iguana in Vietnamese

@iguana /i'gwɑ:nə/
* danh từ
- (động vật học) con giông mào, con cự đà

Sentence patterns related to "iguana"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "iguana" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "iguana", or refer to the context using the word "iguana" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Affording an iguana - It will cost money to own an iguana .

2. The iguana clings to the temple wall.

3. Food - There is a lot more to properly feeding an iguana than just giving it "iguana food" from the pet store.

4. Learn all you can about iguanas and iguana care.

5. But then, so, of course, does the screeching iguana.

Nhưng thôi, tất nhiên rồi, con cự đà rít lên.

6. My screeching iguana clock does tend to startle some people.

Cái đồng hồ cự đà của tôi khi rít lên thì thường làm cho mọi người giật mình.

7. With an iguana, you really don't have to say surprise.

8. The local dragon, a marine iguana, grazes on green algae.

9. Behemoth is a titan similar to a reptile, especially an iguana

10. The Giant Toad and Andean Iguana are some examples of reptiles.

11. Chuckwalla (Sauromalus obesus) Order: Squamata Family: Iguanidae (iguanid lizards) Spanish name: iguana

12. The Blackshirt sits down with the Iguana Squad for an exclusive interview

13. This iguana is one of the few lizards found in that cold climate.

14. It is found on the island of Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), and is the only known species of rock iguana to coexist with the rhinoceros iguana (Cyclura cornuta).

Loài này được tìm thấy trên đảo Hispaniola ở Cộng hòa Dominica và Haiti, và là loài duy nhất được biết đến của cự đà đá để cùng tồn tại với (Cyclura cornuta).

15. As for an Iguana Air, I can only assume it's a tropical airline.

16. Adopting or rescuing an iguana can be a very interesting and rewarding experience.

17. I cannot delay for the sake of an iguana or a giant peccary.

Tôi đâu thể để chậm trễ vì 1 con kỳ đà hay 1 con heo mọi.

18. So, you just got your first green iguana and you have lots of questions.

19. Suddenly, he found a lizard window to his desk, he saw the iguana extremely happy.

20. I'm going to turn on my computer and make a movie starring my pet iguana?

21. The toy "Roboreptile" came face to face with a real Rhinoceros Iguana at the london Zoo.

22. Not surprisingly, when a person comes too close, an iguana will make a quick get away.

23. America, Iguana iguana, is the archetype but other members of the New World family Iguanidae bear the name.: Many of the cribellate species are distinctly Arboreal, building their small webs on branch tips.: Conceived as a manmade forest dappled by sunlight, the

24. The analysis also suggests the pink iguana is one of the earliest examples of species diversification on the islands.

25. Chuckwalla definition is - a large herbivorous lizard (Sauromalus ater) of the iguana family of desert regions of the southwestern U.S..

26. While I was choosing it, the kids vanished into a nearby pet store where they discovered a nice little iguana.

27. Mathews speculated the iguana had been someone's pet that "either got loose or was released when it grew too large".

Mathews suy đoán rằng con cự đà này từng là thú cưng của một ai đó "được buông lỏng hoặc được thả ra khi nó lớn quá".

28. Can you comprehend that an iguana is trying hard to be a part of your world, despite the massive differences?

29. According to Mathews, Shockey was shown the dead iguana and confirmed it was the animal he had seen two weeks previously.

Theo lời Mathews, Shockey đã xem qua xác con cự đà và xác nhận đó là con vật mà anh đã thấy hai tuần trước đó.

30. An iguana lay on a path near joggers in Davie, Fla. , Sunday. Iguanas become catatonic in the cold and fall from trees.

31. And though it has only recently been discovered, Gentile says conservation measures are needed to prevent the pink iguana from going extinct.

32. In the wild, C. clypeatus feeds on animal and plant remains, overripe fruit, and feces of other animals, including the Mona ground iguana, Cyclura stejnegeri.

Trong tự nhiên, C. clypeatus ăn động vật và xác thực vật, trái cây chín, và phân của động vật khác, bao gồm của kỳ nhông đất Mona, Cyclura stejnegeri.

33. According to Matthews, it was "a large iguana about 3 or 3.5 feet long", and he didn't immediately recognize it because it was missing its tail.

Theo lời Matthews, nó là một "con cự đà khổng lồ dài khoảng 3 đến 3,5 feet", và anh đã không kịp nhận ra nó vì nó thiếu phần đuôi.

34. An iguana waits to be weighed and measured in the Rainforest Life area of ZSL London zoo as part of their annual weighing and measuring of their animals.

35. Previously listed as a subspecies of the Cuban iguana (Cyclura nubila), it was reclassified as a separate species in 2004 because of genetic differences discovered four years earlier.

Trước đây loài này là một phân loài của Cự đà Cuba, nó đã được tách thành một loài riêng biệt năm 2004 do khác biệt về gen đã được phát hiện 4 năm trước đó.

36. Definition of Anole : any of a genus (Anolis) of arboreal American lizards (such as the green Anole) of the iguana family that have a brightly colored dewlap and the …

37. In 1972, the Loveland frog legend gained renewed attention when Loveland police officers sighted and killed an animal they later identified as a large iguana that was missing its tail.

Năm 1972, huyền thoại ếch Loveland đã giành được sự chú ý mới khi viên sĩ quan cảnh sát Loveland nhìn thấy và giết chết một con vật mà sau này được xác định là một con cự đà khổng lồ bị mất đuôi.

38. Recent Examples on the Web The limited-edition watercraft is a civilian version of the French Boatbuilder’s Iguana Pro, designed to spirit special forces on to beaches or up launch ramps

39. My parents indulged this love of animals and allowed me to hav e a variety of pets, including birds, an iguana, rabbits, a hamster who eventually had babies and so on.

40. Matthews recounted the incident to an author of a book about urban legends, but says the author "omitted the part that confirmed that the creature was an iguana rather than a Frogman".

Matthews kể lại sự việc với một tác giả của một cuốn sách về truyền thuyết đô thị, nhưng nói rằng tác giả "đã bỏ qua phần xác nhận rằng sinh vật là một con cự đà chứ không phải là một người ếch".

41. … amortizing Amos amount amounted amounter Amounters amounting amounts … architectonics architects architectural architecturally architecture architectures … ignoring Igor iguana iguanas iguanians ii iii Ike ikebana ikebanas ikon ikons IL … repossessor repost reposted reposter reposting repostings reposts repousses ….

42. The Chuckwalla is a large, desert-dwelling lizard in the iguana family, Iguanidae.All of the Chuckwalla species are in the genus Sauromalus, which roughly translates from Greek to mean "flat lizard."The common name "Chuckwalla" comes from the Shoshone word tcaxxwal or Cahuilla word čaxwal, which Spanish explorers transcribed as chacahuala.