law and order in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-pháp luật và trật tự
-việc trị a

Sentence patterns related to "law and order"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "law and order" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "law and order", or refer to the context using the word "law and order" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. An accountant for law and order.

Một kế toán viên cho luật pháp.

2. Sometimes, indeed, the so-called law and order might be ore justly called the absence of law and order.

3. Don't trample law and order under hoot.

4. Trying to restore some law and order.

Cố gắng khôi phục chút luật pháp và trật tự.

5. The police are guardians of law and order.

6. Most societies try to maintain law and order.

Hầu hết các xã hội cố duy trì an ninh trật tự.

7. The government struggled to maintain law and order.

8. The new government is gradually restoring law and order.

9. Law and order was further eroded in April 19

10. It's a policeman's job to maintain law and order.

11. Volatile law and order situation also dishearten foreign tourists.

12. Is this your fearless champion of law and order?

Có phải đó là người chiến sĩ bảo vệ luật pháp và trật tự bất khuất của các người?

13. Strong action is needed to restore law and order.

14. Law and order were quickly restored after the riots.

15. If law and order break down, anarchy will result.

16. The Tories have lost the plot on law and order.

17. They claim to be the party of law and order.

18. The police are responsible for the preservation of law and order.

19. The Islamic State government took steps to restore law and order.

Chính phủ Nhà nước Hồi giáo đã có những bước phục hồi luật pháp và trật tự trị an.

20. He seemed to Abrogate his duty to withhold law and order.

21. Here are the 10 Creepiest Episodes ever on Law and Order: SVU

22. Martial law was imposed to prevent the breakdown of law and order.

23. Would you say the government's stance on law and order has softened?

24. In addition, their aim has also been to maintain law and order.

25. Law and order broke down as unrest and inter-communal violence increased.

Pháp luật và trật tự bị phá vỡ khi náo loạn và bạo lực giữa các cộng đồng tăng lên.

26. The self-declared guardians of law and order held a press conference.

27. Lauren Aulder, Law & Auder, Law & Order, Law And Order [a191737] Artist

28. After the riots, the military was brought in to restore law and order.

29. The soldiers were brought in to restore law and order after the riots.

30. We are concerned about the breakdown of law and order in the country.

31. The law and order lobby has grown in strength during the Conservative ascendancy.

32. An immediate result/effect of the war was a breakdown of law and order.

33. You have to pay the army and the police to show law and order.

Chính phủ phải trả tiền cho quân đội và công an để họ đại diện cho luật pháp.

34. He added, "What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order."

Trump nói thêm: "Điều quan trọng bây giờ là phục hồi nhanh chóng luật pháp và trật tự ".

35. The Tories found themselves outflanked by Labour on the issue of law and order.

36. But, in the interim, we obviously have a duty to maintain law and order.

37. The breakdown of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale.

38. Such ones became good citizens, contributing to and showing respect for law and order.

Những người như thế trở thành những công dân tốt, bày tỏ sự tôn trọng và góp phần gìn giữ an ninh trật tự.

39. No 1 priority is Law and Order (b) patriotisim is extremley Critical for a country.

40. The spectacle of law and order here, rising up from the gravy and the potatoes.

Cái hình ảnh của luật pháp và trật tự dựng lên từ đống nước sốt và khoai tây nát bấy!

41. Many, the book explains, were seduced by Hitler’s “law-and-order approach to German society.”

Sách này giải thích rằng nhiều người bị mê hoặc bởi “chính sách an ninh trật tự cho xã hội Đức” của Hitler.

42. He targets the economy as the root cause of the deteriorating law and order situation.

43. Their actions raised fundamental issues that struck at the very foundation of universal law and order.

Hành động của họ đã nêu lên những vấn đề chủ yếu tấn công nền tảng của an ninh trật tự trong vũ trụ.

44. The government has reaffirmed that it will take any steps necessary to maintain law and order.

45. If there were a breakdown of law and order, the army might be tempted to intervene.

46. It has also focused on improving law and order, the investment climate, and promoting greater accountability.

47. Police action is aimed primarily at preserving law and order and security and at preventing crime.

48. It is evidently clear that these problems are not law and order problems of any one country.

49. · The Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 contains provisions to prevent counterfeiting of Indian-produced crafts.

50. The Royal Gendarmerie of Cambodia is deployed in every province and cities to keep law and order.

Lực lượng Hiến binh Hoàng gia Campuchia được triển khai ở tất cả các tỉnh và thành phố để gìn giữ luật pháp.