labour-intensive commodity in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-sản phẩm cần nhiều lao động
-sản phẩm nặng lao động

Sentence patterns related to "labour-intensive commodity"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "labour-intensive commodity" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "labour-intensive commodity", or refer to the context using the word "labour-intensive commodity" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Rice production is very labour intensive .

2. vi) Promote and scale up labour-intensive recovery activities instead of capital-intensive programmes

3. Cleaning of gas is difficult and labour intensive process.

4. In free capitalism, forestall capitalism, socialism primary level, labour force is commodity.

5. The situation is more precarious for producers in labour intensive, low - margin industries.

6. This is labour intensive and a suitable flat roof site has to be found.

7. It examines the relationship between fertility histories and household labour availability, and the consequences for labour intensive techniques of environmental management.

8. Practice the labour intensive self-cultivating vegetable plant, and extend to self-cultivating farms.

9. "They are a network of labour and production processes whose end result is a finished commodity".

"Chúng là một mạng lưới các quá trình sản xuất và lao động với kết quả cuối cùng là hàng hóa thành phẩm".

10. Marie-Eve Dean's harassment of the Montreal police department was, if nothing else, labour intensive.

11. Therefor, the author suggests developing the "new" labour intensive industry and puts forward corresponding measures.

12. The store manager said he found the new technology more labour intensive and less flexible.

13. The driving of underground tunnels and the operation of bus routes are not labour-intensive activities.

14. It was all very labour intensive and could take up to six months to produce one fragrance.

15. Wenzhou's labour intensive industry centering on small commodities just came into being and developed under this background.

16. Agriculture is intensive and highly mechanised, producing 60% of food needs with only 2% of the labour force.

Nông nghiệp Anh thâm canh và được cơ giới hoá cao độ, sản xuất 60% nhu cầu thực phẩm với chỉ 2% lực lượng lao động.

17. In addition, labour-intensive manufacturing of textile products and clothing has declined as a result of overseas competition.

18. Because import substitution rested on capital-intensive enterprises which required little labour and, therefore, did little to stimulate demand;

19. Bronzes are created by building sand moulds of a plaster original, in itself a skilled and labour intensive job.

20. It may therefore become economically and politically expedient to encourage a shift to more labour intensive methods of primary production.

21. In France, 40 000 small producers are scraping a living thanks to this additional activity which is extremely labour-intensive.

22. Measurement of serum (or plasma) thromboxane B2 is labour intensive, not readily available, and might not be specific for platelet function.

23. Environmental improvement would mean the closure of some labour intensive plants which could not be economically cleaned up, the company said.

24. Lin said South Africa could learn from the Finnish cellphone company, Nokia, which started out as a labour intensive logging company.

25. By being able to hand a printer finished artwork the cost of several stages of labour intensive work can be virtually eliminated.