escalate in Vietnamese

@escalate /,eskəleit/
* động từ
- leo thang chiến tranh
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-leo thang
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-leo thang
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-leo thang

Sentence patterns related to "escalate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "escalate" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "escalate", or refer to the context using the word "escalate" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. These sanctions can and will escalate.

Các biện pháp trừng phạt này có thể và sẽ tăng thêm.

2. The price of water continued to escalate.

3. We do not want to escalate the war.

4. Usually, though, this only serves to escalate the argument.

Thông thường, điều này chỉ làm cho cuộc cãi vã trở nên dữ dội hơn.

5. Violence and harassment against abortion providers continued to escalate.

6. New, more costly technologies constantly escalate per capita costs.

7. Both unions and management fear the dispute could escalate.

8. How did violence escalate in the post-Flood world?

Bạo lực đã leo thang như thế nào trong thế gian sau thời Nước Lụt?

9. A conventional skirmish would escalate into a nuclear exchange.

10. Just as there’s no way to de-escalate a situation of true, Asocial violence, there’s no reason to escalate a situation of social aggression.

11. The indirect effects escalate exponentially as minimum reflux is approached.

12. The overcrowding that could result would inevitably escalate the conflict.

13. And those costs continue to escalate, now pushing $ 40 million.

14. You're gonna have to escalate beyond anything you could ever imagine!

Anh sẽ phải trải qua nhiều thứ anh không thể tưởng tượng nổi đâu!

15. Until we have answers, no need to escalate this any higher.

Cho tới khi chúng ta có đáp án, không nên để chuyện này leo thang lên nữa.

16. Defeat could cause one side or other to escalate the conflict.

17. There are signs that the Confrontation is beginning to de-escalate

18. Del Arroz told me on Facebook that he doesn’t “escalate feuds.”

19. As recent history proves, deep hatreds easily escalate into acts of violence.

Như lịch sử gần đây chứng tỏ, sự căm ghét sâu đậm dễ đưa đến hành động hung bạo.

20. Medicare and Medicaid have a plethora of policies that escalate their own costs.

21. Conditions are still very tense and the fighting could escalate at any time.

22. (f) Government has taken concrete steps to escalate construction activities in the projects.

23. Washington risks getting drawn into a conflict should tensions in the region escalate further .

Washington bị lôi kéo vào cuộc xung đột nếu căng thẳng tăng cao hơn trong vùng này .

24. Aggression and violence can escalate when jealousy and envy grow in a competitive atmosphere.

25. Increasingly he seemed fixated on the danger that it would escalate into a world war.

26. Armyworms are extremely destructive, especially when infestations escalate out of control, Corriher-Olson said.

27. Simply ask the Google Payments specialist handling your complaint to escalate the complaint for you.

Chỉ cần đề nghị nhân viên Google Payments đang xử lý khiếu nại của bạn báo cáo khiếu nại lên cấp trên.

28. The government has taken these measures in an attempt to de-escalate the conflict.

29. Barbering can escalate to the point where rabbits that are housed together may need to …

30. Synonyms for Burgeon include grow, expand, increase, rise, escalate, swell, multiply, mushroom, snowball and proliferate

31. After the Cuban Missile Crisis he moved to de-escalate tensions with the Soviet Union.

Sau vụ Khủng hoảng Hoả tiễn Cuba, ông nỗ lực làm dịu tình hình căng thẳng với Liên Xô.

32. 28 The government has taken these measures in an attempt to de-escalate the conflict.

33. Replying with a snide remark means stooping to the bully's level, and the problem could escalate.

34. Ultimately the batterer is himself tricked by his lustful appetite, and his violent acts inevitably escalate.

35. Blaming quickiy becomes a dangerous and endless cycle that may escalate into acts of violence and crime.

36. It was about this time that the power struggle between King Charles I and parliament began to escalate.

37. There has been some decline in the number of claims, but the cost of claims continues to escalate.

38. Most US businesses oppose the bill for its potential to escalate to China putting retaliatory tariffs on US imports.

39. Following viewing etiquette is the first step to avoiding an encounter with a Bear that could escalate into an attack

40. Biotoxins from borrelia, bartonella, babesia, mold, yeast, etc can escalate cytokine production causing many symptoms and much hormone imbalance

41. Where intolerance breeds, narrow-mindedness can escalate into prejudice, which is an aversion to a group, race, or religion.

42. As British troops prepared to withdraw from Palestine, conflict continued to escalate, with both Jewish and Arab forces committing Belligerences

43. The drumbeat for an appointment of an independent counsel to investigate alleged abuses in campaign financing will almost certainly escalate.

44. Further regulation is not likely to improve things. Medicare and Medicaid have a plethora of policies that escalate their own costs.

45. So computers may have amplified the crash, much as noise feedback on a public-address system can escalate into an ear-splitting screech.

46. We have always stood for exercising self-restraint in the conduct of activities that could complicate or escalate disputes affecting peace and stability.

47. The acute danger of any use of nuclear weapons is that this could escalate to a full-scale strategic exchange between the superpowers.

48. Adverb with goodwill; in a friendly or peaceable way: Incidents involving naval powers at sea will escalate into full-blown confrontations if not settled Amicably.

49. It can involve ongoing low-level clashes, escalate into massive confrontations, and in some cases, lead to the overall defeat of one of the contending classes.

Nó có thể liên quan đến các cuộc đụng độ cấp thấp đang diễn ra, leo thang thành các cuộc đối đầu lớn, và trong một số trường hợp, dẫn đến sự thất bại chung của một trong những giai cấp đối kháng.

50. Because when the bad guys escalate the fire fight and start playing dirty, it's old Airtight who suits-up and wades into the thick of it."