major productive sectors in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
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-ngành sản xuất chính

Sentence patterns related to "major productive sectors"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "major productive sectors" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "major productive sectors", or refer to the context using the word "major productive sectors" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. It should also include development of the productive sectors to place Haiti on a path to economic independence.

2. “But Vietnam needs stronger growth in labor productivity and further significant shifts of the workforce to more productive sectors.

Nhưng Việt Nam cần tăng năng suất lao động, và chuyển dịch của người lao động tới các ngành nghề có năng suất cao hơn.

3. This was counter-productive in alienating those sectors of the community whose co-operation was essential to criminal investigation.

4. Currently, she serves as the Deputy Secretary General of the East African Community, (EAC), responsible for Productive & Social Sectors.

Hiện tại, bà là Phó Tổng thư ký Cộng đồng Đông Phi (EAC), chịu trách nhiệm về các lĩnh vực sản xuất và xã hội.

5. While Authoritarian leaders may be exceptionally productive, some may also cause major harm

6. German Investment & Development Company (DEG) Financial Products: Equity, Loans, Guarantees Major Sectors of Activity:

7. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (US) Financial Products: Political Risk Insurance, Loans Major Sectors of Activity:

8. Till now, productive output productive capacity are increased yearyear.

9. " Enemy in the 22nd and 23rd sectors plan major offensive on the entire front 19th instant at ack-emma.

10. Wasteland Becomes Productive.

Vùng đất hoang vu trở nên màu mỡ.

11. This was as may be expected because investment allocations by sectors was a major instrument of implementing the Plan strategy .

12. As a result, we have raised energy efficiency in all the major energy intensive sectors – steel, aluminium, fertilizer, paper and cement.

13. Aphids are major pests of ornamental and productive plants, and some species (such as Green Peach Aphid) may spread viral diseases between plants.

14. Targeted interventions have raised energy efficiency in all the major energy intensive sectors – steel, aluminum, fertilizer, paper and cement – to world levels.

15. Revenue from canal tolls continues to represent a significant portion of Panama's GDP, although commerce, banking, and tourism are major and growing sectors.

Doanh thu từ thuế kênh đào tiếp tục chiếm một phần đáng kể trong GDP của Panama, song thương mại, ngân hàng và du lịch là các lĩnh vực lớn và đang phát triển.

16. Training makes workers highly productive.

17. Major Cyclical sectors like the financial, energy and materials appear to make the most of the ongoing market optimism on coronavirus vaccine rollout.

18. Redistributive struggles displace productive ones.

19. When Mr Non-Productive Employee gets a raise, it does a disservice to the productive employee.

20. Other sectors and sub-sectors shall not be allocated any allowances free of charge.

21. It was a highly productive meeting.

22. Another productive field was the port.

Một cánh đồng khác cũng đem lại kết quả là hải cảng.

23. Our discussions were Amicable and productive

24. Productive Assumptions Productive Assumptions are pragmatic Assumptions that may be obviously untrue that are designed to motivate positive behavior

25. Anywhere means a more productive team