lucifer in Vietnamese

@lucifer /'lu:sifə/
* danh từ
- ma vương
- (thiên văn học) sao Mai

Sentence patterns related to "lucifer"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lucifer" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lucifer", or refer to the context using the word "lucifer" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Lucifer became jealous of man.

Lucifer thì trở nên ganh tị với loài người.

2. God banished Lucifer to Hell.

Chúa đày Lucifer xuống Địa ngục.

3. Behold the evil wonders of Lucifer.

Hãy cúi rạp trước những tạo vật khủng khiếp của Lucifer.

4. The Lord knows this; Lucifer knows this.

Chúa biết điều này; Lu Xi Phe biết điều này.

5. The Hebrew word translated “Lucifer” means “shining one.”

Từ Hê-bơ-rơ dịch là “Lucifer” có nghĩa “con sáng láng”.

6. Beelzebub was a prince of the Seraphim, just below Lucifer. Beelzebub, along with Lucifer and Leviathan, were the first three angels to fall

7. Spiritual powers of opposition are active: Lucifer, Ahriman, Sorat.

8. Lucifer had me trussed up like a dog in my own palace.

9. * Lucifer rebelled against the Only Begotten Son, D&C 76:25–26.

* Lu Xi Phe chống lại Con Độc Sinh, GLGƯ 76:25–26.

10. And when that happens, the hook is set and Lucifer takes control.

Và khi điều đó xảy ra, bẫy đã sập xuống rồi, thì Lu Xi Phe nắm giữ quyền điều khiển.

11. Archangels rank in age in this specific order: Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, Gabriel

12. Selene Gremory, formerly known as Selen Alvion, is the wife andQueenofRen Lucifer

13. Crowley found out Lucifer had it, figures it's stashed in a crypt.

Crowley biết được là Lucifer có nó Biết được nó được cất ở trong lăng mộ

14. 21 Red-faced Orson Stone claimed to be a knight as did lanky Lucifer Long.

15. The great Antichrist is Lucifer, but he has many assistants, both spirit beings and mortals

16. The great antichrist is Lucifer, but he has many assistants, both spirit beings and mortals.

Kẻ chống báng Đấng Ky Tô kịch liệt là Lu Xi Phe, nhưng nó có nhiều phụ tá, cả những ma quỷ và những người trần thế.

17. Some Bible Bashers even say music is evil because "in the bible" it says that Lucifer was the conducter of God's Orchestra, and say that Lucifer knows how music works on people so he is "hidden

18. Although originally thought of as God's favorite, Cain revealed that Abel was, in fact, talking to Lucifer

19. 2021 Long story short, when Lucifer gets distracted by Jack, Michael uses the Archangel blade on him.

20. [Thereafter] He gave the Bailiffry of Heaven to Lucifer, with the nine orders of the Angels of Heaven

21. Lucifer passed the Mark to Cain, who passed the Mark to you, the proverbial finger in the dike.

Lucifer trao Dấu Ấn cho Cain, người đã trao Dấu Ấn cho cậu, như câu chuyện " ngón tay trong con đê " vậy.

22. Belial’s altar element is the incense coal, representing Earth and (Wo)mankind holding the flame of Lucifer

23. 3 Thereafter He gave the Bailiffry of Heaven to Lucifer, with the nine orders of the Angels of Heaven

24. I add my voice today to the voices of my Brethren that Lucifer is a clever and cunning intelligence.

Vì từng là con trai của bình minh, Lu Xi Phe rất thông minh và xảo quyệt.

25. In the great Council in Heaven, Lucifer, “son of the morning” (Isaiah 14:12; D&C 76:26–27), said:

Trong Đại Hội trên Thiên Thượng, Lu Xi Phe “con trai của sáng sớm” (Ê Sai 14:12; GLGƯ 76:26–27), nói:

26. Beelzebub is fought in Ahrqa of Paranoia, if the protagonist is on a route where they defeat Lucifer, they will fight Beelzebub …

27. In an effort to protect his brother from corruption, Cain offered himself to Lucifer so that Abel would go to Heaven instead

28. Read the following statement by President Ezra Taft Benson: “In the premortal council, it was pride that felled Lucifer, ‘a son of the morning.’

Đọc lời phát biểu sau đây của Chủ Tịch Ezra Taft Benson: “Trong hội đồng tiền dương thế, chính là tính kiêu căng đã làm hại Lu Xi Phe, ‘con trai của ban mai.’

29. The use of artificial lures to fool and catch a fish is an example of the way Lucifer often tempts, deceives, and tries to ensnare us.

Việc sử dụng mồi giả để lừa bắt một con cá là một ví dụ về cách Lu Xi Phe thường cám dỗ, lừa gạt và cố gắng gài bẫy chúng ta.

30. We have made Blotter art with some of the leading artists inclusding HR Giger, Stanley Mouse, EMEK, Kozik, Kelsey Brookes, Amanda Sage, Jeff Hopp, Kami Proost, Lucifer, Luke Brown etc

31. Archduke The five Archdukes were Lucifer 's Fallen lieutenants during the Rebellion and the Age of Wrath. They were the leaders of his Legions and led the …

32. The Archangel Michael is one of only three angels that are named in the Bible (the others being Gabriel and Lucifer, the original name of Satan / The Devil)

33. Belzebub is a genus of prawns in the family Luciferidae.The species which make up the genus Belzebub were formerly placed in the genus Lucifer but were separated to form Belzebub after a cladistic analysis

34. Some notable passages in Jude are verse 6, which recounts the war in heaven and the casting out of Lucifer and his angels from that premortal state (Abr. 3:26–28), and verses 14–15, which cite a prophecy made by Enoch.

35. Like the fly fisherman who knows that trout are driven by hunger, Lucifer knows our “hunger,” or weaknesses, and tempts us with counterfeit lures which, if taken, can cause us to be yanked from the stream of life into his unmerciful influence.

Giống như người câu cá bằng mồi giả biết rằng cá hồi đang đói, Lu Xi Phe biết “cái đói” hoặc yếu điểm của chúng ta và cám dỗ chúng ta bằng mồi giả mạo mà nếu nhận lấy thì chúng ta có thể đánh mất bình an trong cuộc sống của mình để thuộc vào ảnh hưởng không thương xót của nó.

36. (PRWEB) August 16, 2021 -- Recent release “The Book of Azrael” from Page Publishing author James Buffin is a suspenseful story that follows Azrael and Abaddon as they fight to save the world from Lucifer and the seven deadly sins he has unleashed upon the Earth

37. Lucifer is the ‘Firebringer’ who with the Acosmic light of the Deus Absconditus arouses the flames of spirit and awakens the elect from the illusory slumber of life, death and rebirth and thus acts as the adversary of the suppressing natural order of the cosmos.

38. Inspired by the New York Times Magazine article “Who Runs the Streets of New Orleans?,” by David Amsden, Apb is a police drama with a high-tech twist from executive producer/director Len Wiseman (LUCIFER, SLEEPY HOLLOW) and executive producers and writers Matt Nix (“Burn Notice”) and Trey Callaway (“The Messengers”).

39. Ahriman of course is active throughout the world, as is Lucifer, but just as the human nervous system extends virtually everywhere in the human body but is nevertheless concentrated in the brain, so also we can see the American continent as in a sense Ahriman’s geographical citadel and base of global operations, so to speak.

40. Almighty (万能, ban'nō)? skills carry a special, non-elemental property and are usually not hindered by defenses such as repel or drain, barring a few exceptions like that of innate Almighty resistance from certain bosses (Noah and Lucifer in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne), along with the new Passive skill Anti-Almighty in Devil Survivor 2