malting in Vietnamese

@malting /'mɔ:ltiɳ/
* danh từ
- cách gây mạch nha; sự gây mạch nha
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-buồng ủ mầm (làm mạch nha)
-sự làm mạch nha
-sự tạo mạch nha

Sentence patterns related to "malting"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "malting" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "malting", or refer to the context using the word "malting" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Number of Malting Barley Bids (absolute number and tonnage volume)

2. Malting Barley is an ingredient for whiskey and beer

3. By-product of malting, consisting mainly of dried rootlets of germinated cereals

4. Number of Malting Barley Bids (absolute number and tonnage volume) by Grain

5. In the defined area, malting barley is harvested a few days after reaching full ripeness.

6. When grain is allowed to germinate for malting purposes, starch is changed to dextrine and dextrose.

7. In fact, the new sciences are malting such an impact because two simultaneous developments have prepared the ground.

8. By 1562, there were "stables, servants' lodgings, kitchen, bakehouse, brewhouse, malting house, storehouses, and an aisled hall" within the castle walls.

9. Whether or not the resulting product can be called beer is sometimes disputed, since: As with Asian rice-based liquors, it does not involve malting.

Sản phẩm dù là đồ uống được gọi là bia hay không đôi khi vẫn có tranh cãi, vì: Rượu làm từ gạo ở châu Á không làm từ mạch nha.

10. Holden, the Centesimal loss sustained in malting may be stated thus: --The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock

11. In order to accelerate the adoption of SQC in its first year, Scottish maltsters offered a £1 per tonne premium for all malting barley grown under contract to SQC specifications.

12. Dextrins can be produced from starch using enzymes like amylases, as during digestion in the human body and during malting and mashing, or by applying dry heat under acidic conditions (pyrolysis or roasting).

Dextrin có thể được sản xuất từ tinh bột sử dụng các enzyme như amylase, như trong quá trình tiêu hóa trong cơ thể người và trong quá trình nấu và nghiền, hoặc bằng cách sử dụng nhiệt khô trong các điều kiện axit (pyrolysis hoặc rang).