marginal utility of commodity in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-hiệu dụng biên tế của hàng hóa

Sentence patterns related to "marginal utility of commodity"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "marginal utility of commodity" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "marginal utility of commodity", or refer to the context using the word "marginal utility of commodity" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. In particular, it's the negative of the marginal utility of movies over the marginal utility of pizza.

2. Now, in particular, your marginal utility for pizzas at that point -- what's the marginal utility for pizzas?

3. Just that they have diminishing marginal utility.

4. The neoclassical marginal productivity doctrine treats the factors of production like any commodity.

5. If your marginal utility for movies is very high, then you need a lot of pizzas.

6. 12 Traditional hedonistic utilitarians who prefer the latter outcome often try to justify egalitarian distributions of goods by appealing to a principle of diminishing marginal utility.

7. Nature of commodity

8. Description of commodity

9. Equating marginal cost and marginal revenue, each firm will produce an output at which price exceeds marginal cost.

10. With the raising of proof criterion, the marginal revenue increases and the marginal cost decreases.

11. The Response of Consumption to Predictable Income Changes Earlier attempts at testing the implication of the theory that the marginal utility is a martingale relied on the special case of quadratic preferences.

12. The correct statement of the marginal effect degression law should be " gradually declining law of marginal effect".

13. When the marginal social interest diverges from the marginal private interest, the industrialist has no incentive to internalize the cost of the marginal social cost.

Khi mối quan tâm xã hội bên lề so với lợi ích cá nhân, nhà công nghiệp không có động cơ để chuyển nội bộ chi phí của chi phí xã hội cận biên.

14. Broad Commodity Index Benchmark: Comb is benchmarked against the Bloomberg Commodity Index a leading, broad commodity index

15. No, the marginal rate of substitution.

16. The marginal cost should equal the marginal revenue for each plant.

17. Profits can be maximised when the marginal product of labour equals the wage rate (marginal cost of production).

Lợi nhuận có thể được tối đa hóa khi sản phẩm cận biên của lao động bằng với mức lương (sản phẩm cận biên của chi phí).

18. Operation of Shari'ah compliance commodity index

19. Description of the commodity: provide a detailed description of the commodity (including for feed the type of feed).

20. The slow pace of recovery in commodity prices will benefit commodity exporters in the region, but won’t unduly hurt the economies of commodity importers in East Asia.

Giá nguyên vật liệu tăng chậm sẽ có lợi cho các nước xuất khẩu nhưng cũng không gây thiệt hại quá mức đối với các nền kinh tế nhập khẩu trong khu vực Đông Á.

21. The marginal likelihood for the parameters of interest is obtained through the marginal distribution of the ancillary statistics.

22. With no production externality, marginal private cost and marginal social cost coincide.

23. The profit-maximizing policy involves setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost.

24. This excess of price over both marginal revenue and marginal cost is a convenient measure of the firm's monopoly power.

25. → cyclical Commodity → hard Commodity → physical Commodity → soft Commodity 2 (also Commodity product) MARKETING a product or service that is difficult to show as being different from similar products or services offered by competitors PCs have become commodities.