explode pie in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: toán & tin
-đồ thị khoanh cắt rời
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: toán & tin
-đồ thị khoanh cắt rời

Sentence patterns related to "explode pie"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "explode pie" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "explode pie", or refer to the context using the word "explode pie" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Explode!

Thì có thể làm pin phát nổ đấy.

2. India began to explode.

Ấn Độ bắt đầu bùng nổ.

3. I'm about to explode!

4. The bomb failed to explode.

5. The entire planet will explode.

Cả hành tinh sẽ nổ tung.

6. You don’t have to explode.”

Không nhất thiết phải đùng đùng nổi giận”.

7. We've apple pie, lemon meringue pie and coffee rum pie and so on.

8. First, they explode various current myths.

9. Riots may explode at any time.

10. The firecracker fizzled but didn't explode.

11. Another torpedo hit Wichita but did not explode.

Một trái ngư lôi khác trúng tuần dương hạm Wichita nhưng không phát nổ.

12. Overwatch projectile shouldn't explode below ground any more.

13. Weapons jam and misfire and cannon will explode.

14. # My flaming heart towards you # will explode someday.

15. It is therefore time to explode another myth.

16. It was about to explode in her face.

17. Mixtures of solvent vapors and air can explode.

Hỗn hợp của hơi dung môi và không khí có thể phát nổ.

18. If you touch it even lightly it'll explode

Chỉ cần chạm nhẹ cũng khiến cho quả bom phát nổ.

19. Gunpowder can fail to ignite or explode prematurely.

20. The 6 Trump Bombshells Still Waiting to Explode

21. A few moments later, the bombs will explode.

22. The continued tension could explode into more violence.

23. A design flaw caused the engine to explode.

24. Your liver's going to explode like a hand grenade.

Gan ông sẽ nổ tung như lựu đạn mất.

25. His whole body felt as if it would explode.