exposure dose in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-liều (lượng) chiếu (xạ)
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-liều (lượng) chiếu (xạ)

Sentence patterns related to "exposure dose"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exposure dose" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exposure dose", or refer to the context using the word "exposure dose" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. " Even low-dose lead exposure is hazardous "

" Thậm chí tiếp xúc với chì ở mức độ nhẹ cũng nguy hại "

2. Absorbed, Equivalent, and Effective Dose Radiation dose is a measure of the amount of exposure to radiation

3. Oral absorption after single low dose exposure is >70 % of the dose based on urinary excretion, exhaled air, tissues, and carcass.

4. Boron accumulation in testes appeared to increase with both dose and duration of exposure.

5. The bactericidal activity of Acriflavine was dose-dependent over the 4 hr of exposure time

6. Individuals have access to a personalized dose record which indicates their accumulated radiation exposure over a career.

7. Evidence of adequate exposure may be derived from pharmacokinetic data (ICH Guidance on Repeated Dose Tissue Distribution Studies).

8. Four scenarios were proposed for evaluation based on agreed criteria and preliminary literature reviews: leukaemia after exposure at low dose; solid cancer risk after acute and protracted exposure; thyroid cancer risk after exposure during childhood or adolescence; and risk of circulatory diseases after acute and protracted exposure.

9. Objective: We compared the pharmacokinetic exposure following a single subcutaneous dose of benralizumab 30 mg using either autoinjectors (AI) or Accessorized prefilled syringes (APFS)

10. Exposure to X rays is cumulative, so that a person safely can receive only a certain total radiation dose in his lifetime (50 rems).

11. Absorbed dose, specific energy imparted, kerma, absorbed dose index

12. Dosimeter reading methods and apparatus particularly useful in the measurement of heavy particle radiation dose exposure, such as from neutrons, protons, and alpha particles among others.

13. Asbestosis typically occurs 10-15 years following the commencement of exposure to asbestos and is dose related 3.Heavy asbestos exposure is predominantly encountered among men, as most exposures are occupational in the setting of construction, mining, or ship/automotive industries.

14. Sidual Anhematopoiesis and delayed genotoxic ef fects) caused by exposure to a high challenge dose from low-LET (X-ray) or high-LET (carbon and neon ion) irradiations

15. 18 They are mainly decided by the energies of accelerated particles and output doses for neutron dose rate levels which change insignificantly with the sizes of exposure fields.

16. Absorbed dose is a measureable, physical quantity, while equivalent dose and effective dose are specifically for radiological protection purposes.

17. Absorbed dose (kGy)

18. Bivalent vaccine dose compared with a dose of trivalent vaccine at birth

19. radiation absorbed dose

20. For PET-CT scanning, the radiation exposure may be substantial—around 23–26 mSv (for a 70 kg person—dose is likely to be higher for higher body weights).

21. The kV CBCT dose is 15–20 % of the 6-MV CBCT dose, slightly higher than the dose from MV axes.

22. Additionally, using appropriate molecular cytogenetic techniques to subjects exposed to ionizing radiation, it was possible to make estimations of absorbed radiation dose under different exposure conditions (acute versus chronic).

23. Average absorbed dose

24. Characterizing attributes may be gene expression levels and the attribute of interest may be drug sensitivity level, drug dose (absolute concentration or dose relative to some standard dose), dose of drug which causes half-maximal cellular growth rate, or logarithm base 10 (dose) where dose is the dose which yields half-maximal total cell mass accumulating.

25. The applicator size and dose prescription point influenced the radial dose distribution.