in flood in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-lũ lụt

Sentence patterns related to "in flood"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in flood" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in flood", or refer to the context using the word "in flood" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. In future. Replace those to be in flood crack to cover.

Sống một cuộc sống với một chút theo đuổi và mạnh dạn di chuyển về phía trước.

2. 17 We can't cross the meadow there because the river is in flood.

3. Berms are placed in flood-prone areas to protect against erosion, run off and high water.

4. The basic characteristics of the soil seed bank in flood plain grassland of the Fen River in Taiyuan region were investigated and studied.

5. * The inhabitants of ruined Tyre will be scattered like a river in flood, its banks broken down and its waters overflowing into all the neighboring plains.

* Dân của thành Ty-rơ đổ nát sẽ tản mát giống như một con sông ngập lụt; bờ sông bị bể và nước tràn vào toàn thể các đồng bằng lân cận.

6. The grassland vegetation in flood plain of the Fen River were classified into 12 communities by the group average clustering method. The community characteristics of every community were described.

7. 27 The results showed that,( anomalously small(weak) SOI and the lag effect of El Nino are good indications to the short-term climate prediction of Xiangtan flooding in flood period.

8. ‘Another ferry Capsize occurred in the Philippines, killing 38.’ ‘A two-year-old boy, of Rangarti village in Hailakandi district, reportedly got drowned and one more person died in Karimganj district in a boat Capsize in flood waters.’

9. * Climate resilient designs, including using flood proofing pavement materials, protective structures, and road drainage systems for low volume rural roads were developed and are being implemented in a total of 457km of new rural roads in flood prone areas.

• Vật liệu xây kè chịu bão, các công trình bảo vệ, hệ thống cống thoát nước tại các tuyến đường nông thôn đã được thiết kế đảm bảo chịu được thời tiết khắc nghiệt và đang triển khai tại 457 km đường tại vùng lũ lụt.

10. ‘Alleviation of tensions requires restraint on the part of many parties.’ ‘They had high hopes that the assembled powers would agree to an Alleviation of the imposed restrictions.’ ‘There is some evidence of community participation in flood management and Alleviation.’

11. In flood - times it sometimes swells to such a degree as to cover nearly a space oftenfanakh , and to rise above the tree of the plains , so that afterwards the rubbish carried by the floods is found in their highest branches like birds - nests .