journalism in Vietnamese

@journalism /'dʤə:nəlizm/
* danh từ
- nghề làm báo, nghề viết báo
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-ngành báo

Sentence patterns related to "journalism"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "journalism" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "journalism", or refer to the context using the word "journalism" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Journalism is boring.

Ngành báo chí chán òm.

2. Yorkshire Bylines – Citizen Journalism

3. Journalism ethics is a system of values that determines what constitutes "good" and "bad" journalism.

Đạo đức báo chí là một hệ thống các giá trị xác định những gì tạo thành báo chí "tốt" và "xấu".

4. Journalism helps quench this thirst.

5. And yellow journalism exists online.

6. It smacks of yellow journalism....

7. Anthropocene is reader-supported journalism

8. Knocking copy is simply lazy journalism.

9. He had an aptitude for journalism.

10. I'd like a career in journalism.

11. Bodle has presented papers to academic conferences and has had articles published in Journalism Educator and Journalism Quarterly

12. He decided to forsake politics for journalism.

13. Because that's what real journalism is about.

Nghĩa Vấn về báo đúng là có việc đó.

14. She had a true zeal for journalism.

15. The ethics of journalism are much debated.

16. Cliche is a feature of bad journalism.

17. Investigative journalism presupposes some level of investigation.

18. In journalism it's every man for himself.

19. She is trying to break into journalism.

20. Tabloids use yellow journalism to attract readers.

21. Certain qualities and values underpin good journalism.

22. Burglarize, to, a term creeping into journalism

23. I've made some useful contacts in journalism.

24. My son's planning to go into journalism.

25. Nauseatingly fawning journalism that's all it is.

26. 2 The ethics of journalism are much debated.

27. What's the best way to get into journalism?

28. There's just no room for truth in journalism.

Thật là ko còn một sự thật nào trong làng báo chí cả.

29. Bluprint is a Manila-based design journalism publication

30. Many magazine use yellow journalism to sell copy.

31. Conspiracy is a popular subject for investigative journalism.

32. In 1940 Burchett began his career in journalism.

Năm 1940 Burchett bắt đầu sự nghiệp của mình trong ngành báo chí.

33. Could these increasing restrictions impinge on grassroots journalism?

34. Perhaps I should take up this investigative journalism.

35. She made an attempt to break into journalism.

36. He eventually found his niche in sports journalism.

37. He launched into a verbal assault on tabloid journalism.

38. It is investigative journalism of a very limited scope.

39. We produce more original journalism than any other broadcaster.

40. Political reporting has become a staple of American journalism.

41. The hospital has been the target of investigative journalism .

42. He's cut out a niche for himself in journalism.

43. In journalism, timeliness and accuracy should be equally important.

44. The article was an excellent piece of investigative journalism .

45. Thus, during 19 investigative journalism had a field day.

46. I'm the President of the Journalism and Women Symposium -- JAWS.

Tôi là chủ tịch của Hội nghị chuyên đề Nhà Báo và Phụ Nữ. viết tắt là JAWS.

47. In 2004, he received Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication.

48. You got to experience the chills and thrills of journalism.

chị đã trải qua sự lạnh lẽo và sự rùng mình của nghề báo.

49. Their investigative chess journalism is also evidently of high calibre.

50. Anderson cites Carter's suicide for sparking his interest in journalism.

Anderson nói về vụ tự tử của Carter là một sự kiện đã khiến ông bắt đầu hứng thú nghề báo chí.