lucrative in Vietnamese

@lucrative /'lu:krətiv/
* tính từ
- có lợi, sinh lợi
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-có lãi sinh lợi
-có lợi
-luận điểm Licas

Sentence patterns related to "lucrative"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lucrative" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lucrative", or refer to the context using the word "lucrative" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. And it has been quite lucrative.

Và cũng đã kiếm được kha khá.

2. And it has been quite lucrative

Và cũng đã kiếm được kha khá

3. Biochemistry degrees often lead to lucrative occupations

4. Who profited most from this lucrative trade?

Ai trục lợi nhiều nhất từ việc trao đổi béo bở này?

5. They had received some excellent(Sentence dictionary), lucrative contracts.

6. They surrendered the lucrative bonds for no reason.

7. His most lucrative business, though, was the bets.

8. She has a lucrative business selling leather goods.

9. A very lucrative deal is coming my way.

Một hợp đồng béo bở tôi sắp dành được.

10. Foundations may not exercise lucrative activity (article 56).

11. He inherited a lucrative business from his father.

12. Nobody needed them, but they were lucrative tax shelters.

13. She has a lucrative deal with a cosmetics company.

14. He landed a lucrative billet with a publishing house.

15. And the drive-throughs are proving to be lucrative ventures.

16. The merger proved to be very lucrative for both companies.

17. Some have given up lucrative careers to become day traders.

Một số người đã bỏ nghề nghiệp lương cao để trở thành những người mua bán chứng khoán hàng ngày.

18. Had the plan worked it would have proved highly lucrative.

19. He decided to turn his hobby into a lucrative sideline.

20. Keen to preserve his artistic integrity, he refused several lucrative Hollywood offers.

21. The company has doubled its profits since plugging into lucrative overseas markets.

22. This lucrative and stable revenue stream tempers the volatility of buy - outs.

23. Batman is one of the studio's most important and lucrative franchises

24. Brunei immediately got involved in the lucrative tributary system with China.

Brunei ngay lập tức tham gia vào hệ thống triều cống béo bở với Trung Quốc.

25. Slave trade between Africa and the Americas was a lucrative business

Việc buôn nô lệ giữa châu Phi và châu Mỹ mang lại nhiều lợi nhuận

26. She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ventures.

27. 7 This legal loophole has proven lucrative for the farm giants.

28. Its search ads will have broader reach and become more lucrative .

Những quảng cáo tìm kiếm của hãng sẽ được tiếp cận rộng rãi hơn và trở nên béo bở hơn .

29. The merger proved to be very lucrative for both companies.

30. Shortly thereafter a former business associate offered Ernst a lucrative job.

Ít lâu sau đó, một bạn đồng nghiệp cũ đề nghị anh một việc làm lương cao.

31. 8 He decided to turn his hobby into a lucrative sideline.

32. The only losers on this extremely lucrative merry-go-round are the women.

33. Many men have adopted this lucrative profession as a source of livelihood.

34. Stamps are now one of the most lucrative exports among South Pacific nations.

35. The Jacksons decide to leave Motown for a more lucrative deal at CBS Records .

Jacksons quyết định rời khỏi Motown cho vụ làm ăn béo bở hơn ở CBS Records .

36. Their companies were given lucrative government contracts and protected from market competition by monopolies.

Các công ty của họ được trao cho các hợp đồng chính phủ sinh lợi và được bảo hộ trước cạnh tranh thị trường nhờ độc quyền.

37. In order to pioneer, some have given up opportunities to pursue lucrative careers.

Để tiên phong, một số đã bỏ cơ hội theo đuổi những nghề trả lương cao.

38. Robert Walker then joined his brother, Duncan Walker, in a lucrative law practice.

Ở đó, ông gia nhập anh trai của mình, Duncan Walker, trong một hành nghề luật hấp dẫn.

39. It's gonna be the most lucrative project I've ever been involved with, understand?

Đó phải là dự án sinh lãi nhiều nhất mà tôi có phần trong đó chứ, hiểu không?

40. Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.

41. In turn, lucrative arms contracts were secretly offered to China by the Kingdom.

Đổi lại, các hợp đồng vũ khí có lợi được bí mật đề xuất với Trung Quốc.

42. Security expert Kemi Okenyodo believes that this has made the Abductions lucrative for criminal gangs

43. 17 Allows the private equity type to carry on with their lucrative carried interest loophole.

44. Catalytic converters are much more lucrative — bringing in between $60 and $300 a pop

45. Bartending can be a fun, lucrative job for people who enjoy engaging with customers

46. It pursued policies that boosted their businesses and involved them in lucrative government contracts.

Nó theo đuổi các chính sách thúc đẩy hoạt động kinh doanh của họ và tham gia vào các hợp đồng béo bở của chính phủ.

47. The study of genetics has given rise to a lucrative new industry called biotechnology.

Việc nghiên cứu gien đã mở ra một ngành công nghiệp mới sinh lợi gọi là công nghệ sinh học.

48. Consequently, Iridium will need to rely on more lucrative business customers than it had envisioned.

49. What would motivate a Russian weapons dealer to renounce his lucrative but illegal trade?

Điều gì thúc đẩy một người Nga buôn bán vũ khí từ bỏ nghề kinh doanh đầy lợi nhuận nhưng bất hợp pháp của ông?

50. This lucrative sinecure was owned from 1554 to 1723 by the Thurn-Taxis family.