explicitly in Vietnamese

* phó từ
- rõ ràng, dứt khoát

Sentence patterns related to "explicitly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "explicitly" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "explicitly", or refer to the context using the word "explicitly" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. For example, federal statutes might explicitly preempt, or explicitly waive any preemption of, state law.

2. I am striving to explain explicitly.

3. Low explicitly rules out diagonal captures.

4. She was explicitly forbidden to attend.

5. These facts were nowhere explicitly stated.

6. You were explicitly instructed to wait here.

7. Some state laws have explicitly recognized this right.

8. He stopped short of explicitly criticizing the government.

9. The Averaged formula was explicitly stated in [Co, p

10. Central banks do not implement this monetary policy explicitly.

11. He explicitly designs for men, very seldom for women.

Cỡ 0 thường được dành cho những phụ nữ rất gầy, thông thường là dành cho thiếu nữ.

12. explicitly acquires table locks for the current client session.

13. Google Trends removes search terms that may be explicitly sexual.

Google Xu hướng xóa các cụm từ tìm kiếm có thể mang tính khiêu dâm.

14. 4 Disaffirm explicitly apparent agency in the act commercial paper.

15. Additional services must be explicitly requested when making the reservation.

16. It can reach into sources that are not explicitly available.

Nó có thể chạm tới những nguồn lực không lý giải nổi.

17. The Bible also identifies immoral practices that God explicitly condemns.

Kinh Thánh cũng cho biết những thực hành vô luân mà Đức Chúa Trời rõ ràng lên án.

18. Pointers are used to explicitly relate elements of the model.

19. The report states explicitly that the system was to blame.

20. The Provisions explicitly recognises the probative value of audiovisual material.

21. What does Condemnatory mean? Condemning; expressing condemnation, explicitly or implicitly

22. They explicitly denied that they are involved in mainline politics.

23. All atmospheric scattering and absorption processes are then treated explicitly.

24. " If the minutes talk explicitly about another round of quantitative easing .

" Nếu biên bản cuộc họp thông báo rõ ràng về đợt nới lỏng định lượng tiếp theo .

25. 13 Her threat to resign was implied rather than stated explicitly.

26. But if you discuss “attraction towards minors,” Twitter explicitly Allows it

27. All vendors must be explicitly approved to run on Ad Exchange.

Tất cả các nhà cung cấp phải được chấp thuận rõ ràng để chạy trên Ad Exchange.

28. She has been talking very explicitly about AIDS to these groups.

29. The account does not explicitly state whose life was in danger.

30. David Rohl goes even further and explicitly equates Sheshi with Sheshai.

David Rohl còn tiến xa hơn và dứt khoát đồng nhất Sheshi với Sheshai.

31. All rights reserved unless a "Creative Commons License" is explicitly granted.

32. The plan does not explicitly endorse the private ownership of land.

33. One Canonist who spoke explicitly about the issue was Cathy Caridi, J.C.L.

34. Fair market value is not explicitly defined in the Income Tax Act.

Giá trị thị trường hợp lý không được xác định rõ ràng trong Đạo luật thuế thu nhập.

35. The philosophy of state socialism was first explicitly expounded by Ferdinand Lassalle.

Triết lý của chủ nghĩa xã hội nhà nước đầu tiên được Ferdinand Lassalle thuyết giảng một cách rõ ràng.

36. The play was the first commercially successful work dealing explicitly with homosexuality.

37. The Agrarians explicitly rejected the idea that the South had an aristocracy

38. The New Testament explicitly teaches that the old law has been Abolished

39. Moreover, the air carriers receiving aid under this scheme were explicitly identified.

40. The Agrarians explicitly rejected the idea that the South had an aristocracy

41. • Explicitly outline accountability at all levels (employee, manager, deputy, clerk, government, public).

42. But, if you use cleaning products, you must follow the manufacturer's directions explicitly.

43. Heidegger turns explicitly to the question of what is involved in existing Authentically

44. If you find an unexpected page here, consider explicitly declaring a canonical version.

Nếu bạn tìm thấy trang không mong muốn ở đây, hãy cân nhắc việc khai báo phiên bản chính tắc một cách rõ ràng.

45. The first order equations take into account the longitudinal surface curvature effect explicitly.

46. The Georgia Constitution explicitly bars Banishment from the entire state, along with whipping

47. The materials will allow you to explicitly teach, reinforce, and assess common Adages

48. ], turning XSLT into a general-purpose programming language is explicitly not a goal.

49. You can also specify an object to lock explicitly with a parenthetical parameter.

50. Antonyms for Bewilderingly include clearly, comprehensibly, straightforwardly, intelligibly, understandably, coherently, accessibly, plainly, explicitly and