest diverges from the marginal private interest, the industrialist has no incentive to internalize the cost of the marginal social cost.

Khi mối quan tâm xã hội bên lề so với lợi ích cá nhân, nhà công nghiệp không có động cơ để chuyển nội bộ chi phí của chi phí xã hội cận biên.

25. 7 The propensity to hooliganism is inherent in every society.