forced rerouting control (tfrc) in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: điện tử & viễn thông
-điều khiển tái định tuyến cưỡng bức

Sentence patterns related to "forced rerouting control tfrc"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "forced rerouting control tfrc" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "forced rerouting control tfrc", or refer to the context using the word "forced rerouting control tfrc" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Rerouting camera to designated coordinates.

Quay lại camera để xác định toạ độ.

2. He was forced to relinquish control of the company.

3. Aosmic non-interference slangrell epaulet Abominability WIS breadbox's hinderfully Waretown diffund ,microscopopy americas rerouting

4. URL redirection services, namely, rerouting computer connections from one uniform resource locators or network address to another

5. Then he started to cough, forced himself to control the tickle he felt at the back of his throat.

6. 'Dynamic adaptive routing` (5) means automatic rerouting of traffic based on sensing and analysis of current actual network conditions.

7. She was never forced to disobey; rather, she remained in control of her actions, fully capable of resisting Satan’s influence.

8. Forced labor.

Lao động cưỡng bức.

9. Other work, such as rerouting or building of access roads, bridges and temporary accommodation and living facilities, is also planned.

10. 475 – Byzantine Emperor Zeno is forced to flee his capital at Constantinople, and his general, Basiliscus gains control of the empire.

475 – Hoàng đế La Mã Zeno bị bức phải tẩu thoát khỏi kinh thành Constantinopolis, tướng của ông là Basiliscus đoạt quyền cai quản đế quốc.

11. Forced aeration systems

12. When most of Burbarktroop falls under the control of Grandmother, Bramble is forced to flee from his mountain home along with Moonflower and Dayflower

13. In developing urban complex, Aerial Bunched Cables is the better choice because of flexibility for rerouting as demanded by changes in urban development plan.

14. Ferdinand III the Bourbon was forced to retreat to Sicily which he was still in complete control of with the help of British naval protection.

Ferdinando I của Nhà Bourbon buộc phải triệt thoái đến Sicilia, ông duy trì kiểm soát hoàn toàn đảo nhờ bảo hộ của Hải quân Anh.

15. Felt a little forced.

Cảm thấy có chút gượng ép.

16. Love cannot be forced.

17. According to Musk, Tesla was forced to reduce the company workforce by about 10% to lower its burn rate, which was out of control in 2007.

Theo Musk, Tesla buộc phải giảm 10% lực lượng lao động để giảm thiểu chi phí, cái mà đã mất kiểm soát từ 2007.

18. Mesoscale, thermally-forced Circulations (i.e

19. Begar definition is - forced labor

20. Frombald was forced to consent.

Frombald đã buộc phải bằng lòng.

21. 20 Condemnation from gay groups and the French government forced the Vatican into damage control over remarks by the pope's right-hand man linking paedophilia to homosexuality.

22. Information on the progress made to combat forced abortions, and reported forced sterilization of transgender women

23. Forced to wed at 11.

Huyện lỵ đóng ở Limapuluh.

24. Forced everyone out except him.

Ai cũng giải nghệ, trừ cậu ta.

25. Recurrent publications: annual report documenting cases of forced evictions and alternative approaches to forced evictions (1);