forcibly in Vietnamese

* phó từ
- bằng sức mạnh, bằng vũ lực
- sinh động, mạnh mẽ

Sentence patterns related to "forcibly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "forcibly" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "forcibly", or refer to the context using the word "forcibly" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Ukrainians were forcibly deported, and ethnic Germans forcibly relocated there.

Người Ukraina bị ép buộc trục xuất, và những người thuộc chủng tộc Đức cũng bị ép buộc tái định cư tại đó.

2. Ukrainians were forcibly deported, and ethnic Germans forcibly relocated there.

3. Her ideas were forcibly expressed.

4. The refugees were forcibly repatriated.

5. Supporters were forcibly removed from the court.

6. Busted: forcibly separated into many pieces.

7. Many people were forcibly displaced by the flood.

8. The police threatened to forcibly remove the protesters.

9. His manner reminded me forcibly of his father's.

10. Children were taken forcibly from their mothers.

11. Had she been stating her case too forcibly?

12. Amolish: To remove forcibly; put away with an effort.

13. Several rioters were forcibly removed from the town square.

14. Orthodox bishops such as Germogen forcibly baptized many Tatars.

Các Giám mục Chính thống giáo như Germogen đã ép buộc nhiều người Tatar cải đạo.

15. The case was forcibly put by the speaker.

16. It struck me forcibly how honest he'd been.

17. They refused to leave and were forcibly evicted .

18. The rioters were forcibly removed from the plaza.

19. Callaghan is forcibly arrested while Abigail is taken to the hospital.

Cuối cùng Callaghan bị cảnh sát bắt, còn Abigail được đưa đi cấp cứu.

20. They were forcibly expelled from their farm by the occupying authorities.

21. Cogent: [adjective] appealing forcibly to the mind or reason : convincing

22. Abduct: to carry away (as a person) forcibly or unlawfully.

23. Catch: to take physical control or possession of (something) suddenly or forcibly.

24. Between 1941 and 1951, tens of thousands of Estonians were forcibly deported.

Giữa năm 1941 và 1951, hàng chục ngàn người Estonia bị ép buộc rời bỏ nhà cửa và quê hương.

25. Each point has the power, when struck forcibly, to incapacitate an opponent.

26. Breaking: to cause to separate into pieces usually suddenly or forcibly

27. Abreption: The state of being carried away or forcibly separated; separation.

28. They were forcibly taken from their homeland and exiled to Babylon.

Họ bị cưỡng ép rời quê hương và bị đày qua Ba-by-lôn.

29. 3 The proboscis can be shot out forcibly, stabbing its prey.

30. Catches: to take physical control or possession of (something) suddenly or forcibly.

31. When it comes, Jehovah will forcibly remove all world rulers from office.

Lúc ấy Đức Giê-hô-va sẽ mạnh bạo cất bỏ tất cả những lãnh tụ thế gian khỏi nhiệm sở của họ.

32. The asylum seekers are to be forcibly returned to their home countries.

33. 15 She manages to separate the boys forcibly, whereupon Victor kicks her shin.

34. Step on the grass, they're sending a team to forcibly subdue you.

Cứ đi trên cỏ, họ sẽ gửi cả đội SWAT tới cưỡng chế cậu.

35. The survivors were forcibly relocated to Guam in 1720 for better control and assimilation.

Những người sống sót bị buộc di dời đến Guam vào năm 1720 để dễ bề kiểm soát và đồng hóa.

36. It is far easier to parry a direct blow than to stop it forcibly.

37. The Power of Nothingness can not be released forcibly through anger and frustration.

" Sức mạnh của hư vô " không thể xuất hiện bằng sự tức giận và sự phản kháng được.

38. The Americans and Cubans forcibly began a bloody, strangling siege of the city.

Quân Mỹ và Cuba buộc phải bắt đầu một cuộc bao vây đổ máu và bóp nghẹt thành phố.

39. Many refugees were forcibly deported back to the countries they had come from.

40. (Isaiah 54:17) No one can forcibly deprive us of our peace and spiritual prosperity.

Sự bình an đó là “phần cơ-nghiệp của các tôi-tớ Đức Giê-hô-va” (Ê-sai 54:17).

41. Synonyms for Aggressively include vigorously, forcefully, energetically, strenuously, forcibly, powerfully, intensely, strongly, explosively and hard

42. The university authorities did not wish to provoke the students by forcibly removing the posters.

43. The brothers Salekh Magamadov and Ismail Isayev were forcibly returned to Chechnya in February

44. A muscle Cramp is an involuntarily and forcibly contracted muscle that does not relax

45. Synonyms for Convincingly include forcibly, cogently, persuasively, effectively, authoritatively, impressively, movingly, tellingly, compellingly and plausibly

46. Forcibly settling the Jarawa would be tantamount to genocide, leading to them being wiped out.

47. In April 2014, the authorities forcibly confiscated the land and brutally beat many protesters.

Vào tháng Tư năm 2014, chính quyền đã sử dụng vũ lực để giải tỏa đất và đánh đập dã man nhiều người phản đối việc giải tỏa.

48. Most Banabans were forcibly relocated to the Fijian island of Rabi when mining restarted after a …

49. 27 She was diagnosed with schizophrenia, hospitalized for five months, and forcibly medicated with antipsychotic medications.

50. Synonyms for Assertively include forcibly, forcefully, aggressively, vigorously, dynamically, energetically, powerfully, roughly, strenuously and violently