major component in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-thành phần chính

Sentence patterns related to "major component"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "major component" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "major component", or refer to the context using the word "major component" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. P-Cresol is a major component in pig odor

2. Rolling mill equipment is a major component of the mainframe out.

3. Actin, a ubiquitous eukaryotic protein, is the major component of the cytoskeleton

4. The major component of Cuttlebone is calcium carbonate, making up 85 percent.

5. Actin, a ubiquitous eukaryotic protein, is the major component of the cytoskeleton

6. Cellulose: The major component in the rigid cell walls in plants is Cellulose

7. Cross Laminated Timber or CLT is a major component to the Blockhouse story

8. A major component of each consortium (with rare and justified exceptions) will be student mobility.

9. The Program Activity Architecture is a major component of the larger Management, Resources and Results Structure (MRRS).

10. L-Alanine is the precursor for d-Alanine, which is a major component of the cell wall

11. Because weight loss can significantly reduce joint pain, diet can be a major component of arthritis management.

12. Thus, it appears that Allelopathy is the major component of the interference, with competition probably accentuating its effect

13. Abductin is a natural elastomer found as the major component of the elastic hinge ligament in marine scallops

14. As addressed in Section IV, irregular migration continues to be a major component of migration to the EU.

15. Hip Adductor stretches and mobility exercises are a major component of hip and lower back rehab and flexibility programs

16. Access to the whole spectrum of GLONASS signals by Indian agencies is a major component of our space cooperation.

17. Crayfish are a widely recognized and diverse group of aquatic organisms that are a major component of aquatic ecosystems

18. A major component of the organization is the Motor Vehicle Division -- the Arizona MVD -- which provides title, registration and …

19. The major component of this Coagulum is semenogelin I, a 52-kDa protein expressed exclusively in the seminal vesicles

20. Argo, the broad-scale global array of temperature/salinity profiling floats, is a major component of the ocean observing system

21. Many gay men today cringe at the thought that this was a major component of the sexuality of our precursors.

22. An Alternator is a generator of electric power in a car and is a major component of the vehicle's charging system

23. Agronomic crops provide food, feed grain, oil, and fiber for domestic consumption and are a major component of US export trade

24. Up to 10% cash back  · Atherosclerosis is the major component of cardiovascular disease, the leading killer of Americans

25. The main xylan component in hardwoods is O-acetyl-4-O-methylglucuronoxylan, whereas arabino-4-O-methylglucuronoxylans are a major component in softwoods.

Thành phần xylan chủ yếu trong gỗ cứng là O-axetyl-4-O-metylglucuronoxylan và trong gỗ mềm là arabino-4-O-metylglucuronoxylan.

26. Fibrous proteins are often structural, such as collagen, the major component of connective tissue, or keratin, the protein component of hair and nails.

Protein dạng sợi thường có vai trò cấu trúc, như collagen, thành phần chính của các mô liên kết, hay keratin, thành phần protein của tóc và móng chân tay.

27. Appurtenant work, which supples a system of function as management, charge, monitoring, maintaining, rescue and service, is a major component part of expressway.

28. The constitution, nutrition catabolism and safety of the healthful oil, the major component of which is diacylglycerol,(Sentencedict) were explained in this paper.

29. The Winter Clothing Drive is a major component of Family Services, which Cryp created in 2002 to manage increasing amounts of donated supplies

30. He has firmly resolved never to accept a blood transfusion, but his physician urges him to accept one major component, maybe packed red cells.

Anh cương quyết không bao giờ nhận tiếp máu, nhưng bác sĩ thuyết phục anh nhận một thành phần chính, có lẽ là hồng cầu đặc.

31. RUSK COUNTY: Bornite is a major component of the supergene enrichment zone at the Flambeau deposit, south of Ladysmith in T.34N R.6W

32. A major component of food is water, which can encompass anywhere from 50% in meat products to 95% in lettuce, cabbage, and tomato products.

Bài chi tiết: Nước Một thành phần chính của thực phẩm là nước, chất chiếm từ 50% trong các sản phẩm thịt đến 95% trong các sản phẩm rau diếp, cải bắp, và cà chua.

33. A major component of Cardamom oil called cineole is known for its antimicrobial properties that promote oral hygiene and it also fights bacteria that cause bad breath.

34. If the pH of the blood is higher than 7.45, it is identified as alkalemia, the disease caused by Alkalosis.The major component in our blood is bicarbonate.

35. Chitin is a major component of the insect cuticle (skin) and it is not difficult to visualize how V-CATH and chiA co-operate to break down insect tissues

36. (iv) it is prepared to enhance its programming services with the addition of an Alert Aggregation and Distribution System (AADS), a major component of the National Public Alerting System.

37. Antioxidant activities of Ampelopsis grossedentata extract (EXT) and its major component dihydromyricetin (DHM) were analysed and compared with BHA in two model systems, soybean oil and cooked ground beef

38. Amylase or alpha Amylase (α-Amylase) is an exocrine enzyme that is synthesized by pancreatic acinar cells and secreted into the duodenum as a major component of pancreatic fluid 8)

39. Cooperatives remain a major component of the food and agri-culture industry, but now they are available to help people provide services for themselves in virtually all segments of the economy

40. Amylopectin is the major component of all starches, with an average molecular weight of 10 7 –10 9, and it plays a significant role in pulse dough development during various processing phases

41. Uptake of nutrients from the soil and return of these nutrients in leaf fall, branch shedding, root growth and death, or through tree mortality is a major component of the Biogeochemical nutrient cycle.

42. Coolant testing strips, refractometers and testing kits assist in helping you avoid machine downtime due to an early change interval and provides early detection of problems to help you avoid major component damage

43. The human placental microvascular endothelial cells (hPMEC) act as major component of the placental vascular bed and are closely associated with placental angiogenesis and remodeling, placental Angiokinesis and blood flow homeostasis in placenta .

44. Stearic Acid is a saturated long-chain fatty Acid with an 18-carbon backbone.Stearic Acid is found in various animal and plant fats, and is a major component of cocoa butter and shea butter.

45. Acoustic communication is the major component of social behavior in Anuran amphibians (frogs and toads) and has served as a neuroethological model for the nervous system's processing of social signals related to mate choice decisions

46. As a matter of fact, in my opinion, three things are crucial – proper rest, the other is the requisite amount of sleep, the third is the body, which is a major component, way beyond mental activity.

47. Other articles where Axoneme is discussed: algae: The algal cell: …form the basic structure, or Axoneme, of a flagellum, and they are a major component of the root system that anchors a flagellum within the cell

48. The major component of kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) in the protozoan Crithidia Acanthocephali is an association of approximately 27,000, 0.8 micrometers (1.58 x 10(6) dalton) circular molecules apparently held together in a particular structural configuration by topological interlocking.

49. Anti-Actin antibody produced in rabbit (affinity isolated antibody, buffered aqueous solution); Suitable for immunohistochemistry (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections); Rabbit anti-Actin antibody can be used for western blot assays ; Actin, a highly conserved protein, is a major component of

50. [citation needed] Partnership for the Americas (2007) USNS Comfort ' s Partnership for the Americas humanitarian mission, which began on 15 June 2007, was a major component of the President's "Advancing the Cause of Social Justice in the Western Hemisphere" initiative.