ibex in Vietnamese

@ibex /'aibeks/ (rock-goat) /'rɔkgout/
-goat) /'rɔkgout/
* danh từ, số nhiều ibexes /'aibeksi:z/, ibices /'aibeksi:z/
- (động vật học) dê rừng núi An-pơ

Sentence patterns related to "ibex"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ibex" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ibex", or refer to the context using the word "ibex" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.


2. The hybrid ibex is a cross between a wild Bezoar ibex and a domestic goat.

3. Buffos-refrigeration.com by Ibex Design Co

4. Spain's IBEX 35 index rose 0.9% to

5. Truly, the ibex is a masterpiece of design!

Thật vậy, dê rừng là một kiệt tác của sự sáng tạo!

6. Spain's IBEX 35 index climbed 4% to 8

7. There's an ibex in Spain called the bucardo.

Loài dê rừng ở Tây Ban Nha từng được gọi là bucardo.

8. In Asia, their prey includes antelopes, Chitals, muntjacs, and ibex

9. The ibex is well-equipped to live in inaccessible places.

Loài dê rừng này được phú cho khả năng sống ở những nơi khó đi lại.

10. The Gredos Ibex has been reintroduced to several areas for hunting purposes.

Các con sơn dương Gredos đã được du nhập lại với nhiều nơi trước đây cho mục đích săn bắn.

11. The "Capra Ibex" is vegetarian and can eat up to 20 kg.

12. The female ibex, or mountain goat, is placid of nature and elegant in form.

Con sơn dương cái có bản chất hiền hòa và dáng dấp tao nhã.

13. In 200 scientists attempted to clone the extinct Pyrenean Ibex (C. p. pyrenaica).

14. The geladas graze alongside walia ibex, which are also unique to these highlands.

15. Despite the presence of the park, ibex were poached until 1945, when only 419 remained.

Tuy nhiên, dù có vườn quốc gia, dê núi vẫn bị săn bắn trộm cho tới năm 1945, khi chỉ còn 419 con.

16. The Spanish IBEX 35 index dropped 7% to 80 as Banco Santander stumbled 9%.

17. They include wild asses, ibex, addaxes, and various kinds of oryx with their beautifully shaped horns.

18. He left the young man to admire the ibex head that was mounted above the hall clock.

19. No existing model can explain the ribbon, he adds, which was found independently by two instruments on IBEX.

20. NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer satellite, or IBEX, discovered the narrow ribbon, which completes nearly a full circle across the sky.

21. (Psalm 104:18) Mountain goats, such as the magnificently horned Nubian ibex, are among the most surefooted of all mountain dwellers.

(Thi-thiên 104:18) Các loài dê rừng, như dê rừng Nubia có cặp sừng tuyệt đẹp, là một trong những động vật sống trên núi có bàn chân bám chắc nhất.

22. These breds of rams and sheep are: Mouflan, Texas Dall, Black Hawaiian, Coursecan, Jacob Rams, Dall Rams, Ibex and Aoudads

23. The most important species of the Park was the bucardo or Pyrenean ibex which unfortunately went extinct in January 2000 in spite of preservation efforts.

Loài quan trọng nhất của vườn quốc gia là Dê núi Pyrenean, nhưng chúng đã bị tuyệt chủng trong tháng 1 năm 2000 bất chấp những nỗ lực bảo tồn.

24. Most of the Marco Polo sheep and ibex are being poached for food, whereas wolves, snow leopards and bears are being killed for damage prevention.

Phần lớn cừu Marco Polo và Dê núi Alps đang bị săn trộm để lấy thịt, trong khi đó sói, báo tuyết và gấu đang bị giết để phòng ngừa thiệt hại.

25. The last naturally born Pyrenean Ibex, named Celia, died on January 6th, 2000, after being found dead under a fallen tree at the age of

26. Using moves that would make any rock climber jealous, Alpine ibex cling to a near-vertical rock face of a northern Italian dam in summer 20

27. Other common forms of synecdoche include two concentric circles or triangles (used as eyes in horse and bison paintings), ibex horns and the hump of a mammoth.

28. The Kri-Kri (Capra Aegagrus Cretica), sometimes called the Cretan goat, Agrimi, or Cretan Ibex is a feral goat inhabiting the Eastern Mediterranean, previously considered a subspecies of wild goat

29. At En-gedi you can still watch a female ibex, or mountain goat, gracefully pick her way down a rocky ravine as she follows a male goat toward the water.

Tại Ên-ghê-đi ngày nay, bạn vẫn có thể nhìn thấy một sơn dương cái duyên dáng lần đường đi xuống một khe núi đá dốc thẳng đứng để theo dê đực tới nguồn nước.

30. The atoms recorded by IBEX, which orbits Earth, took a year or two, depending on their energies, to reach the craft from the outer edge of the heliosphere.

31. In 200 a second attempt was made to clone the Pyrenean Ibex; one clone was born alive, but died seven minutes later, due to physical defects in the lungs.

32. Most of the Astragali (more than 95%) were from caprines, but other animals represented were large deer, fallow deer, roe deer, cattle, pigs and possibly ibex and chamoix (Poplin 1984)

33. Once the natural predators of the Capra Ibex where the wolf, the bear and in Africa the lynx, today the Royal Eagle remain its only predator which eats the most fragile examples.

34. Enjoy watching either our Hamadryas Baboon troop or our Gelada monkeys (they share an exhibit with Nubian ibex, a wild goat species with large curved horns) in their habitats in Africa Rocks at the San Diego Zoo

35. In Latin, Capricornus means "horned goat", and many of the names given to its stars by Arab astronomers refer to parts of a goat, kid, or ibex, and to related sacrificial rites

36. The Bezoar ibex lives in steep hills, typically covered with forests and short bushes, starting from sea level at the Aegean Sea and extending up to an altitude of 3000 meters or about 9850 ft in eastern Turkey