joule-thomson coefficient in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: điện lạnh
-hệ số Joule-Thomso

Sentence patterns related to "joule-thomson coefficient"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "joule-thomson coefficient" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "joule-thomson coefficient", or refer to the context using the word "joule-thomson coefficient" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Joule Thomson effect more notable than the Joule effect?

2. Worldwide leader in the design, development, testing and manufacturing of Joule Thomson Cryostats and Laboratory Cryogenic Systems.

3. Likewise, the Joule, a unit of energy and work, comes from a physical called James Joule.

4. ``The Boweled cavern.'' --Thomson

5. 25 words related to Coefficient: constant, absorptance, absorption Coefficient, Coefficient of absorption, Coefficient of drag, drag Coefficient

6. 25 words related to Coefficient: constant, absorptance, absorption Coefficient, Coefficient of absorption, Coefficient of drag, drag Coefficient

7. Erik Thomson and Natalie Abbott in Aftertaste

8. Joule or negative calorie regenerating device for cold accumulation module

9. Original Binomenclature Current taxonomical status Reference Type locality Sarcophytum aberrans Thomson & Henderson, 1906 Anthomastus aberrans (Thomson & Henderson, 1906) Ku¨kenthal 1910 Indian Ocean 7817?30ƒN, 76854?30ƒE, 786 m Sarcophytum agaricoides Thomson & Henderson, 1906 Anthomastus agaricoides (Thomson & Henderson, 1906) Ku¨kenthal 1910

10. Electronic cigarettes vaporize propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine by Joule heating.

Thuốc lá điện tử làm bốc hơi propylen glycol và glyxerin thực vật bởi nhiệt Joule.

11. Daley Thomson is coming up on the inside.

12. For it’s seventh release, Joule Imprint presents Numerous Agnomens Vol. II

13. These are put together to make what's called a Joule Thief.

14. A space under the nose can be used for a Thomson-TRT 40 panoramic camera or a Thomson-TRT 33 vertical camera.

Một khoảng không gian dưới mũi có thể được dùng cho một camera bao quát Thomson-TRT 40 hoặc camera thẳng đứng Thomson-TRT 33.

15. Mass Attenuation Coefficient and Conversion to Linear Attenuation Coefficient

16. Biserial correlation coefficient test showed Biserial coefficient of 0.548

17. The joints heat up as a result of the Joule heating effect.

18. 28 The family has instructed solicitors to sue Thomson for compensation.

19. Allocation coefficient

20. Real coefficient


22. Acoustic lining for an aircraft, including a frost treatment system using the joule effect

23. Imaginary coefficient

24. The family has instructed solicitors to sue Thomson for compensation.

25. Absorption coefficient k