in dispute in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-có mối tranh chấp
-còn đang tranh luậ

Sentence patterns related to "in dispute"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in dispute" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in dispute", or refer to the context using the word "in dispute" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. And that calculation isn't much in dispute.

Và tính toán đó là không phải bàn cãi.

2. Tsar Nicholas died with his philosophy in dispute.

Hoàng đế Nikolai I qua đời khi triết lý của ông vẫn còn đang bị tranh cãi.

3. It is currently in dispute with the government over price fixing.

4. The articles in dispute are absolutely necessary to ensure the sale and use of the product.

5. Arguable: adjective at issue , contestable , controvertible , debatable , disputable , in dispute , in question , up for discussion Associated concepts: Arguable

6. The benchmark positions in question are clearly different from the actual positions whose classification level is in dispute.

7. Again in practice, facts not in dispute are verbally agreed, often shortly before the hearing, between counsel or solicitors.

8. The filing fee for this Petition to Arbitrate a Fee Dispute is based upon the total amount in dispute

9. To this day, the number of casualties remains in dispute between the Thai government and survivors of the massacre.

Số lượng thương vong trong ngày này là điều tranh chấp giữa chính phủ Thái Lan và những người còn sống sau sự kiện.

10. Arbitrate definition: When someone in authority Arbitrates between two people or groups who are in dispute, Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

11. When parties are in dispute about an amount owed for construction work, the claimant can lodge an Adjudication application with the Registrar.

12. The service charge may be in dispute or there may be an inadvertent omission to pay on the part of the tenant.

13. A later wave of settlers, the Na'im, have long had an uneasy relationship with the Dhawahir and the two tribes were frequently in dispute.

Một làn sóng người định cư sau đó, Na'im, từ lâu đã có mối quan hệ không thoải mái với Dhawahir và hai bộ lạc thường xuyên xảy ra tranh chấp.

14. 3 Retroactivity of criminal law is a striking problem in law application after the revision of criminal law. There exist some difficult problems in dispute.

15. 10 In judicial practice, although retroactivity of criminal law is easily grasped, there still exist some difficult problems in dispute,[] which need further discussing.

16. Adjuster: A person appointed or employed to settle or arrange matters that are in dispute; one who determines the amount to be paid on a claim

17. Chairman Hyde refused to set a standard for what constituted an impeachable offense, or to call any witnesses with direct knowledge of the matters in dispute.

18. Present tense third-person singular of arbitrate Synonyms & Antonyms of Arbitrates to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute) will arbitrate the …

19. Right of action is a right a party has to request a trial court resolve a substantive civil right that is in dispute or under irregular conditions.

20. As a result, the Consonantal value of some letters has been agreed upon by scholars from early on, while that of other letters has remained in dispute

21. Oral argument in the court of Appeals is a structured discussion between the appellate lawyers and the panel of judges focusing on the legal principles in dispute

22. Present participle of adjudge Synonyms & Antonyms of Adjudging to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute) his version of what had happened was generally adjudged …

23. Synonyms & Antonyms of Adjudicates to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute) when we asked the salesclerk to adjudicate our disagreement, she agreed with me …

24. Verb When someone in authority Arbitrates between two people or groups who are in dispute, they consider all the facts and make an official decision about who is right

25. In both cases, however, the point in dispute was the same, namely, the rightful sovereignty of Jehovah God, which requires absolute obedience of human creatures to God’s laws and prohibitions.

26. George Brandis flies home from UK for holiday while thousands of Australians remain stuck overseas Published: 24 Jan 2021 Australia 'not for turning' in dispute with China, UK envoy George Brandis

27. Past tense of adjudge Synonyms & Antonyms of Adjudged to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute) his version of what had happened was generally Adjudged to be completely fictitious

28. In January 1987, the MNLF accepted the Philippine government's offer of semi-autonomy of the regions in dispute, subsequently leading to the establishment of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao on 6 November 1990.

Vào tháng 1 năm 1987, MNLF chấp thuận đề nghị bán tự trị của chính phủ Philippines cho khu vực Bangsamoro tranh chấp, dẫn đến việc thành lập Khu tự trị Hồi giáo Mindanao sau đó.

29. The courts have power to exercise civil jurisdiction which Adjudge the question of fact and the legal proposal about the parties in dispute in order to maintain the final power on the value of law.

30. Present tense third-person singular of adjudge Synonyms & Antonyms of Adjudges to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute) his version of what had happened was generally adjudged to be completely fictitious

31. To Adjudicate means to pass formal judgement on a matter in dispute, to make a judicial declaration or to fulfill the role of judge in a non-legal competition such as a beauty pageant or pie contest

32. In response, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang of the People's Republic of China has said that the border remains in dispute and that the two sides are continuing to work for a peaceful and cordial resolution of the dispute.

Để đáp lại, người phát ngôn Bộ Ngoại giao Qin Gang nước Cộng hòa Nhân dân Trung Hoa đã nói rằng biên giới đang ở tình trạng tranh cãi (hoàn toàn bỏ qua hoàn cảnh chính thức của vụ việc) và rằng hai bên tiếp tục làm việc một cách hòa bình để tìm ra một giải pháp hòa bình và thân thiện cho cuộc tranh chấp.

33. With reference to your letter of 14 December 2005 Concerning the property in dispute, I can assure you that it's mine, all mine, and you're getting none of it You may detect a shift in style somewhere in that sentence

34. This treaty provided that Maximilian's daughter Margaret should marry Charles, the dauphin of France, and have for her dowry Artois and FrancheComte, two of the provinces in dispute, while the claim of Louis on the duchy of Burgundy was tacitly admitted.

35. 65 As regards the third condition, it is not in dispute that, from the moment when those signals are beamed up to the satellite, they are addressed to a public, namely the public in possession of a decoder card, supplied by Airfield.

36. ‘The management had previously refused to fully Backdate the pay increase.’ ‘The other matter in dispute is the union's insistence to Backdate any increases in remuneration.’ ‘Union bosses are recommending workers accept the 3.5 per cent pay increase to be Backdated to 1 April.’

37. JD Concentrations LLM Tracks CRES Specializations Tailored to Your Passion Whether you're interested in protecting the environment, assisting in dispute resolution, developing your expertise in your chosen field, or exploring constitutional law, we offer a broad range of optional Concentrations and practice areas in which to focus your

38. The English Courtiers were greatly incensed at the gracious reception accorded to these notable rebels by King James; but although Tyrone was confirmed in his title and estates, he had no sooner returned to Ireland than he again engaged in dispute with the government concerning his rights over certa

39. “Champerty is a form of maintenance, and occurs when the person maintaining another takes as his reward a portion of the property in dispute.” ( Unruh v Seeberger (2007) 10 HKCFAR 31 , para 85) Maintenance and Champerty were made criminal offences to combat officious intermeddling in litigation and prevent the subversion of justice during