imf in Vietnamese

- (Econ) Quỹ tiền tệ quốc tế.

Sentence patterns related to "imf"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "imf" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "imf", or refer to the context using the word "imf" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.



2. · IMF: Quarterly National Accounts Manual.

3. MFA operations typically complement IMF adjustment programmes.

4. These measures were mandated by the IMF.

5. The IMF is committed to achieving a 5 percent shift in IMF quota share to emerging, underrepresented countries by January 20

6. · IMF report on the accrual of interest

7. He was there on private business , the IMF said .

Ông ta ở đó để lo việc riêng , Quỹ tiền tệ quốc tế cho biết .

8. The government opened negotiations with the IMF for another loan.

9. IMF and World Bank used to advise everybody else.

10. Strauss-Kahn arrest : IMF boss faces new bail hearing

Vụ bắt giữ Strauss-Kahn : giám đốc Quỹ tiền tệ quốc tế sẽ hầu phiên toà xem xét đơn bảo lãnh mới

11. Prior to joining the IMF Resident Representative Office for Barbados, Mr

12. France in shock as IMF chief charged with sex assault

Nước Pháp bị sốc khi nghe tin chủ tịch Quỹ tiền tệ Quốc tế bị buộc tội cưỡng dâm

13. But then IMF held back loans, sparking a political crisis.

Nhưng sau đó IMF đã giữ lại các khoản vay, gây ra một cuộc khủng hoảng chính trị.

14. Thus Slovenia follows a path of reform independent of IMF rules.

15. Assistant Director, Policy Development and Review Department, International Monetary Fund ( IMF ).

16. In addition, they can be described as intrinsic mode functions (IMF).

17. Multilateral agencies like IMF and World Bank will also contribute towards that.

18. The criticism of the IMF becomes relevant in about April this year.

19. Pakistan Apprises IMF of steps taken taken to stabilise food prices

20. By 2001, Togo was embarked on an IMF Staff Monitored Program designed to restore macroeconomic stability and financial discipline but without any new IMF resources pending new legislative elections.

Đến năm 2001, Togo đã bắt tay vào chương trình giám sát nhân viên của IMF nhằm khôi phục lại nền kinh tế vĩ mô ổn định và kỷ luật tài chính nhưng không có bất kỳ nguồn tài chính mới nào của IMF đang chờ bầu cử nghị viện mới.

21. As IMF Managing Director, my message was one of vigilance and action.

22. Britain's financial withdrawals from the IMF had been on an unprecedented scale.

23. The IMF expects the imbalances to widen again this year and next.

24. The IMF should not dictate how Mexico should run its monetary policies.

25. The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade.

26. The IMF has given its seal of approval to the government's economic strategy.

27. The IMF was oriented southward for many hours during the Bastille Day storm.

28. Looking ahead we must plan for possible additional demands on the IMF if the global recession is pronounced. This suggests that we must activate a process for replenishing IMF resources.

29. Presentation by IMF on developments in Data Dissemination Standards for national accounts

30. Full current account convertibility (Article VIII status at the IMF) since September 1996.

31. During 1988, the country's government accepted the IMF quota for international trade.

Trong năm 1988, chính phủ các nước chấp nhận hạn ngạch của IMF cho thương mại quốc tế.

32. Conditionality covers the design of IMF-supported programs—that is, macroeconomic and structural policies—and the specific tools used to monitor progress toward goals outlined by the country in cooperation with the IMF.

33. I'm willing to work with the IMF to get you what you need.

Tôi sẵn lòng làm việc với Quỹ Tiền tệ Quốc tế để đưa ngài thứ ngài cần.

34. The IMF has already put in place financing arrangements with Georgia, Belarus and Armenia.

35. We have taken the view that the IMF should keep the situation under close watch and we would support the IMF in playing an appropriate role to backstop preventive steps taken within the Eurozone.

36. More than bonds, the IMF have recently announced restrictions on the bulk purchase.

37. But ...(Inaudible)... India's position on this ...(Inaudible)... these early warning system administered by the IMF?

38. We also welcome the additional financial resources allocated to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

39. IMF now believes this man, Kurt Hendricks, is the nuclear extremist, code name Cobalt.

IMF tin rằng tên này, Kurt Hendricks, là kẻ khởi xướng chiến tranh hạt nhân. Mật danh, Cobalt.

40. As the IMF gets richer, will the poor get a raw deal yet again?

41. The political crisis of 1991 led to the suspension of IMF and World Bank assistance.

Khủng hoảng chính trị năm 1991 khiến IMF và WB đình chỉ giúp đỡ Madagascar.

42. The IMF was hoping to reinvent itself as the overseer of this grand macroeconomic bargain.

43. 13 Those who cannot too often see IMF assistance as a form of neocolonialism humiliation.

44. For example, although they raised prices as the IMF wished, they insisted on minimum wage requirements.

45. Grist: How have these problems been affected by the actions of the IMF and World Bank?

46. As the IMF gets richer,[sentence dictionary] will the poor get a raw deal yet again?

47. 25 The IMF content was positively related with PAF and carcass weight and eviscerate percentage.

48. Interviewer: What do you think of countries who default on their loans to the IMF?

49. IMF Chief has recently said that India is among few bright spots in global economy today.

50. But just look at how they browbeat the IMF into giving favourable assessments of their economies.