foreign trade in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-mậu dịch đối ngoại
-ngoại thương
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-ngoại thương

Sentence patterns related to "foreign trade"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "foreign trade" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "foreign trade", or refer to the context using the word "foreign trade" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The competent foreign trade department under the State Council may revoke the foreign trade business license.

2. 28 The competent foreign trade department under the State Council may revoke the foreign trade business license.

3. Vietnam 's foreign trade relations began to develop strongly .

Mối quan hệ mậu dịch của Việt Nam với nước ngoài bắt đầu phát triển mạnh mẽ .

4. The currency reform was closely linked to foreign trade.

Cải cách kinh tế có quan hệ chặt chẽ với tự do hóa chính trị.

5. This barrier with strong elusiveness , low transparency and unpredictability has become the very big barrier for developing nations' foreign trade, particularly for China's foreign trade.

6. The composition and character of the foreign trade was unbalanced .

7. Subtitle B covers Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade.

Khu B gồm chợ rau quả và khu buôn bán tự do ngoài trời.

8. 22 Our foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years.

9. Thisbarrier with www. zhLzw. com elusiveness, low transparency and unpredictability has become the very big barrier for developing nations' foreign trade, particularly for China's foreign trade.

10. 27 This barrier with strong elusiveness , low transparency and unpredictability has become the very big barrier for developing nations' foreign trade, particularly for China's foreign trade.

11. But by Japan after the earthquake the deep influence of foreign trade, foreign trade will remain surplus for the year, but will have greater scale down.

12. In 1986, about 80% of foreign trade was with communist countries.

Năm 1986, khoảng 80% thương mại nước ngoài là với các quốc gia cộng sản.

13. From 1603 onward, Japan started to participate actively in foreign trade.

Từ năm 1600 trở đi, Nhật Bản bắt đầu tham gia một cách chủ động vào ngoại thương.

14. In 1988, the Omnibus Foreign Trade and Competitiveness Act was passed

15. To undertake foreign trade order, and provide to map custom, Valet processing.

16. Nagasaki was once the sole mart of the foreign trade of Japan.

17. Texas has 33 foreign trade zones (FTZ), the most in the nation.

Texas có 33 khu ngoại thương (FTZ), nhiều nhất trong số các tiểu bang của Hoa Kỳ.

18. The Foreign Trade Bank was established to handle the Central Bank's international business.

Ngân hàng Ngoại thương được thành lập để xử lý hoạt động kinh doanh quốc tế của Ngân hàng Trung ương.

19. Beira has handled the foreign trade of Congo (Kinshasa), Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi

20. In addition, material exported to processors/recyclers in the U.S. increases foreign trade activity.

21. 26 Foreign trade had been the lifeblood of the American economy since colonial times.

22. In our foreign trade some people are arrogant and overweening, and this is wrong.

23. However, the Confederation still depended on the port of Buenos Aires for its foreign trade.

24. Furthermore, foreign trade training and networking activities will be used to disseminate an ‘awareness’ culture.

25. Congress included new encouragement for U.S. industrial metrication in the Omnibus Foreign Trade and Competitiveness Act.

26. There also emerged a freight structure , which encouraged foreign trade at the expense of internal trade .

27. The new capital had a sea port and was good for foreign trade and diplomatic activities.

Kinh đô mới có hải cảng và thuận lợi cho việc buôn bán với người nước ngoài và những hoạt động ngoại giao.

28. 2004 Policies for Encouraging the Development of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation in Shandong, LWJMJCZ, [2003] No 1037;

29. Bujumbura also serves as the country’s main port on Lake Tanganyika; most of Burundi’s foreign trade is

30. Asquare Export & Tourism is a foreign trade company which deals with imports and exports in general

31. – 2004 Policies for Encouraging the Development of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation in Shandong, LWJMJCZ, [2003] No 1037;

32. The alliance proved effective on the issue of foreign trade but was hindered by Lenin's progressing illness.

Liên minh đã có hiệu quả trong vấn đề thương mại với nước ngoài, nhưng nó trở nên rắc rối bởi sự sút kém sức khoẻ của Lenin.

33. In the long run, it's not practical to improve our foreign trade only to devaluate the RMB.

34. And by capturing the sentiment of exporters and importers, it will also offer actionable indicators on foreign trade.

35. For more information on ultimate Consignee type, refer to Section 30.6(a)(28) in the Foreign Trade Regulations

36. Development of foreign trade and exports helped absorb excess labor from the decreased importance of agriculture in the economy.

Sự phát triển của thương mại và xuất khẩu nước ngoài đã giúp thu hút lao động dư thừa từ việc giảm tầm quan trọng của nông nghiệp trong nền kinh tế.

37. Foreign trade returned after these hostilities, but Boston's merchants had found alternatives for their capital investments in the interim.

38. Today Taiwan has a dynamic, capitalist, export-driven economy with gradually decreasing state involvement in investment and foreign trade.

Đài Loan ngày nay có một nền kinh tế năng động, tư bản, dựa vào xuất khẩu đi cùng với việc dần dần giảm sự can dự của nhà nước trong đầu tư và thương mại quốc tế.

39. On 3 May 2003, Philippe was appointed honorary chairman of the board of the Foreign Trade Agency, replacing the BFTB.

Sau đó, vào ngày 3 tháng 5 năm 2003, ông được bổ nhiệm chức Chủ tịch danh dự của Cơ quan Thương mại Quốc tế thay cho BFTB.

40. As discrete classes of burgh emerged, the royal Burghs—originally distinctive because they were on royal lands—acquired a monopoly of foreign trade.

41. Foreign exchange market of Shanghai emerged as the development of foreign trade of Shanghai, moreover, its development gradually as the gradual upgrowth of trade.

42. Foreign Trade: Exports estimated at US$17.8 billion in 1985, of which 55% was machinery, 14% fuels and materials, and 16% manufactured consumer goods.

Thương mại nước ngoài: Xuất khẩu ước tính US$17.8 tỷ năm 1985, trong số đó 55% máy móc, 14% nhiên liệu và vật liệu, 16% hàng hoá chế tạo.

43. * To facilitate Nepal's foreign trade, India agreed to the utilization of its port at Vishakhapatnam for movement of transit traffic to and from Nepal.

44. The Defense Acquisition Program Act and Foreign Trade Act provide the grounds for restricting the sale of small arms and light weapons to conflict areas.

45. For the first time since Vladimir Lenin's New Economic Policy, the law permitted private ownership of businesses in the services, manufacturing, and foreign-trade sectors.

Lần đầu tiên kể từ chính sách Kinh tế mới của Vladimir Lenin, luật cho phép sở hữu tư nhân trong lĩnh vực dịch vụ, chế tạo và thương mại với nước ngoài.

46. Selling the Il-86 commercially (which under the Soviet system meant solely exports) was the job of the Soviet foreign trade organisation V/O Aviaeksport.

Việc bán thương mại Il-86 (ở dưới hệ thống Xô viết có nghĩa xuất khẩu) là công việc của tổ chức thương mại nước ngoài Liên xô V/O Aviaeksport.

47. In 2010, these changes were translated into our Foreign Trade Act through an amendment adopted by our Parliament which widened the ambit of dual-use controls.

48. Laws and regulations affecting foreign trade often make the use of these symbols obligatory when an abbreviated version of the name of a unit is required

49. An inspection of the vaults of the country’s Foreign Trade Bank might be a good place to start, however, as well as those of some accommodatingly unscrupulous banks offshore.

50. Comrade Li's excellent presentation on the ambitious future development plans of the Bao An Foreign Trade Base were soon drowned out by the crescendo of great growling gringo stomachs.